"Hmm~~That's good. How do you pronounce control?" Ir tortured him.


Alok glanced at Lilith and didn't say much. I just feel a little pitiful for her, meeting a teacher like El.

Although she cares about studying very much, she acts like an old mother.

She also had to hide it from El, hoping that her secret would not be discovered. Although the secret in her eyes was no secret at all in El's eyes.

I hope El will not become that old witch teacher prematurely.

Very dangerous.

Alok picked his ears and was not interested in El's concern for Lilith's study.

Compared to Lilith, he paid more attention to Prince of Wales.

The boring exam and teaching sessions lasted for two full hours. The night ended in a hurry. This made Alok yawn repeatedly.

As soon as Lilith left, he raised his eyelids and asked helplessly:

"I said. Is this how you spend every day in the laboratory? Oh~~ It's so painful. It reminds me of my student days."

Il glanced at Alok, who was completely unlearned, rolled his eyes and said:

"No, I'm usually strapped for time in the laboratory. I don't have much opportunity to teach Lilith. When it came to Azeraven, Prince Wales was the substitute teacher. As for the recent primary alchemy experiment, it was Lorna who was doing the experiment. teach."

"The experiments I'm conducting now are too advanced for Lilith. Being exposed to advanced things too early can easily lead to people being too ambitious."

Hearing this, Alok patted his head and sighed helplessly:

"Lilith is so lucky to have a teacher like you!"

Il heard Elok's sarcasm, rolled his eyes at him, and said:

"Do you think everyone is as ignorant as you? Lilith cherishes this opportunity enough. I can see it from her will. I'm afraid she wishes I could teach her a few more times."

"Really? Okay, okay, I'm a bad boy. I don't understand the world of good boys." Alok shook his shoulders indifferently.


In the dead of night, Dark Night Rose quietly closed the store door. And politely cleared out the drinking buddies among them.

Either they are recalling the tigress in their own home. Or maybe he recalled that he forgot his wallet and wanted to treat him to a treat next time.

These are all the hands and feet of Alok quietly moving.

The clerks were also dismissed by Alok on the grounds that "there are no more customers and they are off work."

Although the business volume in the second half of the night is also large, for Alok, making money by opening a bar is just a side job.

It's innocuous.

The money I earned was not enough to buy materials once.

Amidst the howling wind, the door was knocked politely.

First there were three soft sounds of "da~da~da~".

Then there were three slightly heavier "dang~dang~dang" sounds.

Alok opened his half-closed eyes and snapped his fingers at the door from a distance.

A cold wind blew into the bar's door. The open door revealed a tall figure outside.

They wore short robes to cover their strong bodies. The thin robes seemed to be able to block the cold wind, leaving only strong muscles and hideous wounds underneath.

Boyka walked in the front, followed by two figures, one large and one small.

The smaller figure finally closed the door politely. He looked like Boyka, very calm and restrained.

After entering the house, Boyka glanced at Alok and El in the corner. While slowly taking off his hood, he turned around and walked slowly towards this side.

The smaller figure among them followed Boyka towards Airok and El in a tacit understanding without saying a word. The werewolf, who was about the same size as Boyka, quickly entered a state of alert, observing all the disturbances around him.

This is a habit they have developed. Alok and El also had the same habits in the wild.

Boyka's eyes were the same as before, as clear as an ancient well or as clear as a lake. Not a ripple.

The one-armed one did not bring him down, it only made him more determined and stronger.

He took off his cloak, placed it calmly on the table, sat down opposite Alok, nodded gently to the two of them, and said in a low and calm tone:

"Long time no see, Birk, Riel."

"It didn't take long actually. Boyka. Only a few months." Elok replied with a smile.

He saw a huge scar on Boyka's chest, which was terrifying, but it seemed to have healed now and was not serious. I know that Boyka has experienced a pretty brutal battle some time ago.

"Do you need a drink?" Alok asked calmly.

Boyka put his hands on the table in front of his chest and remained motionless. He just opened his mouth and answered:

"Thank you, no."

Alok nodded, not paying attention.

This is probably a Wolfor family tradition. Drinking will make people not sober enough, and they may not be able to restrain themselves when dealing with the special profession of hunter.

Cappadocia probably doesn’t have this tradition. They will indulge.

This is the biggest difference between the two. Rather than the difference of transformation. .

The difference lies in something deeper.

"Introduction." Boyka nodded slightly in greeting and looked at the young werewolf beside him.

"My partner, Yetson Wolfe. A third-level hunter, my partner."

Eilok looked at the young werewolf named Yetson standing beside him. His facial features were very clear. His deep sunken eye sockets hid his sharp eyes. His brow bones were very prominent and his skin was bronze.

He was a little smaller than Boyka, but still a few sizes larger than Elok.

What was impressive was the extremely horrific scar on his neck.

It was hard to imagine that he could survive such a horrible wound.

It was a miracle.

That was his badge.

Elok nodded slightly in greeting.

Yetson also nodded in return.

Boyka began to focus on Elok, and his one arm danced slightly, and said:

"The other one is Naik Wolf. A fourth-level Wolf, my partner."

Naik was a more distinctive werewolf. Unlike Boyka, he had long silver hair and his skin was a little paler than Boyka and Yetson. There were no scars on his face, only a short scar on his back.

But Alok keenly felt something different.

The scar on his back.

He had experienced betrayal!

Who is it?

I am afraid his wound is not on the surface, but in his heart.

And Boyka's description is also quite interesting. He called Yetson, who could not transform, a hunter, and Naika, who was at level 4, a Wolf.

This is probably similar to Cappadocia.

With the family name, he brought glory, that is, a Wolf.

But whether it is Wolf or not, they are Boyka's partners.

Seeing that Naika was still doing his duty, Alok did not waste time to greet him, but turned to Boyka and said bluntly:

"It is nice to meet you two. Let me introduce the situation to you without further ado."

There are different strategies for dealing with different people.

When dealing with people like Florian and Boyka, you should get down to business directly.

And when dealing with people like Professor Palmer and Count Otto, you have to take it slow.

But Alok prefers to be honest and direct. He also does not like hypocrisy and disguise.

If you wear a mask for too long, it will grow on your face. If you want to take it off, you have to break your bones and skin it.

So, no matter who he meets, he has very few preludes.

Then, he didn't say anything polite, nor did he ask what Il had said to Boyka. He directly sorted out the current relationships between Heaven, Cappadocia, Anti-Will, the Temple and himself for Boyka.

He also proposed to form "Singularity" and invited him to join and achieve the goal together.

But he didn't mention that Goddess Hill Sha was the Queen's vest, fearing that the Wolf family would be taboo or not admit it.

However, Alok mentioned the contradiction between Goddess Hill Sha and the ancestor of Cappadocia and the struggle for theocracy.

He clearly expressed the support of himself, the Temple and the elves.

He hopes to cooperate with the Wolf family.

Boyka didn't object, but he didn't show much enthusiasm either. Instead, he nodded calmly and said:

"I agree."

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