The two of them persisted for a long time until the dishes were served. Alok counted the change in his hand, looked at the steaming chicken pot again, and finally said helplessly:

"I think we should just ask the queen directly through divination. See if we can get any revelation. I don't dare to ask Goddess Del Sha."

"Good idea." Ir first agreed. Then he continued.

"But regardless of this, if Goddess Del Sha wants you to do something, where do you think she will ask you to take her?"

"Damiya." Alok said as a matter of course.

"What about the queen?" Ir asked again.

"Well~~~Damiya too." Alok answered hesitantly.

"Are there any other possibilities, such as the instructions of other gods?" Ir continued to ask.

"Almost impossible." Alok replied rigorously.

"So, if this matter is really a revelation, not a coincidence, then it can only be taken to Damia." Ir analyzed.

"That is to say. We don't need to care about which goddess's order it is, as long as we complete it. There will definitely be other revelations next."

Elok raised his head and looked at Il in surprise. Suddenly, he felt that it made sense.

Who cares who gave the order. Anyway, the destination is the same. Just take her away.

Apart from this, there is another possibility, that is, the girl's name is simply a coincidence.

But even so, she is helpless and may not survive this winter. Taking her away will save her.

It seems that there is no problem.

As if the door to a new world has been opened, Alok suddenly became clear. He looked at Il with sudden enlightenment. He raised the wine glass in his hand. He said:

"It makes sense, cheers."

"Cheers. My stupid brother." Il smiled cleverly and raised his glass.

"Cheers." Lilith, the abducted girl, also raised her glass to join in the fun.

He took a big sip of beer and then let out a comfortable and refreshing "Ah~~"

Then, he continued to communicate with Yier while eating chicken.

"The first problem has been solved, and the second problem is about Lilith's placement. We can't just take her to Damia and do nothing. It's not okay to just abandon her."

"If it's the Queen's arrangement, take her to the Dusk Forest to find Ariel. If it's the goddess Del Sha's instruction, hand her over to Namu Sha, the person in charge of the Damia Temple."

Ir scooped a spoonful of pineapple chicken rice into his mouth, saying:

"It's too early to say this now. Maybe the goddess doesn't want Lilith to go to the temple or the Dusk Forest. Otherwise, why didn't she let the people from the Dusk Forest or the temple pick her up before? We shouldn't act on our own without clear instructions. If it's an arrangement, then fate will make its own arrangements."

"The Queen also has some power over divination and destiny, so it's not a big problem to arrange some small things. Moreover, since we have met, there will naturally be arrangements. Don't worry."

"Then if there is no arrangement for the time being, where should we place her? Dark Night Rose?" Alok continued to ask.

"Sure, Mr. Store Manager!" Ir said teasingly. "But I have a better idea."

"What, don't keep me in suspense, tell me!" Alok rolled his eyes and said.

"I have a plan to open a laboratory. I need helpers. I'll find her a job by the way. So that she won't always eat charity." Ir said with some longing.

"It seems that she is indeed special. Maybe she has a talent for astrology or mysticism. So~~~~I decided to train her to be an alchemist."

"Ah? Did I hear it right? Hey, don't mess around." Alok looked at her and warned.

Ir continued to explain:

"What are you afraid of? If it succeeds, it means that it is the arrangement of fate. If fate doesn't arrange it this way, it won't succeed."

After listening to Ir's explanation, Alok was speechless and said helplessly:

"If you keep talking nonsense, I won't cover you up if something goes wrong."

"Anyway, don't worry about this matter. I'll do it!" Ir said at last.

Alok pinched his forehead helplessly. Seeing that Il had made a decision, he had to shake his head and fight with his chicken.

After the silent but turbulent dinner, Il first said goodbye to Lilith strategically and sent her back to her dilapidated home.

She looked very friendly and smiled, sent Lilith to the place where they met, looked at her somewhat dilapidated home, and said:

"A very pleasant dinner. Moonlight Princess. See you next. What are your plans?"

"Me? I'm going to wait for my knight to appear." Lilith's tone was a little arrogant and a little disappointed.

"Really?" Il looked at Alok and found that he was looking at the distant mountains very cooperatively without any movement.

So he turned to look at Lilith and continued:

"I hope you can meet your knight soon. Or you can meet the prince directly."

She waved to Lilith and made a goodbye gesture. Then she turned around and left without looking back.

Lilith's eyes flashed with disappointment as she watched Alok and Il disappear into the night.

She touched her stomach, sighed that she had finally had a full meal, pursed her lips, and returned to her only remaining property.

The rotten and leaky wooden hut.

On the way back, although Alok was a little worried about Il's behavior, he chose to believe her. Although it seemed a bit cruel.

Maybe you will know how to cherish after you lose it.

Princess syndrome is not good. Il also knows it.

They walked to the bar where they stayed. Alok sat at the bar and asked for a beer, while Il went back to the room to rest.

No one was careless to disturb him, so that he could enjoy his time alone.

After all, the pistol and one-handed sword on Alok's belt were not for scaring people.

He grabbed the bartender who was cutting ice and tried to ask:

"Do you know Lilith?"

He hoped to get some more information so as not to miss anything.

"The girl who had dinner with you just now? Of course I know her. The town is not big, and everyone knows her." The bartender said while putting an ice cube into Alok's glass.

"She looks quite pitiful." Alok continued to talk.

He took out a gold coin, gently placed it on the table, pushed it to the bartender, and said:

"Another drink. No need to change."

The bartender was quite tactful. He smiled, put the gold coin in his arms, and became much more enthusiastic. He smiled and said:

"Loki Town is not a big town, nor is it a strategic location, nor is it a major transportation route. There is not much floating population. Customers like you are rare."

"Lilith is indeed pitiful. Her father was an officer who died in the List Fortress. Her mother was very beautiful, but unfortunately she ran away with a young man in the city after receiving a large pension."

"When did it happen?" Alok asked again.

"Two years ago. Time flies. I don't remember how Lilith spent the last winter." The bartender answered simply.

"Then Lilith became an orphan. But she went to work as a maid in the house of Sir Bliss in the town. It was hard for her to support herself. Sir Bliss felt sorry for her. Otherwise, she would have starved to death."

"It is for this reason that no one dares to bully her."

Alok nodded, took a big sip of beer, and continued to ask:

"She seems to like reading. She has read fairy tales and the like. You know, reading is a luxury in the town."

The bartender laughed out loud, waved his hand and said:

"Hey, how can she read? Sometimes she plays with Sir Bliss's son. It's probably those unrealistic fairy tales that Sir Bliss's son told her. What about princes and princesses. Don't you think about it, how can princes and princesses end up here?"

"Sir Bliss?" Alok asked the knight who was mentioned many times in the bar in confusion.

"Sir Bliss was originally from the town. It is said that he made military achievements in the List Fortress and was injured, so he returned to his hometown." The bartender was very knowledgeable, probably because of the gold coin.

"He is also a comrade-in-arms of Lilith's father, otherwise how could he take care of Lilith so much."

"I heard that there was a baby marriage between the two children, but since Lilith became an orphan, no one has mentioned it anymore."

Sir is a general term for the nobles of the empire, from the knight class to the duke.

Just like the word lord, it can represent the four titles of earl, viscount, baron and lord.

And from the information of Sir Bliss, he is a knight class. Maybe he is a transcendent, but he won't be too strong.

Alok clicked his tongue and sighed that the world is ruthless.

He also sighed at the bloody plot.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk~~~

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