El led Lorna into the laboratory and showed her around the entire laboratory.

Lilith also happened to come down from the third floor and met Lorna face to face.

"Lilith is my apprentice now. I planned to give her alchemy, but now it seems that witches can do it too." El introduced to Lorna.

But it was obvious that Lorna's attention was not on Lilith.

She looked at the hall that had been transformed into a laboratory with her mouth wide open in shock. sighed:

"It would be great if my home could be transformed into a laboratory like this!"

"Then your father will have to break your legs." El said ruthlessly.

Rona immediately pouted and laughed at herself helplessly:

"It might break two."

El smiled, pulled Lorna to the study room at the end of the laboratory, put aside the previous topic, and said mysteriously:

"I have a gift for you! What a surprise."

"Wow, what? I'm looking forward to it." Lorna said with excitement and confusion.

After saying that, El led Lorna into the study, picked up a parchment from a small bookshelf, and put it in Lorna's hand with a smile.

Lorna looked at El with puzzled eyes, then untied the parchment and slowly opened the brand new parchment.

"Cool, fuse"

There was only one sentence from Aizela, but it directly touched Lorna's heart.

Her heart trembled suddenly, and then she quickly closed the parchment roll in her hand and placed it on her chest.

"This, is this a real secret spell?" she asked in disbelief.

"Of course. It's just a small gift." El replied happily.

"This is so precious." Lorna still couldn't believe it.

Although she had a lot of pocket money as the only daughter of a nobleman, she was also restricted by her status.

The only daughter, the apple of my eye. Well, Count Otto was too strict with her. This makes it difficult for her to connect with other supernatural beings in terms of transcendence. It’s also difficult to see the wider world.

It is also difficult to have enough money to support wireless experiments.

Usually when she goes out, she has to rely on Alok to pretend to be her boyfriend. Or other good friends come to her, so she has a reason to go out.

Not to mention sneaking around to get extraordinary.

And obviously Count Otto doesn't want Lorna to get involved too deeply in the supernatural. Perhaps it is fear of the erosion brought about by the extraordinary. Perhaps he is afraid that the otherworldly world is too dangerous.

In short, such a gift is what Lorna hopes for most.

"Okay, let's go take a look at the laboratory. This small room is only used to store materials and items, and is also used as a place to write experimental records." Il ignored Lorna's excitement and continued.

She led Lorna out of the study, came to the laboratory again, and sat on the two chairs at the door with Lorna, while saying:

"As for materials, I'm not short of them at the moment. But I may have to buy some materials in a while."

"If you want to come here to experiment, you can use it as you like. Especially the clear leaves, which are necessary materials for any professional experiment. I have a stable source, enough for the two of us to spend. But if there are no materials here, , I might have to buy some.”

"My stupid brother knows where the underground market in Damia is."

El tactfully mentioned the idea of ​​letting Lorna come here to experiment. There is no such stupid thing as "inviting you to join my laboratory".

Lorna pouted helplessly, looking so pitiful. said:

"I wish I could stay here every day like you. It's a pity that my father won't agree."

"Hehe. There is a way to solve this problem." El showed a mysterious smile.

She took down an oil painting of the Witch's Manor from the wall of the laboratory, brought it to Lorna, and said:

"guess what is this?"

Lorna looked at it for a long time, then recalled everything in the Witch's Garden, and asked with some uncertainty: "Could it be that this place was painted?"

El said excitedly:

"That's right, but it's more than that. This is also an entrance, the entrance to the witch's manor. You only need to hold a key to enter and leave here at will."

She picked up another ancient key and handed it to Lorna. This is the key to a certain door in the manor that she randomly found.

In fact, anything in the painting can be used as a key, but finding a key looks more like that.

"Here you go. I'll give you the painting as well. I can be a guest when you have time. How about this solution? It's enough to hide it from other people's eyes." El said proudly.

The more Rona listened, the more surprised she became, her eyes sparkled and she said:

"It's like the perfect solution. I can probably stay in the house from now on."

"The good daughter of the Earl, the jewel of Navest, Miss Lorna. From now on, she will never leave the house or leave the house." El said teasingly.

"I am doing this for my father." Lorna also rolled her smart eyes and said.

"That's right, who asked him to control you so strictly? Hehe." Yi Er agreed, smiling like a silver bell.


In the evening, Airok and Count Otto were still chatting very well.

"There is another issue that I have to explain to the Earl." Alok took a sip of tea, sat comfortably on the sofa with his legs crossed, and said nonchalantly.

"What's the matter?" Count Otto was a little confused.

"Well~~ It's about recovering the money. I'm afraid it won't be easy. We want political capital and we want to get the money back. This is almost impossible." Alok shrugged and said, as if he was an unrelated person. The same little things that matter.

Hearing this, Count Otto suddenly laughed and said:

"Hahaha. I have realized this a long time ago. Whatever you get, you have to pay the price. Let's think of these 60,000 gold coins as the price for us to buy these political capital."

Alok smiled in agreement and said: "You're right, you can't have both fish and bear's paws. Give up the fish and take the bear's paws. That means if you can't get the fish and the bear's paws at the same time, then you have to take the bear's paws and take the bear's paws. Discard the fish."

Earl Otto tapped his teacup with his fingers, nodded and said, "Alok, I find that you always have some essential words to say."

"Really? They're just common sayings." Ai Luoke casually found an excuse to explain.

"No need to explain, you are too humble." Count Otto admired Aylock's virtue.

Then, he suddenly asked: "By the way. What on earth is that nuclear weapon??"


Alok didn't know how to explain it. He racked his brains for a while and said:

"It's a powerful weapon that can determine victory. It comes from the Miracle City in the North. I heard what my father said. The kind that is powerful enough to destroy an entire city."

"Powerful enough to destroy an entire city? Extraordinary power?" Count Otto asked.

Alok nodded with certainty and said:

"Yes, extraordinary power."

"Tsk, the extraordinary world is indeed too powerful. Fortunately, the Hutt Empire is protected by the God of Order."

"Yes. He is really the patron saint of mankind." Alok echoed hypocritically.

"May order protect you." Count Otto piously drew a horizontally long and vertically short cross shape on his chest.

Professor Palmer also performed the same action religiously.

Airok just smiled bitterly and did not follow Count Otto's gestures.

Belief in any man or god is a terrifying thing. Making people blindly follow other people rather than their own value judgments.

If he were asked to choose his faith, he would only choose himself.

Because he is walking a legendary path. Because he is a free pirate.

The gods who protect him now are only the gods of the moon, the goddess of life, Mafak and the goddess of revenge, the four elves. And not the God of Order.

But even so, he would not believe in them. Just out of cooperation.

Praising life and praising the moon comes from the inner respect for nature and life.

And order is completely different. That is blind faith in gods.

The fundamental reason is the difference between nature gods and newborn gods.

Elok is unwilling to dedicate even a little bit of spiritual power to the God of Order.

He respects order and is willing to abide by reasonable order, but it is not the current order in the Hutt Empire, let alone the God of Order.

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