But he also got another piece of news.

"Captain Jack is already on his way from the Sea of ​​Palma to Damia in his Ghost Pirate Ship."

It is said that he went to ask for money.

How audacious.

Okay, Roger, don’t wait for the imperial royal family to cause trouble for you. I will go to find trouble for you first when I go to Damia.

In addition to these news, there is also a lot of false news.

Captain Jack slaughtered the village and robbed several pigs.

The real reason why Captain Jack kidnapped the Prince of Wales was because he liked men.

At first glance, these were written by newspaper reporters. Don't take it seriously.

"What's wrong? My dear brother, your face darkened instantly when you heard the news about yourself?" Yi Er interrupted inappropriately.

She was leaning on the backrest behind her, her posture somewhat elegant, and she would have been beautiful if it weren't for the bear-like coat that covered her slender figure.

Alok glanced at El, who looked drunk, and said sullenly:

"It's my damn second mate. You should read the newspaper from a while ago."

"Roger? How interesting!" El said with great interest.

"Let's talk about the small town just now." Alok quickly changed the subject and continued.

It would be embarrassing if El knew.

He recalled the information he had just found and said with a hint of worry:

"More than a month ago, an unexpected incident occurred in that small town. All animals and animals disappeared overnight. It seemed like this was a dilapidated town."

"But because it is located on the edge of the Dark Moon Forest and close to the border of the Khebri Empire. The geographical location is important, so the temple and the army went to investigate. Some clues were found."

"This should be a massacre caused by supernatural factors. Yes, the temple has classified it as a massacre."

"According to internal information in the temple, it was the 'Death Seat' who did it. They are currently hunting the suspect, Amekis. A dangerous person walking on the edge of death. A person who is willing to become an undead for eternal life."

"But further information says that Amekis was once a priest of the temple. He believed in a god subordinate to the God of Order, the God of Justice."

He looked at El's somewhat blurred eyes and suddenly said with some mockery:

"Although I'm not sure if it's true. But it's still hard to imagine that someone who believes in justice would do such a thing."

"What is the purpose of bloody sacrifices? Most of them are requests from evil gods. Since they are undead, the person requesting them must be the god of death, Al. But Al never responds to believers."

"Hmm~~" El didn't know what to say. I had no choice but to drink the last sip of clear moonlight in the cup and let out a short sigh.

"What a stupid man."

Alok shrugged, shook his head and sighed:

"What a pitiful townspeople. I don't know what attracts us and why we encounter this kind of thing. Maybe we know too little."

Then, he sighed again, looked up at El, and asked:

"I have a question. After a judge becomes an undead, does he still remain a judge? Or does he become an undead scholar and start all over again?"

"Keep the profession of judge, but you can learn the skills of the undead." Il replied without thinking.

"Have you forgotten the undead banshee Heather? A banshee who is a witch. She is a witch and an undead. She can use the skills of the witch and the screams of the undead."

Elok did recall his first enemy since becoming a transcendent, the undead banshee Heather.

But as his knowledge grew and he learned more and more extraordinary knowledge, he also had other ideas. So he shook his head and said:

"But it seems to be repulsive. Especially for mid-to-high-level transcendent beings. The repulsive force should be very strong."

"A transcendent person like Amekis who can do such big things must be at a mid-level level."

El forked a piece of roasted slightly charred mutton, put it in his mouth, and said:

"The undead are such a perverted life. The life of the will body makes their will body strength much higher than that of extraordinary people of the same level. And they themselves can survive in the sea of ​​spiritual power, which makes them immune to erosion and separation. Stronger.”

"How about it, are you envious?" She looked at Alok and said as if she was teasing.

Alok curled his lips, shrugged his shoulders and replied:

"Sorry, no. I don't like skeletons."

"Me too." El said teasingly. "I'm still more interested in Captain Jack Sparrow."

Alok glanced helplessly at El, but still didn't answer the topic. He didn't want to say anything more on this topic.

So he changed the topic again and said:

"Let's talk about the route back."

"Following the advice of our father Rich. Don't go by Mount Vatteris. Let's go around it. Go by the coast of Atum in Chelansi. Then go to Damia."

"Although we may have to fly for a few more days, we can avoid danger. There are some secrets hidden in Mount Vatteris. We still don't want to go there at this stage."

El nodded while eating his dinner and said hesitantly:

"Good idea, but there's a better way."

"What?" Alok asked in surprise.

"Then don't worry about it. Just do whatever I ask you to do." El replied with a chuckle.

Alok glanced at El in surprise, wondering what she had in mind. Hope what a good idea.


The next morning, Ir got up early and sneezed. He twitched his nose a few times. It seemed that he felt a little cold.

But she didn't pay much attention to it.

Then he came to Alok's door, used the transformation spell to transform the door lock, and opened the door.

Seeing that Alok had no intention of getting up, he said helplessly:

"Brother, it's time to get up. It's already twelve o'clock."

In fact, Alok had woken up, but he just didn't want to leave the warm bed.

In winter, getting up becomes a very difficult thing.

But it was noon. He sighed and said:

"Okay, Ir."

But when he really got up, washed up, and walked on the street. Looking at the sky outside that had just dawned. Suddenly, he was depressed and sighed. He lamented that he was too young and was deceived by a woman.

On the other hand, Ir was quite excited, with his eyebrows and eyes wide open, walking in front of Alok and fiddling with something.

"Hurry up, play a replay of yesterday. Cover it up." She lowered her head and said with some expectation.

Helpless, Alok sighed again, waved his hand in obedience, and used yesterday's reappearance to cover up the scene.

I really don't know what tricks Ir is playing.

Ir took out a carriage made of paper from his pocket, and then took out two horses that didn't look like each other.

He silently chanted a spell, but saw the origami gradually become bigger and real.

After a roar, a lifelike carriage appeared in front of the two.

The two horses were as white as snow elves.

The carriage was flawless white, carved with gorgeous runes, and equipped with soft cushions inside, embroidered with Opulian flowers.

"Wow. Witches are really magical professions." Alok exclaimed with his mouth open.

While exclaiming the magic of witchcraft, Alok was also a little puzzled.

Aren't we flying faster than this carriage?

Before he could ask, he saw Ir's weird smile. He came to the side of the carriage and opened the door of the carriage himself, as if he had changed his identity, and invited Alok to step into it like a gentleman.

Although the roles were a bit reversed, it was rare for Ir to do so, and Alok would not give him face.

He smiled dotingly, and then stepped into it.

Then, Ir followed sweetly to the carriage and closed the door of the carriage. He whispered:

"Remember to keep the same appearance as yesterday. If you are found out, I will not care. It's your problem. Sit tight and be careful."

In Alok's puzzled eyes, she smiled gently, suddenly waved her arms, and the whole carriage began to accelerate.

Combined with the "da~da~da~da~" sound of horse hooves outside the carriage, it was like a real carriage.

When the speed reached a speed that ordinary carriages could not reach, Alok suddenly felt a force rising from under his buttocks. It felt like taking an elevator.

He realized something and looked out in a hurry, but saw that the earth was moving away, and the town below was gradually moving back and getting smaller.

I looked at Il in surprise, but saw that she was smiling foolishly. So I laughed out loud.

Il stared at Alok, and suddenly said with a smile:

"You can take a nap. But remember to repeat what happened yesterday. I don't want any topics like flying carriages to appear in the news tomorrow."

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