The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 473 The Ambitious Plan of the Devout Believer

"I have finished talking about my plan. I wonder if Namu Sha has anything else you need to remind me of?" Alok asked Namu Sha in confusion.

He was asking for relevant information.

Namu Sha did not laugh it off and said directly: "The Yami Kingdom in the north of the Kingdom Alliance, the capital is Istans. It is close to the Storm Empire. The base camp of the Bound Heart."

"Recently, at least one intermediate-level binding magician of the Bound Heart came to Damia secretly from Istans. He brought high-level activation items. I don't know what he is doing."

"The Semitic Kingdom in the south of the Kingdom Alliance, the capital is Outlets. It is known as the City of Desire. There is a mid-level indulgent in the pink paradise who went there three months ago and recently returned to Damia. I don't know what he is doing either."

"There is reason to suspect that Paradise is going to do something big again."

"Oh?" Alok raised his eyebrows and also felt that it was not simple.

Namu Sha did not stop talking, and continued:

"There have been constant movements in the Order Temple recently, but they are not obvious. Outsiders can't notice it at all. But the adjustments between the internal priests are particularly frequent."

"I don't know what the temple will do."

Ailok glanced at Namu Sha and asked in a speculative tone: "Do you suspect that there is any connection between these three things? Or, are these three aspects of one thing? It's just that we don't know the inside story."

"I think the second possibility is more likely. But the Temple and Heaven are definitely not in the same camp. They are still hostile. I am more inclined to believe that Heaven knows some internal information and makes corresponding adjustments and responses." Namu Sha nodded and replied.

Ailok thought for a while and asked in confusion: "Where did you get this information?"

Then, he asked with a speculative and suspicious tone: "Could it be, Medea?"

"You are very smart. Jack." Namu Sha exclaimed, and then asked: "Do you know who is the dead bull of Pink Heaven?"

"The Ascetic Order?" Alok knew the answer.

"Hehe. One gets pleasure from indulging desires. The other takes pleasure from suffering. No wonder they are enemies." Namu Sha laughed.

Alok clicked his tongue and said, "Actually, the first time I heard the name of the Ascetic Order, I thought they were all ascetics. Medea really opened my eyes."

"Ah? Hahahaha~~~ An organization of supernatural beings composed of abusers and abused? Could they be ascetics?? Captain Jack, you are really interesting." Namu Sha laughed so hard that tears almost came out.

"I said. This is the first time I heard this confusing name." Alok defended with a dark face.

"Okay, okay. My Captain Jack. We will inevitably cooperate with the Ascetic Order in the future." Namu Sha leaned on the armrest of the sofa, holding his forehead, and said weakly.

"It seems that Medea is very interested in you."

"A sadist is interested in me, this is not good news." Alok said with a dark face.

Namu Sha stopped smiling, leaned on the armrest, looked at Alok and continued:

"But we have to cooperate with them. Medea and I have a good personal relationship. She had a painful childhood. You'd better not mention the word childhood."

"Don't they enjoy suffering?" Alok asked in surprise.

Namu Sha's face became serious and explained:

"Only they can mention their own suffering. Every abuser has his own painful heart. Including the queen."

"Queen." Alok silently recited the word. "What is the name of the Queen of Pain? A powerful person at the level of a god, I don't even know her name."

"The queen's name cannot be mentioned. Even her name will bring you infinite pain." Namu Sha approached Alok and said softly.

"Really? It's terrible. It's even more terrible than the gods." Alok said suspiciously.

"So let's talk about cooperation with Medea." Namu Sha changed the subject.

"The strength of the Ascetic Order in the Hutt Empire is not too strong. But Medea's strength is quite terrifying. She has an animated weapon given by the queen. It looks like a whip. The level is unknown. But you definitely don't want to get hit by it."

As he was talking, Alok felt a little pain in the wound on his back.

It's better not to provoke Medea.

Well~~, Namu Sha can't be provoked either.

"Regarding the intelligence I just mentioned. We plan to cooperate with each other and kill several key characters." Namu Sha said with a calm expression, staring at Alok.

"Speaking of cooperation, it's also a good choice to let the Ascetic Order participate in our struggle against Heaven and Anti-Will. They are more than enough to deal with organizations like Pink Heaven that lack combat power."

Hearing this, Alok thought for a while, and then said: "It's possible, but after all, they are outsiders. There is no relationship with the elves."

Alok's meaning has been made clear.

Needless to say, Alok and Il are now in the Dark Moon Forest camp.

The core of the Temple, the Sha family itself is the Dark Moon Elves, just a branch.

The Wolf family believes in the hunting goddess Hill. It is closely related to the Queen.

And the Ascetic Order is indeed an outsider.

"So, we can only cooperate to a limited extent." Namu Sha replied. "Besides, they will not completely trust us."

Alok nodded and said carefully:

"Well~~ In that case. I will invite everyone to hold another meeting when the action is approaching. If Medea is willing to come, call her."

"In addition. The close connection between Captain Jack, the Temple, and the Wolf family has not been exposed. I don't want the Ascetic Order to know this. I have an idea about this."

"Tell me about it." Namu Sha became interested.

Alok smiled and said an idea that he had been thinking about for a long time:

"I will take the lead and establish a supernatural organization similar to "Heaven". We are all just members of the organization. We represent individuals and the church or organization behind us. The organization cooperates with each other and seeks common ground while reserving differences."

"Similar to the underground supernatural organization, but more high-end. We can cooperate, trade, share intelligence, and achieve goals that individuals cannot achieve."

"In this way, Captain Jack, the Temple, the Wolf family, and the Ascetic Order will all become part of the organization. The connection between the three of us will be hidden."

Namu Sha heard what Alok meant and his purpose.

Such a plan is definitely not something that can be thought of in a short time.

A strange smile appeared on her face, and she said: "Unite various cults? You have a big appetite. Jack. An organization like this is hard to support without strength behind it."

"Hehe. I don't have such a big appetite. I just provide a platform. To achieve everyone's goals. Besides, isn't the elves enough to support me?" Alok smiled and answered strangely.

"Am I not the one released by the queen to cause trouble? Am I really going to be a liaison?"

"You seem to understand the queen very well." Namu Sha seemed to relax and said.

With a hint of self-mockery on his face, Alok said:

"Whether it's the Lilith incident, Prince Wales incident, or the dispute between vampires and werewolves, or the issue of the Protection Act, aren't they all instructions from the Queen? If I still can't see it, I'm a fool!"

"As a devout believer of the shadow, the Holy Temple should support me, right? Ms. Namu Sha?"

Namu Sha looked at Alok's serious face and was speechless for a while, almost choking. What devout believer of the shadow? Isn't it for the Queen? ? I don't believe you.

"Devout believer?"

Alok smiled, stretched out three fingers and said:

"Captain Jack, a devout believer of the shadow, Alok, a devout believer of life, and Bilke, a devout believer of the moon. These are three different people, Ms. Namu Sha."

Namu Sha supported her head depressedly, watched Alok's performance, shook her head and said:

"Okay, Captain Jack, a devout believer of the shadow. I support you. But you have to be able to suppress Medea. You have to be on top."

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