Er looked at Daniel with embarrassment, shrugged, and said:

"You have to believe me. As a senior witch, I am good at potion."

Daniel looked at the dark green juice on the ground, and the strong fishy smell hit her face. She didn't know how to answer.

"Er, my suggestion is to be conservative. Drink a cup of clear moonlight every day." She was silent for a long time before she said this.

Er pursed his lips, nodded gently and replied:

"I know. I will develop another medicine that is easier to take. Don't worry, my brother."

Of course, he was answered by a strong cough and a breathless and slurred cry for help.


New Year's Day.

It brought Damia not a cheerful atmosphere, but an invisible pressure that suppressed everyone's heart.

The heavy snow made the whole world a little bleak. Especially the poor people in the lower city.

They probably hate rain and snow the most.

Heavy snow covered the entire Damia, and the momentum was getting worse.

Even so, the residents did not choose to stay at home. Instead, they chose to rush on the road, walking hurriedly on the road, regardless of the risk of slipping at any time.

Not for celebration, nor for work. Not entering bars, nor entering those entertainment venues.

Grocery stores and bakeries are their destinations.

This made Alok, who was sitting in the Dark Night Rose and looking at the snowy scenery, feel a little unusual.

He was thinking, today's front page headline should be him. Such a big thing, the news newspapers must be crazy about me, right?

Is it the terrifying pressure brought by me? ?

Not really, I don't attack civilians.

The sound of footsteps came from behind him, and he didn't need to turn around to know that it was that little bastard Il.

He had the urge to dodge, but after thinking about it, he still sat by the window and looked at the pedestrians outside through the window.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, with a happy smile on his face, and took out a knitted doll from his pocket, about the size of a palm.

Turning his head, with a smile on his face, he said excitedly:

"Happy new life, Il."

He handed the doll he made by himself to Il, raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Here, your gift. I made it by myself, is it cute?"

The sudden change startled Il, but he didn't know whether it was a surprise or a shock.

He couldn't help but stare at the doll, but still reached out to take it.

I saw that the doll's head occupied half of the part, and two eyes, one large and one small, occupied half of the entire head. There was no hair, no nose, and the mouth was two interlaced sewn wool threads.

The head was beige, the eyes were dark, and the mouth was a bright and strange red.

The rest of the body was also very slender, and the clothes on his body were matched by Alok with dark brown, just like his coat.

"This is me, do you think it looks like it? I spent a lot of effort on it." Alok said as if to take credit.

Il looked at the doll and blinked twice. He wanted to hit Alok, but thinking about the potion he had just made, he reluctantly said:

"Uh~~~Hmm~~It's very bear-style."

"Ha, you're right, bear helped me make it. The magic binder seems to be very talented in needlework." Alok didn't expect Il to see the important role of bear at once.

But in fact, Il was just saying that the horror of this doll was very similar to that of bear.

She pursed her lips and held back her intention to complain.

However, she was very satisfied that Alok had this intention.

It would be better if the gift was a music box and a crystal ball.

But if Alok knew Il's idea, he would probably collapse on the spot.

Then I can just go out and buy one, right? ? Why spend so much effort, saying that this shows sincerity? ?

Il hung the doll around his waist, just like Alok hung the bear around his waist. Then, she smiled and said:

"By the way, you have a gift too."

She opened her pocket and took out a tricorn hat with seagull tail feathers, and a leather coat of the same style as Alok's.

"I see you seem to like wearing this. But your clothes and hat are broken. I made you a new one. And it has a transformation spell. It can be restored and transformed. In this way, you don't have to worry about your clothes being burned by fire. But don't damage it too badly, otherwise there will be nothing you can do."

Alok's eyes lit up, and he excitedly took Ir's gift.

He was quite satisfied with Ir's gift. It was exactly what he wanted.

But I don't plan to throw away the old one. That was also given by Ir.

He put on the brand new hat and changed into a brand new leather coat. It was like Jack's new life.

"Thank you, Ir. I am very satisfied. It fits well, and it is very handsome." Alok said excitedly. As if he was still admiring himself.


Soon after, Alok was immersed in joy, while Ir had already had two cups of clear moonlight. One cup was placed in front of Alok, and one cup was his own.

"You have to have one cup every day in the future. Don't always drink beer." Ir was a little disgusted with Alok's low taste.

In her opinion, Damian beer and elves are somewhat incompatible.

"Got it. Dear Ir. I know." Alok replied nonchalantly.

He tasted a sip of the clear moonlight and tasted it briefly.

It has a light bitter taste, but the aftertaste is sweet. It has no alcohol content, but it has another substance that can make people intoxicated.

For elves, this substance can only make people intoxicated, and for humans, it is addiction.

"By the way, Il. After what happened last night, we will have another meeting to discuss the distribution of spoils. Last night was too hasty. I didn't expect this to happen." Elroc said while holding the wine glass.

Il nodded and replied:

"However, I gained the most. I have to share most of it. Otherwise, it will be a one-time deal?"

Ailok nodded in affirmation, and then decided directly:

"Let's meet in Dream tonight. I'll contact them."

"Pick some things you can use. Especially materials. Take some general goods such as crystals. We don't need much for activated items and weapons. If you need them, take a few useful ones."

"This kind of thing is generally attractive to some cults and large supernatural organizations. Medea and Namu Sha will scramble for it."

"Well~~ I plan to do the same. Especially some materials. I have regarded them all as my own." Il tilted his head and said slyly.

Ailok nodded, took a sip of the clear moonlight, and continued:

"In addition, I have to go to the temple to meet Namu Sha."

"When?" Il asked in surprise.

He touched his chin and answered carefully:

"After the meeting is over. I have to ask Namu Sha what happened last night. What the hell is the Bound Heart thing. I also have to ask what the mental network skill is. What level. And the solution."

"Then why don't you ask Dad? Doesn't he know more?" Il asked in confusion.

Alok shrugged and replied: "I don't want him to worry."

"You worry too much." Il waved his hand and hit.

"And the mental network skill was taught to us by Dad, he has to be responsible. I will make trouble for Dad."

"It's also beneficial to have some information before you go to the temple. This is the condition for negotiation."

Alok thought about it, shrugged helplessly, and said: "The temple may be interested in that thing."

He reached out and took out the trophy from last night. Two spider legs taken from the back of the binding magician.

The spider legs are tightly connected together, but behind them are countless tentacles like tree roots. It was looking for prey in the air with its claws and teeth bared.

Alok didn't dare to hold it anymore, and put it back into Ir's pocket again. He found a separate place to put it.

Then, he cut out this memory, took out a drifting bottle, and put the milky white memory light spot into it.

I believe my dear father would come to see such a scene.

Although I am not interested in wine, it is enough to see Richie.

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