He yawned, half lying on the sofa, and asked casually:

"Are you married?"

"I'm married. And I have a lovely baby who was just born." Sandro showed a sweet smile.

Alok nodded gently, waved his hand, and said lazily:

"Then I won't waste your time. You should go home after get off work to spend time with your family."

Sandro stood up with a smile and said, "This is not a waste of time. Dark Rose is the place where I have seen the most punctual off-get off work. Then I'll leave."

"Yeah." Alok took a sip of beer and nodded.

He half-lying on the sofa watched Sandro walk out of the door of Dark Rose.

Just as he was about to look away, he suddenly saw an unexpected person.


And behind Frank was his uncle, Professor Palmer.

This surprised Alok.

In such a lazy environment, it brought some novelty.

Why did Professor Palmer come to Damia? Not working at Drol Second High School anymore?

He saw Frank coming to the bar with familiarity, ordering two beers, and sitting opposite Professor Palmer.

He looked like a familiar customer.

That's right, I remember Frank had been to Dark Night Rose.

Well~~ I also lost a girlfriend.

It's not a big problem.

"Lilith~" He shouted to the back, and after not hearing a response for a long time, he slapped his head and realized that he was confused.

Lilith went to help in Il's laboratory.

So he sat up straight and called Nolandes.

He was on duty today, the bartender at the bar, and the bartender who served Frank and Professor Palmer just now.

He looked very familiar with Frank.

Seeing Nolandes quickly walk in front of him, Alok pointed at the two people sitting at the bar and asked:

"Do you know them?"

Nolandes looked back at the bar, then turned his head and nodded in acknowledgement:

"Of course. The younger one is Frank, our regular customer, who often dates different girls here. I haven't seen the other one, but he looks like Frank's elder. What's wrong, manager?"

Alok raised his eyebrows and touched his chin. He didn't expect Frank to have such a habit.

He stared at Frank and Professor Palmer and thought for a moment, then said to Nolandes:

"Go over and tell them I want to buy them a drink."

Nolandes glanced at Alok, then looked at Frank, and replied:

"No problem."


After ordering two glasses of Dark Moon Night beer, Professor Palmer slowly asked with a beer:

"Frank, why do you look so familiar with this place?"

Frank scratched his head, hiding his embarrassment and guilt:

"Ah~~ha. Because I used to have a drink here. It's much quieter than those noisy bars. Occasionally there will be singers performing here. It's very suitable for quiet artistic creation."

"Well~~so, what have you created? Why haven't I heard of your name?" Professor Palmer frowned slightly and asked a soul-searching question.

"Uh~~~Uncle, you know. This is art. Artists will not be famous before they die. Only after you die and your work becomes unique, you may become more famous." Frank defended seriously.

"Really?" Professor Palmer questioned.

"Yes." Frank nodded in reply.

Palmer shook his head, quite speechless about his nephew. Said:

"Can't you learn from the children of the Phasma family?"

Frank quickly stopped Professor Palmer from talking and said:

"Hey! I don't want to become a criminal. This topic is outdated. Every time you talk about Alok. What's good about Alok? Terrorist attacks, treason, kidnapping?? Che~~"

Professor Palmer frowned, looked at Frank and criticized:

"You are not a child anymore. Why do you still believe in the news in the newspaper?? Even if it is true, if you can do such a big thing, it means you have the ability. You are still at the first level. You really don't want to make progress."

"Then I can't set up bombings and kidnap princes? What can I learn from such a heinous person?" Frank continued to defend.

"How old are you? Do you really believe those false reports in the newspaper? Do you know the inside story? Do you know the follow-up? You know nothing and you are still quibbling." Professor Palmer said in a heavier tone.

"Then tell me what the inside story is? Let me hear it." Frank took a big sip of wine and asked.

Professor Palmer looked around, gathered Frank, and whispered:

"The terrorism and treason are absolutely nonsense. Do you know who died in the terrorist attack? They were three drug dealers from Damia. It would be great if they were completely eliminated, but they turned out to be terrorists. This is completely the gang of thugs from Damia trying to shirk responsibility and not want their scandal to spread."

"As for the guard captain who died in the city of Siwatris, it was confirmed by internal information that he was a traitor. No matter how you look at it, Alok did nothing wrong. Wasn't it the stupid thugs from Damia who put him in the position of criminal?"

"How can you say he is guilty without even a trial?" Professor Palmer seemed to be defending Alok.

Although there is a preconceived notion that "other people's children are always good", Professor Palmer does like Alok.

Of course, from a judge's point of view, even if a criminal is extremely evil, he needs to be tried before he can be convicted. This is a legal procedure that cannot be broken.

"How do you explain the kidnapping case?" Frank continued to ask with some reluctance.

Professor Palmer looked at Frank and said angrily:

"Kidnapping? Who knows what it is. Maybe it's just Prince Wales' way to run to Eton."

He took a sip of beer, tasted it and said:

"Not bad beer, very sweet."

"Hmm~~" Frank lowered his head and drank a sip with a depressed mood. Then he changed the subject and said:

"By the way, I don't know why you came to Damei this time, uncle? You didn't come to see me, did you?"

"To see you? Do you still need me to come in person to see you? Of course I have something to do. Official business." Professor Palmer said with regret.

"Okay." Frank shrugged. Don't ask about this topic anymore.

At this moment, Nolandes returned to the bar.

He smiled and tapped the table, exuding a strange smile and said to Frank:

"Our new boss, Mr. Bilke, wants to invite you for a drink. It seems that he wants to discuss his experience in pursuing women. Of course, he may also want to meet a love saint."

Professor Palmer looked at Nolandes in confusion, and then looked at Frank with a dangerous look.

Frank almost gave Nolandes a stick now. Why did he say this at this time? Don't you know that I just got scolded?

And what the hell is that boss Bilke.

He and Professor Palmer looked in the direction of Nolandes's sight at the same time.

A strange man attracted the attention of the two.

He sat quietly in the corner of the bar, wearing a simple leather coat and a bowler hat at his hand. His short dark brown hair was casually combed behind his head.

When he saw the two people looking at him, the man raised the glass at hand and saluted slightly.

Professor Palmer suddenly felt a strange sense of familiarity. He felt as if he had seen this person somewhere before.

But his memory told him that this was the first time he had seen this person.

Even the mood to continue questioning Frank disappeared, and he raised the beer glass in his hand to signal.

Then, he glanced at Nolandes and said to Frank:

"Let's go, we can't let the manager down."

He slowly got down from the high stool and walked towards Alok with a glass of wine.

"Uh~~Okay. Uncle. Don't listen to Nolandes' nonsense. I don't have any experience at all, and I'm not a love saint." Frank looked at Alok viciously and followed Professor Palmer's footsteps helplessly.

Professor Palmer ignored Frank at all, and walked slowly towards Alok with a smile.

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