The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 452: There are always more solutions than problems

The ship management office at the second pier of Damia is a very luxurious stone building. It is located at the junction of Kafka District and Garosen District.

Alok was dressed in a gentleman's suit, a bowler hat, a cane, and a mustache, disguised as a gentleman who came to the port management office for business.

He got off a rented carriage and looked around.

In winter, it is still lively here. There are even passenger ships that have just arrived in Damia from the East Continent.

It is a real passenger ship, not a "passenger ship".

The port is crowded with people, and the door of the ship management office is also full of various voices.

Although most of them are gentlemen, it is obviously not a gentleman's etiquette to not make loud noises now.

But there are more than nobles and gentlemen on the dock. A large number of civilians still come out of the bottom cabin of the passenger ship and flow into the Garosen District.

Alok looked at this scene expressionlessly, then turned and walked into the ship management office.

The first floor is a service hall. Many people are crowded in front of the counter to consult something. It seems that they are arguing.

After listening for a while, Alok roughly knows that it is about the addition of a tax to the port - the displacement tax.

The tax is calculated according to the displacement of the ship. The larger the ship, the more it pays.

This caused dissatisfaction among many ship owners.

Hmm~~ I wonder how the ghost ship is?

If it has to be paid, Roger should escape by himself.

He grabbed a middle-aged woman who looked like a staff member and asked politely:

"Hello. I want to ask~~~"

"Go to the queue over there, don't ask me. I have something else." The middle-aged woman answered without any politeness, and then turned around and left without paying any attention to Alok.

This made Alok angry for a while, and he deeply felt that the service attitude was a big problem.

He looked at the place where the woman pointed, but it turned out to be in front of the counter of the quarreling captains.

This made him touch his head helplessly.

I just want to ask where to register the ship information.

Then, he took out a "gold coin", threw it into the air and caught it with his hand. He looked at the head of the person in front and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he found another staff member. With a "pop", he slapped the "coin" on the table, pushed it in front of the idle staff member, and asked again:

"I want to ask, where is the ship registration information?"

The other person's eyes lit up, looked around, slowly put the gold coin back under the table, and then stretched out his right hand to point to a window across the hall.

Alok looked back and said with a smile:

"Thank you."

Then he turned and left, walking towards the window where two people were queuing in front.

Sitting behind the window was a middle-aged man wearing a wig and a standard uniform of the Ship Management Office. With a pair of glasses, he looked quite kind.

The person who was handling business in front of the window looked like a seaman. The rough skin and thick calluses on his hands all said that he was an old sailor.

Alok saw the huge book in the staff member's hand, which was densely registered with various ship information.

He waited silently behind him without making any sound.

Ten minutes later, it was his turn. It can be seen that the staff member was still very efficient.

"What information do you want to register?" he asked in a formal way.

"Will all the registration information be in this book?" Alok asked directly.

"Of course, which ship are you the owner of?" He looked at Alok and asked with a puzzled look.

"Deep Sea Storm. My ship is missing. So I want to check the registration information." Alok said seriously.

The staff member recalled for a while, looked at Alok and replied:

"Deep Sea Storm?? Hmm~~ When, why don't I remember this ship."

"About two months ago. It's been a long time, it's normal to forget." Alok found an excuse for him.

He nodded and said calmly: "Well, that's right, the memory is not good when you get older. You have to wait, I will help you check."

"Thank you very much." Alok said politely.

Alok saw the staff member adjust his glasses and look down carefully to find the contents in the front of the thick book.

He looked up after looking for a long time until he found the contents three months ago. He said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, it seems my memory is correct. The Deep Sea Storm is not registered in this port. You have to confirm whether it is in this port or lost in the ocean. Or~~~it may be a shipwreck."

Alok frowned, nodded, and replied:

"Thank you. I see. It seems I have to keep looking."

He stood up from his seat, then smiled apologetically to the person who had been waiting for a long time behind him, and slowly walked out of the ship management office.

Although he didn't get the answer, he was not so disappointed.

It would be easy if he could find it directly.

I believe that people who can eat 50,000 gold coins should not be stupid enough not to deal with the traces.

And the ship registration information is the most critical and direct information.

It is too easy for the extraordinary to make a move.

For example: As a pirate who often uses memory removal, he is now able to remove the memory of the world and the memory of the person who just saw him.

He waved his hand gently, pinched a white light ball in his hand, and then waved it away.

There will be no trace of himself here.

Except for the gold coin.

However, gold coins are just phantoms.

Next step, go to the dock to look for clues? ?

It is not known whether such a large terminal has been disposed of after two months.

How long will it take for yesterday to happen again?

Direct backtracking is a method only fools use. Let's find a clever way.

Moreover, you still don’t know whether the Deep Sea Storm has docked at this pier.

Maybe being stopped on the river is possible.

Since you can't find it from the source, look for clues from the place of shipment.

Such a large batch of goods, and it has regional characteristics. There are definitely traces of it in the market in Damia.

You can't just grab it and not sell it.

Sure enough, as long as your thoughts don't slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he turned around to stop a carriage and drive towards Pier 6 in the Garousan District.


On the ghost pirate ship, Alok walked straight to the captain's cabin at the stern of the ship.

He used the door to open the door, broke in, and said directly:

"Roger, I have something to do with you."

He closed the door and looked at Roger who seemed to be taking a nap.

"Oh~~~The great Captain Jack. Sorry, I was a little tired last night." Roger just woke up and saw Alok's gloomy face, and he was suddenly frightened.

He immediately stood up from the captain's chair and asked Alok to sit down.

Then he made a chair and sat at the table, rubbed his eyes and asked:

"What is it? Captain?"

"I have a task for you." Alok said directly. "Are you familiar with the underground black market?"

Roger nodded slightly and said:

"Hmm~~After these few days, I am still familiar with it. The intelligence agency established before has played a huge role."

"That's good, you and I will go to the underground black market to investigate the origin of a batch of goods." Alok said confidently.

Roger suddenly became energetic and leaned on the table and asked seriously: "What kind of goods?"

Alok crossed his hands on the table, looked at Roger seriously, and said directly:

"A batch of extraordinary materials from Navist. Very regional characteristics, beaks of silver-billed petrels, frontal bone fragments of Discruz tuna, deep-sea lava rocks, etc. The quantity is extremely huge."

"The goods were from two months ago, but I don't think they have been processed completely now. I need to investigate the source."

“Also, if these products are available in the market, then we will buy some.”

Roger frowned slightly, tilted his head and looked at Alok, and asked doubtfully:

"Whose goods were robbed?"

"Don't worry about it for now. It's very important anyway." Alok didn't answer the question.

"Hehe, you are always like this. Okay. I will go sell materials tonight, captain, will you come with me?" Roger shrugged and said helplessly.

"Of course." Alok said.

Then, he lay half on the chair, crossed his feet and asked:

"By the way. How is my goods?"

"Don't worry. Half of the second batch has been sold. Of course I know how to deal with it so that it can be sold safely and more expensively." Roger said with a smile.

"That's good. When will we set off?" Alok nodded expressionlessly.

"Eleven o'clock at night," Roger answered.

"Then I'll come find you again." Alok took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, then said.

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