"Remember the prayer, I will go up with you later. But you must pray by yourself." Ariel looked at Alok, looking very serious.

"The King of Elves

The Moon that dominates the dark night

The Queen of Stars in the Astral World - Emmaris

The mysterious and unknown astral world is at your disposal, that is your kingdom

The boundless sea has to give way to you

The vast world also needs to open its doors to you

I am a glorious and great Dark Moon citizen

Play the moon's concerto on the full moon night

Sing the glory of the bright moon on the new moon night

Dance the moon's mourning dance on the waning moon night

Praise the mystery of the thousands of stars on the moonless night

Praise the moon"

Ariel tapped his right hand four times in front of his chest to form a full moon shape, then hugged his hands across his chest and closed his eyes. While saying:

"At this time, silently pray in your heart. But you can't say this is a deal. Understand? Then place the offerings on the altar and recite:

I - Aili Dona, pray that you open the door to the kingdom

Offer you a gift belonging to the moon

Praise the moon"

Ailier opened his eyes, looked at Alok and continued:

"If the queen responds to you, it means approval, and you can open your eyes after the sacrifice. But I have to tell you about the precautions of prayer."

"First, you must face the position of the moon, even if it is cloudy and rainy, you must face the direction of the moon. It is best to ensure that you can see the moon."

"The placement of the hand gestures should be based on the moon phase of the day. The order of the four points cannot be wrong. The first point is the top point , the second point is the point on the outer arc according to the moon phase. The third point is the bottom point, and the fourth point is the point on another arc. The upper and lower dark moons are different. Pay attention. "

"If it is a full moon, click four times clockwise. If it is a moonless night, that is, a dark moon, try not to choose to pray. If you must pray, click four times counterclockwise. "

"The following four prayers are used for full moon, new moon, waning moon, and dark moon. Don't use them wrong. "

"Play the moon's concerto on the full moon night, sing the glory of the bright moon on the new moon night, dance the moon's mourning dance on the waning moon night, and praise the mystery of thousands of stars on the moonless night. "

"Finally, you must add a sentence at the end to praise the moon, or praise the queen. "

Ailok was confused when he heard it. This prayer has too many details. Although it is not difficult for him to remember, there are so many details that he has to complain in his heart.

Scratching his head, he said helplessly:

"I remember."

"That's good. Let's go to the sacrifice now and prepare the sacrifice." Ariel nodded and took a sip from the teacup.

She seemed a little anxious and stood up to pull Alok upstairs.

Alok blinked twice, a little behind Ariel's fast pace. He also took a sip from the teacup and followed Ariel's pace.

"Where is the altar?" Alok asked.

"It's on the tree."

As an elf, Ariel was quite flexible in climbing trees. He climbed to the top of the tree in no time.

Alok looked up and found that there was indeed a small platform made of branches at the top of the tree.

He found the right position and appeared next to Ariel in a flash.

However, when he came up, he was surprised to find that the platform was far from as gorgeous and exquisite as he had imagined. It looked simple and shabby. And it was covered with a layer of snow.

Ariel used his sleeves to clean the snow on the top, and then cleaned the branches around, so that the altar could see the moon above more clearly.

However, standing on such a branch, Elrok felt a different kind of beauty.

The originally high star realm seemed to be within reach, and the huge moon was right in front of him, but he seemed very small.

He knew that this was because of the Dusk Forest, and it was not like this in every place, but he really appreciated such a beautiful scenery. But he still felt the greatness of nature.

It is always right to praise the moon.

The treetops were a little cold. Although there was no biting cold wind and the heavy snow had long passed, the night air still made people feel a little cold through the not-so-thick coat.

He glanced at Ariel who was cleaning the altar, smiled, helped her break a few branches, threw them under the tree, and then stood on this small altar.

"Have you remembered everything I said?" Ariel stood aside, holding a thick branch with her right hand and asked.

"Of course." Elrok responded simply.

He smiled back, then turned his head to look at the full moon above his head, sitting in front of the altar. He began to recite the prayer in Elvish:

"King of the Elves

The moon that dominates the dark night

The Queen of the Stars in the Star Realm - Emmalys

The mysterious and unknown star realm is at your disposal, that is your kingdom

The boundless sea has to give way to you

The vast world also needs to open its doors to you

I am a glorious and great Dark Moon citizen

Play the moon's concerto on the full moon night

Praise the moon"

He tapped his hands four times in front of his chest, forming a full moon shape.

The surrounding environment suddenly changed. Alok could no longer see everything around him, including Ariel. He seemed to be under the boundless galaxy.

It was like, it was like Ir's painting "Mysterious Sea".

And the altar in front of him completely turned into a whole lake reflecting the brilliant Milky Way in the sky.

The lake was as calm as a mirror without any ripples. He sat on the lake, but still failed to stir up a ripple.

Is the Queen paying attention to me? ?

Although he was a little surprised, he did not stop his movements, but started the next step more seriously.

He clasped his hands on his chest and silently prayed: I pray that the Queen, who is always beautiful, can increase the strength of my astral body to the extent that it can carry the "spiritual network".

Then, he took the two spider legs out of Il's pocket and placed them steadily on the small altar that had been arranged. He said:

"I - Alok Phasma, pray that you open the door of the kingdom

Give you a gift belonging to the moon

Praise the moon"

As time passed, the two spider legs on the altar seemed to have no change, slowly sinking into the calm lake. A ripple was created, spreading all the way to the infinite distance.

Alok could not see this. But he could feel the changes around him.

There was a "sha~sha~" sound in his ears, and he felt a breeze blowing in front of him.

When everything disappeared, Alok dared to open his eyes and look at the altar in front of him.

The altar was still a calm water surface, reflecting the bright moon in the sky, and a crystal the size of a little fingertip appeared on the altar with a silver-white light.

Alok closed his eyes again and sighed:

"Praise the moon!"

Only then did he slowly pick up the crystal from the water surface and observe it carefully. The world suddenly returned to peace and normality, and the water surface disappeared, leaving only an ancient altar.

This is a necklace, with a very thin silver chain behind the small crystal. If you look carefully, you can see the extremely small carvings on the silver chain.

The crystal is a flat silver four-pointed star, with four very thin corners, and the central area emits a shining but not dazzling silver light.

Alok touched it with his mental power, and a voice suddenly sounded in his will:

"Hey, let me see who this is? A pirate?

Dili~Dili~~Evil pirate~~~Why is he favored by the Queen?? This is unfair."

Alok was slightly startled, but after thinking about it, he roughly understood what was going on.

An activated item, and the degree of activation is quite deep.

The higher the level of extraordinary items, the higher the degree of activation. Alok has already summed up this from experience.

And this necklace is most likely a high-level artist professional activated item.

The Queen is not lying to me.

Of course, I have to thank Ariel.

He smiled and listened carefully. This is a very brisk female voice, but the tone changes just as quickly. First, it was the weather in June.

The humming at the beginning was still very light, but when it came to unfairness, Alok felt that she seemed angry.

What a lively girl.

But soon, this activated item began to hum again. In most cases, Alok could understand. The song is praising the moon and the queen.

Elok shrugged and continued to try to touch it deeply with his mental power.

More information about this animated item was obtained.

Starlight Guide - North Star, Level 7.

In addition, there is a brief introduction:

This is a relic of a star priest, and the Dark Moon Forest was once her home.

On the road of guidance, danger always comes unexpectedly.

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