In fact, Prince Wales knew very well that it had been so long since he had been kidnapped, and still no one came to save him, not even the Duke of Eaton.

He is a prince!

I'm afraid he has been given up.

Damia now is not a warm home for him, but a terrifying hell.

Once he is discovered, the first person to kill him may not be Roger, but his brothers.

They will say they died at the hands of Captain Jack Sparrow.

I don't have extraordinary strength, so just a few powerful guys can kill me. Even Sebas may have to die.

If possible, it would be a good idea to be a pirate all your life. At least it's better than dying inexplicably.

Even if he ran away, where could he go? No money, no backing, no friends.

Looking for some fair-weather friends? Just kidding, it would be nice if I didn't tie myself up and give it to my brother.

It would be great if I could go to another country. Unfortunately Roger didn't think so.

The legendary Captain Jack Sparrow. Don't know what it looks like.


He really had no idea of ​​escaping. There is no danger to my life on the ghost pirate ship. I have food and drink. Other than being locked up all the time, there is no big problem.

You can often look at the sea and see different scenery.

Although life is a bit monotonous, there are no horse racing, no hunting, and no women.

But it's better than the depressing atmosphere inside the palace.

He thought about these miscellaneous things with some abandonment, while following Sebas in silence.

In less than half an hour, the two of them had arrived at Rose Street in Elizabeth District.

He looked at the bright moon in the sky and sighed.

"Almost there." Sebas said calmly.

He has already seen the door of Dark Night Rose's shop. Two snowmen are working as doormen at the door, which is very effective in attracting customers.

Couples will probably come in just for these two snowmen.

He knocked on the store door and stepped inside.

Looking around one night, as expected, there were many people sitting in the store, listening to the soothing music on the gramophone and chatting with each other.

He first looked at Alok's usual spot, and as expected, he didn't see him.

Two girls were sitting opposite each other on the sofa. One of them was wearing a hat that covered her ears and had a big furry ball on it, which was very cute. It's just that the makeup on her face is a bit weird, and her lips are painted blue and purple.

While reading the book, he played with the origami paper in his hands.

There is a glass in front of her, which is the exclusive wine glass for clear moonlight.

Sebas raised his eyebrows and made a judgment. An elf girl. An elf I've never seen before.

Not Ariel, not Danielle.

Opposite her, another girl was scratching her head, frowning and looking at the book in her hand seriously.

It looks like a high school textbook.

He is a high school student.

He glanced at the bar and saw that Majik was not behind the bar. He led Wales to the bar and tapped on the table with some confusion.

The bartender was still the same bartender, and he recognized Sebas, the great artist, at a glance. He said loudly and exaggeratedly:

"Oh~ Mr. Sebastian. What a rare visitor. Long time no see. You don't know that the number of customers has dropped by one-third since you were no longer here."

Sebas smiled awkwardly and joked: "It looks like you paid me less."

"Hahaha. That's what the store manager meant. What would you like to drink?" the bartender laughed.

"Two glasses of Dark Moon Night beer." Sebastian ordered his favorite elf-style beer skillfully.

He watched the bartender skillfully take out two large oak wine glasses, then turned to serve wine for himself and Wales.

After taking the beer, he took a big sip and let out a comfortable "Ah~~~"

"It's been a long time since I drank such refreshing fruity beer." He sighed with emotion. Then he asked:

"By the way. Why don't you see the manager of Majik?"

The bartender lay casually on the bar and said with a smile:

"Haha, you may not believe it, but the manager of the Majik store has retired. He has worked here for more than a hundred years, who would have thought that he would retire now."

"Retired? What a coincidence. Who is your new store manager? Is he also an elf?" Sebas asked.

He looked at the elf girl among the two girls sitting in the corner.

"That's right. This shop was originally run by elves, so of course the elves came to take over." He followed Sebastian's line of sight and discovered his focus, so he explained:

"That's the sister of our current store manager. Her name is Riel. But she can change. She doesn't have just one face. She often changes her appearance. I don't know what she looks like. You can only tell by looking at her elf ears and that hat. she."

He secretly leaned into Sebastian's ear and whispered:

"So, sometimes we think that the ears and hat are the real body. She is very spooky and naughty than Ariel."

By the time he had just finished speaking, El's voice had already reached the bartender's ears: "Nolandes, I heard it, you are talking bad about me again."

"No, Miss Riel. I'm talking about your unparalleled wisdom." Nolanders quickly argued loudly.

He turned his head, looked at Sebas and curled his lips, but did not dare to say any more.

"What about your store manager?" Sebas shrugged, changed the subject, and continued to ask.

Noranders smiled, glanced at El guiltily, and continued to whisper to Sebas:

"The current store manager is called Bilke Sigrit. He doesn't appear here often. He's not like Manager Magik,"

"Bilke?" Sebastian's eyebrows jumped when he heard the name.

He remembered the name. A familiar name.

This is the pseudonym of Mr. Alok Phasma.

When he was in the detective club, he used this name to hide himself.

"When does he usually appear in the store?" Sebastian's calm tone was filled with anxiety.

Nolandes recalled:

"At noon, he will have lunch here. Sometimes he stays for the whole afternoon, and sometimes he goes out. It seems that Mr. Bilke has other things to do besides his work here."

"What? You want to talk to the store manager? Do you want to continue to be on our stage? You are most welcome."

Sebastian smiled and replied, "I have this idea, but I have to wait and see."

He took a big sip of beer and looked at the two girls.

After thinking for two seconds, he decided to get up and say hello to Miss Riel.

He gestured to Walsh and asked him to follow him.

Holding a wine glass, she came to Il's table and said awkwardly and shyly:

"Ahem, I wonder if I can buy Miss Riel a drink?"

Il turned her head in surprise and paused the folding of paper in her hand. She frowned slightly and said:

"What an old-fashioned way to chat up. Don't bother us."

Sebastian looked at Walsh awkwardly. He shrugged. Then he looked at Il and forced himself to continue:

"I just want to get to know Miss Riel."

"It's better to say it directly." Il said impatiently.

She was very disgusted with such a chat up. If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you have to fart, fart quickly.

Sebastian coughed softly to cover up his embarrassment, leaned down, and said softly:

"Ahem. I want to meet Mr. Bilke."

"Bilke?" Il looked at Sebastian in surprise. He didn't have any impression of this person.

She shook her head and said in an extremely unhappy tone: "He's not here now. If you want to see him, come back at noon. Stay away from me now. Don't disturb us."

After getting the same answer as the bartender, Sebastian couldn't stand there and be shameless. He forced a smile and said:

"Thank you, Miss Riel."

He didn't wait for Il's answer, so he took Prince Walsh back to the bar and shrugged helplessly at the bartender Nolanders.

Then he drank a beer awkwardly amid Nolanders's laughter.

Prince Walsh also smiled and drank a big sip of Dark Moon Night beer, but his eyes kept wandering back and forth between Il and Lilith.

He gave Sebastian a slight signal, asking him to look at Lilith, and then asked Nolandes:

"Where is that girl? The girl who studies hard."

Nolandes looked over there and saw Lilith studying the Azera text with her fingers, and turned back and said:

"She? Moonlight Princess, Lilith. She came with our boss."

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