The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 67 Coachman Weiss (Please recommend!!!)

"Go find him quickly. My money~~" El exclaimed

Alok touched his nose aggrievedly and said helplessly: "It's been so long anyway, it's okay to wait a little longer."

He touched his growling stomach and continued: "I still want to go back to eat. Roger can't run away anyway."

"Are you hungry?" El asked, furious.

"Well~ I was injured after all. I'm still a little dizzy." Alok pinched his temples and tapped his head a few times.

Seeing this, El was a little concerned and helpless, and Shen said: "Forget it. Go back to eat first and let him wait for a while."

Then she glanced at Alok, who was still rubbing his brow, and asked worriedly:

"Is there nothing wrong with you?"

Pressing his temples hard again, Alok narrowed his eyes, opened his pale lips and said:

"It's not a big problem. I think some food will make things better."

As he spoke, Alok muttered in his mind:

Actually, I really miss your cooking. The food in the pub all tastes the same. Hey~~

With a silent sigh, El waved to the carriage on the roadside. He first helped Alok onto the carriage, and then said to the well-dressed coachman:

"77 Heaton Street, thank you."

"You're welcome, beautiful lady." The coachman said as if he was honored, then he gently touched his chest with his right hand and praised:

“May life be with you.”

El was a little surprised. He didn't expect there to be believers of the Goddess of Life here, but after thinking about it, it seemed normal. After all, this was near the Temple of Life.

So she put her right hand on her chest and responded: "Praise life."

Seeing the coachman climbing onto the roof of the carriage with a smile and starting to drive, El also jumped onto the roof of the carriage lightly.

Seeing this, the driver tightened the reins and exclaimed: "This is too dangerous, miss. You should have gone to the car."

"It's okay. Just drive." El said with a smile.

Then, she sat on the side of the carriage and asked in a light tone: "I didn't expect that there are also life believers here."

Seeing that El was sitting firmly, the coachman gently pulled the reins. After seeing the carriage start, he smiled happily. said:

"I just became one too. Thanks to the priests of the Temple of Life, my wife is safe and sound."

He paused for a second and said, "That's why I'm waiting here. In fact, there are very few passengers here, far less than those at the pier and Black Area."

"It can be seen that you are a new believer. The greeting from the goddess of life should be 'praise life' or 'may life bless you.'" El reminded.

Hearing this, the driver's hand holding the reins stiffened slightly, and he said in an awkward tone:

"Really? I'm so sorry."

He gently touched his chest with his right hand, lowered his head slightly, and said in a low tone: "Praise life."

"Actually, it doesn't have to be like this. The goddess of life is not the god of order, so there is no need to talk about so many rules. As long as it is a sincere compliment, the goddess of life will also favor you." Il chuckled and said softly.

"That's true. The priest of the Goddess of Life is really kind. He doesn't look like the priest of the Temple of Order. I really don't understand why there are so few believers in Life." The coachman suddenly sighed softly.

"Because no one knows this place. It's too remote. And it looks like a forest." El said. "Then why did you become a believer in life? Did you just say that Pastor Andile saved your wife?"

"It's Pastor Zolazuo. She is as old as my daughter. But she became a pastor. It would be great if my daughter could also become a pastor." The coachman corrected El's mistake and responded.

Il wanted to laugh a little when he heard this. That low-level priest was very good at treating ordinary people.

"Zola Zor? Hmm~ It seems that her level is pretty good."

"If you want your daughter to become a priest, maybe you can go directly to the Temple of Life and ask Pastor Andil. I think she will be very willing to help you." El gave his own advice.

The driver who was driving seemed surprised and asked aloud:

"Pastor Andil? Will she let ordinary people become priests? The priests of the Temple of Order are all aloof and will never let ordinary people like us become the same people as them."

"Of course, I think she would be happy to."

"Thank you for your suggestion. I think I will let my daughter give it a try when she graduates from secondary school next year." The coachman turned to look at El and said with sincere gratitude.

"What's your daughter's name?" El suddenly asked.

The coachman suddenly smiled and said:

"Oh~ Her name is Varya Weiss."

"Hmm~ It's a nice name. Valiyar." El nodded in reply.

"Thank you again. But we have to end this pleasant journey. Heaton Street is here." The coachman stopped the carriage on the side of the road, looked back at El, and said with a smile.

"Thank you, how much is it?" El asked, reaching into the inner pocket of his dress.

"No, there is no charge this time. As a thank you." The coachman waved his hand and refused.

Stopping his hand and thinking for a moment, El smiled and replied: "Well, I think it might make you feel uneasy if I forcefully give you money. I will tell Valiyar's name to Andil. The Rev. Mr. Weiss."

"Thank you." Weiss said as he stood up from the carriage and bowed.

Then, as if he realized his mistake, he put his right hand on his chest, bowed again, and said forcefully:

"Praise life."

Yi Er chuckled and said with a smile: "It doesn't have to be like this."

Glancing at Alok who climbed out of the car door, she jumped lightly onto the roof of the car, turned to Mr. Weiss and said:


Turning his head, Alok glanced at the polite coachman on the roof, waved in greeting, and said to El:

"Do you think we can still have dinner?"

"Of course, it's just simmering in the pot. Of course the chicken soup will become more delicious the longer it simmers." El said matter-of-factly

Of course Alok believed what Il said, strode towards the door of the house and said:

"That's great. I can't wait any longer."

Without taking out the key, he used his skills to directly open the door and quickly came to the kitchen. When he saw the soup pot on the stove, he couldn't help but drool.

He found a soup bowl from the cabinet under the table that was just like the one he had in his dream that day.

Then, pour out the chicken broth that has not completely cooled down in the pot.

The rich aroma of chicken mixed with the milky aroma of coconut milk made Alok unable to help but swallow his saliva.

Although El is usually in charge of the kitchen, once the critical moment comes, no one can be relied on. Including IL.

She doesn't understand the importance of food.

Only those who know how to taste food understand life.

With this thought in his mind, Alok placed the chicken soup on the table and couldn't help but take a sip with a spoon first.

Although this is not polite. But Alok couldn't stand the temptation of delicious food.

The rich milky aroma of coconut milk penetrates into the texture of the chicken, and the sweet taste combined with the tender texture makes this bowl of chicken soup unparalleledly delicious.

I really don’t know what El did.

This is at least a hundred times better than what is sold in bars.

Unable to hold back his hands, Elok picked up the male spoon again and scooped up a spoonful of the soup.

The light white soup has just the right temperature, and the light taste of coconut milk washes away the greasiness of the chicken, making the taste more suitable for drinking in this hot summer.

It would be nice to have a bowl of rice to soak it with. Alok couldn't help but think.

"Slow down, Alok. I won't fight with you?" El's reproachful voice came from behind again. But there was inevitably a hint of concern in his tone.

Hearing this, Alok put down his spoon and said in embarrassment, "Sorry, it's so delicious. You don't know, I've been eating in the bar for a few days. I've almost had enough."

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