After dinner, Alok and Il made arrangements for tomorrow and got in touch with Professor Palmer.

It was determined that tomorrow afternoon, he and El would go to Archduke Dror's manor in Damea to meet Count Otto.

Elok discussed with Count Otto and Professor Palmer the details of the investigation results and subsequent plans, while Elok was responsible for wooing Lorna, becoming an ally, and deepening the relationship between the two parties.

Not only that, this will also make El's laboratory more complete, and he can even make extraordinary weapons by himself. Just perfect.


Eleven o'clock at night.

Sheriff Gavin's villa in Benjamin District seemed a little quiet. Only a little candlelight through the window showed that there was someone inside.

A scream broke the silence, a sharp sound pierced the space, and the trees in the manor startled a flock of ravens.

Miley was the timidest maid, but she was the first to discover the pool of blood in the reception room.

The blood stains had turned black and solidified, and it was obvious that an unknown amount of time had passed.

Miley stepped back in horror, and finally fell to the ground, staring at the scene in front of her with wide eyes.

"What happened?!!!" A quick voice suddenly appeared from behind Miley.

This seemed to give her a bit of courage, giving him the strength to turn his head and look at the figure of the valet supervisor Card Xiu.

He pointed at the pool of blood on the floor of the reception room in horror, but his mouth kept trembling, unable to speak.

Ka Xiu glanced at the situation indoors, frowned, and comforted in a low voice:

"It's no big deal. Let's take a look at the specific situation first. It's just a pool of blood. Maybe it's someone's prank."

Of course he knew that things were not as he said, but in order to comfort Miley, some lies were still needed.

Sheriff Gavin didn't come home on time today, as is usual. After all, that's what the police are. Emergency situations arise from time to time.

Once Sheriff Gavin doesn't come back, the servants will become nervous. We have to heat up food, prepare hot water, and prepare towels for Sheriff Gavin. Wait for a series of work. Be prepared for the master's return at any time.

It's the same today.

But unfortunately, no one passed by the reception room today.

Until Miley found out.

If any big accident occurs during this period, you don't have to be buried with him, but your career will be over.

If he were to find another job as a valet supervisor, those aristocrats or wealthy businessmen would definitely be taboo about his experience.

Therefore, he sincerely hoped that nothing would happen in the entire villa.

He took a few deep breaths and threw out all the bad images in his mind. Force yourself to calm down.

Facing the servants who came behind him, he said clearly:

"Don't go in, protect the scene. Go to the police station and call the police. Ask for Mr. Gavin."

"Everyone should think back to what they did tonight in case the adults ask."

After finishing the order, he saw a servant running outside quickly, so he turned to look at Miley and said softly:

"It's okay, you can also recall it. Lord Gavin will be back soon."

After speaking, he walked towards the crowd and began to organize them together. The male servants stood together and the maids gathered together.

Discussions, panic, and screams began to echo throughout the villa.

Card Xiu was a little irritated intuitively, but most people would have this reaction when facing this kind of situation.

After more servants gathered in the hall, he interrupted everyone's discussion and said loudly:

"That's enough! Don't panic, everyone, look around to see who else hasn't come. If anyone hasn't shown up yet, go find them quickly."

An ominous premonition hung over Ka Xiu's head, making his scalp numb. He held on to his weak body and stood in front of everyone. His brows were furrowed. I hope from the bottom of my heart that it won’t have too much impact on me.

The blood stain definitely did not belong to Sheriff Gavin. It might have belonged to a servant in the villa, or to a relative of Sheriff Gavin.

No matter which one it was, he was a little afraid that Sheriff Gavin would fire it.

In that case, it would be difficult to find another one. It took a lot of effort to get to this position.

As for why?

Who would mess with Sheriff Gavin? ?

Are you so full that you have nothing to do? Just kidding?

Now I can only leave it to fate.

No, there is also Sheriff Gavin.

It took half an hour for the police to show up at Sergeant Gavin's home. If any extraordinary person were here, they would recognize it. These particular cops are dark-skinned.

They looked extremely nervous, with a solemn expression on their faces.

This gave Ka Xiu an even more ominous premonition.

They hurriedly followed the attendant who led the way, and then looked directly at Card Xiu, as if they knew that he was the current person in charge here. That is, the supervisor.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Card Xiu explained every detail he knew in detail, but there was absolutely no exaggeration or lie.

Gavin's long career as Sheriff made him understand how to deal with the police.

Two black men were left in the hall to record everything Card Xiu said, while the rest began to survey the scene.

The historian closed his eyes and stood in front of the bloodstain to trace back history. The judges began to evaluate the situation at the scene and make possible inferences. The psychologist observed the reactions of everyone at the scene, hoping to find any clues from it.

The sheriff leading the team was a middle-aged man who was not too old but looked majestic. He stared at Kaxiu and observed Miley, who was still a little scared.

"Captain Pachis, there is no history here."

A voice interrupted his thoughts and made him look back at the historian police officer.

No history? ?

"What do you mean?" He looked normal, but asked in a puzzled tone.

"That is to say, the history here disappeared. It disappeared for at least a whole day." The historian said in a deep tone.

Pachis had encountered this situation in his many years of experience.


And it was quite a degree of interference.

The murderer was a historian, and a historian of at least level two!

Pachis made a judgment immediately.

"What about the history of the bloodstains?" he asked again.

The police officer shook his head slightly.

Patches knew that this meant that all memories of the scene might have disappeared. He could only find clues through the traces left at the scene.

He nodded to show that he understood. Then he said:

"Go and examine the memories of those servants. There will always be something left."

Then he turned his head to look at the scene and carefully investigated.

There were no signs of fighting at the scene, nor any bullet marks or traces of weapons. There were only bloodstains left on the white wall.

There was another pool of solidified dark red blood on the ground.

The bloodstains were a little irregular, but there were no signs of the body being dragged around. The amount of blood spurted out was very large, and it was obvious that the aorta was cut off.

Such an amount was enough to kill a person.

It can be imagined that a murder had occurred in this place. One fatal blow. No resistance.

But the question is, where is the body?

The more important question is, who is dead?

He had a guess, but he couldn't believe it. So he turned around and asked the person next to him:

"What else did you find?"

Another experienced judge who was investigating carefully answered immediately:

"The tea was brewed on the coffee table, but no one drank it. There was no trace on the cup. There was no hair or dandruff left on the sofa."

Captain Patch thought for a moment and immediately ordered:

"Go ask who brewed the tea in the afternoon? Which maid? Check your memory."

Soon after, a young maid with short brown hair was slowly brought up by the historian Hei Pi. It was Miley.

Said to Captain Patches:

"She is the maid who discovered the scene, and she should be in charge of the reception room today."

Patches did not say anything, but asked Miley seriously:

"When was the last time you saw Sheriff Gavin?"

Miley half-knelt on the floor with a little sob, her hands trembling a little, looking at the horrific scene in front of her, and tremblingly answered:

"Yesterday, last night. I, I, I am responsible for the afternoon affairs, and I can only see adults at night. I can't see them in the morning. I really don't know~~"

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