After saying that, El directly cut off the entrance to "Dream", causing everyone present to escape from the dream.

Alok also woke up suddenly and packed the keys in his hand. Pulling El beside him.

"Let's go together. But I have to tell you one more thing."

"You're here again." El said desperately as he just woke up.

Alok ignored El's complaints and continued to instruct: "Don't just focus on fighting and supporting for a while. Any control and support are all about the scene. The most important thing is to get those things."

He raised his eyebrows, rubbed his fingers, signaled to El, and then asked:


"The Singularity is full of seasoned ones. Just keep an eye on Florian. Don't let him rush too hard."

"In addition, my true body will not appear at the scene, so my strength is limited. I will not directly participate in the battle. You should be careful when the time comes."

"Your main body is not here, why should you leave a clone? Why are you going to do your main body? To target Ken Bock?" El asked doubtfully.

"That's right." Alok nodded and replied. "I'll go to the scene with you first and observe the situation."

"Okay, I will take care of you. Let's go, brother." El said helplessly with a droopy face.


In the darkness, two ravens landed on the roof of Garousan Police Station. Then he flew towards the opposite side of Haohai Wanjia.

The cold wind was still howling, making flying much more difficult. It was even more deadly in mid-air, the biting cold wind was as sharp as a knife. There was a "whirring" sound in my ears.

Alok stopped on the roof of the hotel where he had previously monitored Hao Hai Wanjia, and stood side by side with El.

Astral vision was immediately activated and the scene was observed.

Then, his brows frowned slightly.

The situation is slightly different than expected.

Today is obviously not a prosperous day for the wealthy family. There were not many guests and it seemed bustling. Even the black market at the back has few stars.

The room upstairs next to the street window was brightly lit, and a banquet was absurdly staged in it.

A bunch of extraordinary beings seemed to be gathering to plot something.

There are judges who represent fairness and strictness, and there are indulgent homebodies who are extravagant. Those purple twisted tentacles looked so awkward, and the blood-like astral body was extremely eye-catching.

Things seem to be developing in an unpredictable direction.

Sure enough, plans are not as fast as changes.

Could it be that Heipi and Heaven are holding a celebration banquet? ? Or dividing the spoils? ?

Iroh counted the number of people.

There are about five judges, one Level 5, two Level 4, and two Level 3.

Two hunters, both level four.

There are three tentacled monster binding mages, one of which is level five and the other two are level three.

The indulgents were hard to count, but there was a particularly eye-catching fourth-level one, leaning next to the fifth-level judge.

Tsk tsk tsk~~~

How ridiculous! ! !

Looking back at the black market, there has never been such a strong lineup. Only a small number of various astral spirits exist. The strongest is only level three. Alok was shocked.

It turns out that cults also celebrate the New Year~~~~

Don’t they disagree with the new life of the Hutt Empire? ?

Hmm~~Is it because your faith is not strong enough?

Hahaha~~Sorry, I was just joking. What do cultists believe?

Um~~That's not right either. It should be~~What kind of beliefs do people who believe in heaven have?

Uh~ Forget it, forget it, I don’t understand. everybody knows.

However, seeing such a situation, he could only sigh helplessly in his heart, even if the plan is careful, unexpected things will happen.

He originally thought that the enemy's lineup was not so strong and would not gather together.

Moreover, gathering at this time? Although it wasn't too strange, Alok didn't expect it.

He touched his head and hurriedly explained the situation to El in his heart.

He had seen the shadow representing Namu Shah appear on the street.

So he took out a Wolf Fang communicator and let Nam Sha find him.

After a while, the experienced Namu Shah found Alok and El who were hiding on the roof and turned into ravens.

Alok also saw Nam Sha, so he whispered to the shadow: "The situation has changed."

Namusa glanced at Elok in confusion, then closed her eyes and prayed for the shadow's favor.

As a ghostly shadow enveloped the three of them, she asked softly: "What?"

Alok frowned slightly and explained clearly what he had just seen, and then began to look around again, looking for those Heavenly members hidden around him. And pointed them out one by one.

"The situation is a bit unexpected. It seems that our plan has become useless. What do you think we should do? Attack?" Alok asked helplessly. "Two level five, four level four, four level three. There are also a few indulgents. A strong lineup."

"Is the news accurate?" Namu Sha asked in disbelief.

"Accurate, guaranteed to be correct." Alok nodded and replied.

"Although the lineup is strong, if we are surprised, we can take action." Nam Sha assessed the situation and said after considering it. "Also, the black market is our main target."

"El will be responsible for the black market part. But we still need to deal with the transcendent ones first. Our ultimate goal has always been clear, to attack heaven. Not to rob." Elok said simply.

"No problem. Let's wait for Medea and the others to arrive and start taking action." Nam Sha nodded.

"Well, I'll be the first one to go. You'll be responsible for coordinating Medea. I'll be responsible for the Wolf family and Roger." Alok continued.

Namu Sha glanced at Alok, but still didn't ask the question in her heart. Why was he in a hurry to spread the news that he had arrived in Damia?

She took out a pocket watch to check the time. There were still ten minutes before eight o'clock, so she continued to lurk and wait.

However, Alok had an idea in his mind again.

Since the black skins were caught by me, and now they are so careless. I found them again. Then even if you promised Count Otto to establish the relevant executive agency of the "Protection Law". I don't plan to let you go.

In ten minutes, Alok informed everyone of the intelligence information on the scene through each wolf tooth transmitter, and told them the new plan that had just been corrected.

No one raised any objections at such an urgent moment.

The arrow had to be shot.

Just as he put down all the communicators, another communicator rang.

It was a message from Professor Palmer.

Alok was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be news from the palace at this time.

Alok picked it up gently and felt the news in it.

"Ken Bock did not attend the banquet. The list does not include Ken Bock. But the astrologer Tiloni Chi Mobius you mentioned was indeed at the scene. I met him."

"I heard that there will be a major announcement tonight. It is said to be related to Grand Duke Eaton."

Professor Palmer brought him two pieces of news.

The first one was the most surprising to Alok. A count didn't show up at such an important banquet?

This made Alok unable to know what Ken Bock was doing, and his plan had some loopholes again. In this way, he can only go to find trouble with Tiloni Chi Mobius first. It seems that it is necessary to take risks to deal with Ken Bock. Don't judge the approximate direction first, and look for it directly according to the compass.

The second news also surprised Alok.

News about Grand Duke Eaton? Why tell me?

He thought about it carefully. Grand Duke Eaton supported the Temple of Justice, but he announced the important news from the palace.

Very unusual!!

I am afraid that it will have an unpredictable impact on his and Count Otto's plan to establish the "Protection Law" executive agency.

But this matter has to be put aside for now. It is impossible to make an effective response before the news comes out.

He looked at his pocket watch. It was almost eight o'clock.

So he gave Ir and Namu Sha a look, and then flew off the roof.

He turned into Captain Jack in a swaggering manner. On the way, he met Medea pretending to be a poor woman, Roger who was also swaggering, Florian who was sturdy, and Boyka who was hiding in the dark.

He waved casually, stepped into the door of Haohai Wanjia alone, and ran directly to the room on the third floor without paying attention to the reception of the shop assistants.


The luxurious door was kicked open violently.

Captain Jack appeared in the smoke and dust.

"Everyone, happy new life!"

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