Alok looked at Frank suspiciously, hoping to hear what he wanted to say.

"I used to drink with Florian from time to time. His mood was never very high. But then I never saw him again. And I heard a bad news." Frank said in a low voice while holding the wine glass.

"He was arrested. He was imprisoned by his fellow black-skinned colleagues. It's a bit ironic. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Arrested? No way!!" Alok looked at Frank with wide eyes.

No matter how he thought about it, he never thought that Florian would be arrested.

Besides, he's a police sergeant?

"What's the crime? What's the crime?" Alok asked eagerly.

Frank smiled contemptuously and said, "It's very ironic. The charges against him were dereliction of duty, collusion with criminals, leaking state secrets, self-insurrection, and embezzlement of public property."

Alok knew he had been framed as soon as he heard this. These charges are all optional charges

What kind of dereliction of duty, does drinking coffee during work hours count?

Revealing state secrets? Are you kidding me? To liaise with the Khebri Empire?

He can create a prisoner who steals and embezzles property, no matter what. Is taking a piece of bread from the country considered embezzlement?

As for the criminal who committed adultery, is he talking about ‘Captain Jack’? ?

"He was framed." Alok said with certainty.

"That's right. I think so too. Saying that Florian leaked state secrets? How is that possible?" Frank spread his hands to defend Florian.

"Is there any black man who is more serious and responsible than Florian? If he is guilty, then all black men are guilty of a heinous crime, enough to kill him ten times."

"You're right." Alok said in a depressed mood.

"Has he been tried? Where is he being held?" Alok raised his head and asked.

"I don't know. The trial within Black Skin is separate. No one knows. What do you want to do?" Frank asked.

"Find a way to rescue him." Alok replied nonchalantly.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't do anything crazy? I don't want to see Captain Jack Sparrow on the front page again." Frank said anxiously.

"I didn't say anything about killing." Alok frowned and received it.

He was indeed thinking about how to rescue Florian. This is one of the few friends he has.

At this moment, Professor Palmer also stood up, put down the unfinished beer in his hand and said to Alok:

"Okay, Birk. You don't have to worry too much. I understand the situation better now. I'll go back and discuss it with the count. We'll make plans later."

"Count? Count Otto?" Alok asked in surprise.

"That's right. I can't do it alone. There must be someone who can speak to the top." Professor Palmer confirmed.

"By the way. I think the Earl would also like to see you. Maybe the Earl can also help with Florian's matter."

Alok thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Yeah~~ I also have the idea of ​​meeting the earl."

"It's too late today, so it's not very suitable. I'll come find you again tomorrow afternoon. We'll go find Count Otto together." Professor Palmer nodded.

"Just what I wanted." Alok stood up and nodded.

He took out a wolf fang from El's pocket, handed it to Professor Palmer and said:

"A small communication gadget. If you need anything, call me at any time. I will use it to contact you if I have more information, Professor."

Professor Palmer played with the wolf fang in his hand and marveled at the sophistication of this thing. Then he nodded and said:

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

He turned around and led Frank out of the Night Rose, still thinking about his next plan in his heart.

The task given to them by the big bus is to retrieve the goods and at the same time have a say in the extraordinary market of Dalmeia.

The first task is probably a bit vague, but I still don’t know what to do with the second one.

The reason why Elok was not allowed to go today was not only that it was too late, but also that he hoped to make a decision after discussing with Count Otto.

The complexity of the matter is beyond imagination.

I don’t know what Count Otto has in mind.


At this time, Alok was sitting there, holding the glass of wine in his hand for a long time, thinking about his next move.

It is more urgent to rescue Florian first.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Florian was "in" because of him. And this made him feel a little uneasy. We have to think of a way.

Fool Count Otto tomorrow.

Hmm~~Let’s consult. Not a lie.

The appearance of Professor Palmer and the arrival of Count Otto suddenly gave him an idea.

This is a great idea for a win-win situation.

While he was thinking about it, a familiar voice penetrated his ears.

"Three glasses of Damea beer. I'll give you a discount because your boss and I are friends."

He turned around and saw that it was Roger, that idiot.

He wore a three-cornered pirate hat and a broken dagger at his waist. He was followed by two sailors, carrying a wooden box with difficulty in his hands, which looked quite heavy.

Let me go, you are carrying money like this, are you not afraid of bandits robbing you? ?

Alok was shocked, but fortunately no one dared to mess around in the Night Rose, and there was no trouble in the process. Otherwise, Alok can definitely twist Roger's head off.

After Roger shouted, he went straight to Alok.

Even though Alok changed his appearance, Roger didn't stop at all.

He sat opposite Alok carelessly and asked two younger brothers to put the wooden box on the ground with a "Duang" sound.

Alok looked at the floor with some distress, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Hey, boss. I haven't had dinner yet. Treat me." Roger's heartless voice appeared in Alok's ears, making him want to hit him.

"No, get out." Alok said viciously.

Roger immediately lay on the table and said with a smile:

"Don't be so ruthless. I have done things for you. The first payment. A total of 11,000 gold coins."

At this time, he seemed to have forgotten that he was almost scared to pee his pants on the ship, and acted quite heartless.

This is probably the capital brought by doing things well.

This makes him know that he is useful and will never be killed, so he is fearless.

Alok looked down at the heavy box and was quite satisfied with Roger.

So Kai En said, "One Jack set meal for each person."

"Oh, thank you, Captain." He cheered first. Then he turned to look at the two minions and said:

"You two find a table by yourselves and don't disturb us."

He smiled and thanked the waiter for the beer, and asked for a simple dinner.

And Alok put the whole box into Il's pocket. He didn't count the number.

I believe Roger dare not play any tricks on this. Otherwise, I don't know if his head will move.

After completing these actions, Roger lay on the table and approached Alok and whispered:

"I heard from Sebastian that Captain, did you take Prince Wales away?"

Alok glanced at Roger and said softly.

"Where is it? When can it be cleaned up?" Roger continued to ask.

Alok continued to answer expressionlessly:

"Don't worry about where you put it, it's safer than on the ship anyway. As for handling it, I have my own way."

Roger was not surprised to hear this, he looked around the bar and asked, "It can't be upstairs."

"Do you think it will be that simple?" Alok asked back.

"Hehe~~Of course not. The captain is far-sighted and has a way. But I still want to confirm it." Roger said with a thief's heart.

Alok put down the beer glass in his hand, glanced at Roger, and then said:

"Now this matter has nothing to do with you. After I receive the payment for the goods, I will naturally give you part of the money."

Alok deliberately emphasized the word "part". Let Roger know that he will take a part. Not all for him. Then he continued expressionlessly:

"Go up later, I will give you the second part of the materials. I hope you can sell it at a good price."

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