The three of them looked at each other, somewhat at a loss for what to do about this situation.

Elok said seriously: "We still don't know enough about the danger level of the magic weapon."

"Okay. Let's not talk about this for now. Let's get Lilith settled first." Il waved his hand and said with a frown. Obviously he was a little unhappy about what happened this time.

Then, El ordered:

"Brother, take Lilith to find Daniel. Check if there are any problems. I will be responsible for placing the magic device into the painting first and then sealing it. Lorna will be with me."

"Okay." Alok replied simply.

Then, regardless of what El and Lorna would do next, he carried Lilith and ducked to the main entrance of the manor. After taking one step, we came to the third floor of Dark Night Rose.

Two more flashes appeared in succession, instantly appearing on the big tree in the center of the Twilight Forest.

It was the quickest way he could think of. Also stable enough.

Majik and Danielle were chatting happily in the tree house. Alok outside the door coughed twice, then tapped the door twice with his toes.

"Who?" Majik asked doubtfully.

It is definitely not an outsider who can come to this place.

There were only a few people besides myself and Danielle.

Ariel, Yvel, Elok, and at most Sebas.

When Majik opened the door with a hint of enthusiasm, he saw an anxious expression on Alok's face and Lilith in his arms. Immediately he knew what emergency had occurred, his expression changed, and he asked Alok to come in quickly, and asked:

"What's going on here??"

"A laboratory accident." Elok explained simply.

Danielle did not ask such a question, but stood up directly and said to Alok: "Put it on the bed quickly."

Alok walked to the small tree house in a few strides and slowly placed the thin Lilith on the small elf-style single bed.

And Danielle didn't talk nonsense. As an experienced life pastor, she directly checked on Lilith's condition.

Alok was slightly relieved.

He still trusts Danielle's level.

The only thing that worried him was that he didn't know if there was anything that could be done about Danielle's mental trauma.

"It is still too dangerous for ordinary people to participate in the experiments of extraordinary beings." Alok glanced at Majik and clicked his tongue.

Majik frowned, stroking his chin and said, "You should let Lilith become a transcendent as soon as possible. In particular, she must learn how to deal with danger. This is Damia, not the Dark Moon Forest."

Alok nodded silently. Then he patted Majik on the shoulder and said:

"This is indeed our fault. I still have some things to do and have to go back to the accident scene to check on it. I'll come back later. I hope Lilith will get better soon."

"Well, don't worry, Alok. Lilith doesn't seem to have a big problem." Majik comforted her.

A burst of soft green light has been emerging from Danielle's hand, making Elok's heart relax a little.

He nodded to Majik, flashed again, and disappeared.


In the laboratory of the Witch's Garden.

Elok's figure reappeared.

He looked at El and Lorna who were busy, and knew that he couldn't help now.

These things still require witches and alchemists to deal with.

Half an hour later, the originally gorgeous laboratory changed back to its former appearance. There was only an oil painting hanging where the magic device was originally placed.

The oil painting depicts the endless starry sky, and the background of the starry sky is endless darkness. Occasionally a ribbon streaked across the dark background.

That's what the astral realm looks like.

Without El's introduction, Alok knew that it was the oil painting representing the occultist.

In the center of the picture, the Laplace crystal that occasionally glows with seven-colored light and shrinks inward in a spiral is suspended there in the air.

El's face looked a little heavy and he looked extremely unhappy. Lorna also sat next to El, frowning and thinking about something.

Seeing this, Alok walked up slowly, stood behind El and said softly:

"This should be caused by the tidal phenomenon of the spiritual sea. It is difficult for extraordinary people to survive in this situation for too long, let alone ordinary people."

"It's still too dangerous. The Laplace Magic Crystal is indeed not something I can study now." El said with some frustration.

Alok patted El's shoulder and encouraged:

"Hey, didn't you succeed? You were just careless. Just control it more strictly."

Suddenly, Lorna interrupted: "What is the tide of the spiritual sea?"

"A phenomenon of a sea of ​​spiritual power." El explained after thinking for a while. "Very dangerous and must be watched at all times. It is a type of erosion."

"Okay. Once you say it's erosion, you'll understand. Lilith must have been eroded. I hope she's okay." Lorna pursed her lips and said affirmatively.

El nodded, expressing the same wish, and then continued:

"In fact, the tidal phenomenon of the spiritual sea will only appear when it is above level four. The amount of spiritual power at this time is enough to cause the emergence of the law of attraction."

"But the tide of the spiritual sea does bring danger to everyone. As extraordinary beings, we have formed a habit of always paying attention to the dangers of the spiritual sea. Lilith does not have this awareness."

"If the sea of ​​spiritual power you come into contact with is not malicious and is calm and easy-going, then it's okay. Just like the elves living in the Dark Moon Forest, there is no problem if you live in the tide of the sea of ​​spiritual power. But once there is Anything that carries malicious spiritual power can be easily corroded and harmed.”

"Lilith said that she seemed to hear him talking, then it must be some kind of spiritual power emitted by the Laplace magic crystal, and it was captured by Lilith. As an ordinary person, it is difficult for Lilith to resist this kind of erosion. To If I hadn’t interrupted in time, maybe Lilith would have turned into a monster now.”

El's eyes were a little dim. He looked at the Laplace magic crystal and said with some fear in his eyes:

"And this also made me realize that even if the Laplace Magic Crystal is sealed by me, it is still alive and full of dangers. As long as it is not completely sealed, it is dangerous. You must be more careful in the future."

She looked at the oil painting in front of her and continued with some reluctance:

"It's so mysterious. And so dangerous. It's hard not to explore."

"Then go explore it." Alok also looked at the painting, not knowing who he was talking to. "The deeper I explore the extraordinary world, the more insignificant I feel. I also get less and less clear about the extraordinary."

"Why, what doubts do you have?" El asked strangely. "I thought you ate and slept every day and had no worries except against your will."

"How could it be? Knowledge is never exhausted. But I only take the part of it that is useful to me. How did extraordinary things come about? Why is the world divided into three parts? How is the sea of ​​spiritual power divided into layers? These questions Let’s leave it to the great Azera to think about.”

"Actually, I haven't been able to understand the principle of the extraordinary until now. The extraordinary power comes from the star realm. Where does the star realm come from? Also, the essence of the sea of ​​spiritual power is the spiritual power of all matter. What is the nature of the star realm?”

"You have to ask the Queen. Maybe the Queen knows this question." El said with a helpless sigh.

She didn't expect that Alok still had such doubts.

"Now. Let's return to reality. Brother. I'm afraid Azerla can't answer those questions of yours."

"Of course there is no problem. I was just asking a question. It may have been corroded by the Laplace crystal and turned into a hundred thousand whys. Hahaha~~~" Alok laughed self-deprecatingly.

But obviously, he didn't feel that his questions had no answers. Maybe it's just not level enough.

He crossed his arms, looked at the oil painting in front of him, and said in a calm tone:

"That's right. I'm going to help you teach it to cut shadows. This is the main purpose of my visit this time."

He lowered his head, looked at El's black hair, and said with a smile. "Don't wallow in sorrow. Don't forget our goal."

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