"Boss, a customer is here." The waiter said rather reservedly. He seemed a little afraid of the boss.

"Well. You go out." The judge turned his head and looked at Roger, waving his hand casually.

He did not ask the waiter what the customer was, but waited until the waiter left, sat behind the desk, pointed to the chair in the office, and said calmly:

"Sit down and talk in detail. Do you have a batch of black leaves?"

Alok was shocked but his expression did not change, but he felt that this person was not simple.

The chair was much shorter than the boss chair he was sitting on, making Roger look a little humble.

On the other hand, Roger seemed to have no pressure in dealing with such a situation. He ignored the gesture of the boss and sat directly on the sofa next to him. He said casually:

"Yes. There are quite a few. The quality is quite good."

The judge took out a cigar, lit it for himself, took a puff, and then half-lying on the chair comfortably, looking down at Roger, giving him enough pressure. He said:

"Take it out and have a look."

Roger smiled and didn't care at all.

After all, the monster Alok was backing him up behind him.

He didn't say much, but signaled Alok who was standing behind him with his eyes.

And Alok immediately understood what Roger meant, took out a leaf from his backpack and put it on the table.

The judge glanced at Alok, didn't pay much attention, and directly took the clear leaf in front of him to observe carefully.

After a moment, he put the leaf down and looked at Roger and said:

"Hmm~~ Quite good quality. It should be a new product from Dark Moon Forest this year. 3 gold coins 50 Kate per gram. Take as many as you can."

Roger raised his eyebrows, smiled, crossed his legs, supported himself on the armrest of the sofa with one hand, pointed the thumb of the other hand to the store outside, and said sarcastically:

"It's sold for 6 Deben gold coins outside, but only three and a half when you buy it? It's really insincere. Five gold coins per gram."

"Five? You are also insincere." The judge said with doubt. "You can just go out and sell it yourself."

Roger just chuckled and said, "You were the first one who was not sincere."

The judge looked at Roger again, who had no fear, and labeled him as a man who valued money over life. Or maybe he was fearless. But he couldn't think of what he relied on.

He glanced at the big bag behind Alok, knowing that there were a lot of goods, and he also wanted to make money, so he said:

"Let's each take a step back. 4 gold coins per gram."

"This step seems to be a bigger step for me? It seems a bit unfair. Shouldn't the profession of judge be fair and just?" Roger asked with a smile.

This surprised the judge and he said, "Oh? You mean 4 gold coins and 25 kate per gram?"

"Deal." Roger said carelessly.

The judge was slightly stunned, knowing that he had been tricked by Roger without knowing it, so he laughed at himself:

"Ah~~Hahaha. Okay. You really like to take advantage of loopholes. But since you have already stated your psychological price, I can also make money, so let's make a deal."

"Let me see how much it is?" He flicked the ash and said to Alok.

Alok performed diligently and expressionlessly put the backpack on the table and opened it. He poured out a large pile of leaves.

The judge took a glance and quickly gave his own judgment:

"A little more than 2589 grams. Count it as 2590 grams. A total of 11007 gold coins, plus 50 Kate."

This time it was Roger who was surprised. But he did not show it, but smiled naturally: "A satisfactory price. But I only want gold coins. Not those waste papers."

"Hahaha. Of course. We also only accept gold coins here. Only gold is hard currency at this stage." The judge laughed and said.

Then, he said to Roger generously: "Wait for me for a moment."

Then he turned and walked to the door at the back of the office.

Alok and Roger looked at each other and continued to wait silently.

In less than three minutes, the judge appeared in the room again, followed by two clerks, carrying a purple-red wooden box together.

The wooden box was placed in front of Roger and opened directly, revealing the neatly stacked gold coins in front of Roger. The judge continued to sit behind the desk and asked with a smile:

"With so much money, do you need our bodyguards to take you out?"

Roger showed a satisfied smile and said:

"We have our own way. Don't worry about it, boss. Although I trust the boss, I still have to count it again."

The judge smiled, and then said confidently:

"Please feel free. Each layer is 16 times 9, a total of 144, a total of 76 layers, a total of 10944 gold coins, plus an extra layer of 63, a total of 11007."

He took out five silver coins with a face value of 10 kate from his pocket, put them on the table one by one, and continued: "Add these, just right."

Even so, Roger still started his own counting mode. He smiled and counted a large pile of gold coins one by one.

Until he confirmed that there was really no problem, he clapped his hands, stood up and said to Alok:

"What a pleasant deal. Hey, put the money away."

Eroque agreed, and then quickly tore a hole in the air, swallowing all the gold coins and the box together.

Of course, in addition to this, he also had another small move. A memory light ball belonging to this place was hidden in his brain as the key to finding the judge again.

This surprised the judge a little. He wanted to see the embarrassment of these two people.

But soon, he controlled his emotions and said with a smile:

"Looking forward to our next cooperation. It's not easy to have a channel for clear leaves. What's more, there are such a large number. It seems that you have someone in the Black Forest."

Roger smiled and said nothing more.

Black Forest, Black Leaves are all slang here, meaning Dark Moon Forest and Clear Leaves. The reason is that there is no sun there. So it's called "black".

Walking on the street, Roger put 7 gold coins and 5 silver coins in his hand and tossed them, pouted, and put them in his pocket helplessly.

"We still have to go shopping. Let's just buy some materials I want. It's too dangerous to investigate here. Let's go directly after buying the materials." Alok whispered to Roger's ear.

Roger looked at Alok nonchalantly and nodded.

Then, he began to take Alok around this underground market. Just like an ordinary supernatural person.

Buy some common materials, from the most common wolf teeth to the expensive monster binding crystals, from the flying Resdak eagle feathers to the swimming scroos tuna in the sea.

Make sure to buy some in all five stores. Then go to the small store at the back and buy some random materials at random.

Although it cost more than a thousand gold coins, Alok didn't care.

He meant that this purchase was used to hide their fundamental purpose.

Although those supernatural materials with regional characteristics of Dror are also very common types, it is more confusing to mix them with some other materials.

All the materials were paid by Alok, but he didn't care about this matter. Il's demand for these materials is very strong. Just think of it as a gift from myself to Il.

The two of them walked around in the market, and when they had almost finished shopping, Roger looked back at Alok and said:

"Let's go."

Alok nodded lightly with his backpack on his back, and followed Roger out of the underground market.

They sneaked back to the ghost ship along a more secret path, and Alok followed Roger all the time, cleaning up the traces left by the two. Make sure his whereabouts are not discovered.

After quietly returning to the ship, Alok first hid the captain's room with yesterday's reproduction, and then handed the last batch of goods to Roger, and ordered:

"The last batch of goods, the quantity is about the same as the first batch, you only need to give me 8,000 gold coins. The rest is yours."

"In addition, don't expose my whereabouts, including to your crew. In Damia, they can't be trusted. Anti-Will and Heaven are infiltrating more and more here. Be careful."

Frowning and nodding, Roger said:

"Don't worry, Captain. By the way, can you tell me about Heaven?"

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