"Even if it is exaggerated, it should not be very weak. Forget it, I'll look back and see if there are any substitutes." Il said disappointedly.

For the magic device, Alok felt that it was dispensable.

Just like those extraordinary items. It's just something outside the body.

Ahem, although Alok himself relies heavily on extraordinary weapons and equipment, he is right to think so.

But it seems that Il is very concerned about this. He shrugged and let her go.

Il has his own favorite things and his own ideas. He has his own path and his own research.

Alok is the same, but he prefers to study actual combat and skill matching.

Not long after nightfall, Alok still plans to continue practicing the use of skills and continue to try to match it with the Crescent Moon Mark.

By the way, explore the combination of skills.

For example, can the Crescent Moon Mark and the Glory of the Remnant Moon be accompanied by "tearing" to produce the effect of splitting the will of others. Or the effect of memory cutting. It can also cut other people's will bodies.

According to this logic, the fourth-level skill "Shadow Slash" should also be applied to the Radiance of the Remnant Moon.

In addition, can you use the Crescent Moon Trace and the Remnant Moon Trace while using the Moonlight Transformation?

When you are in the Moonlight Transformation, you can basically avoid all attacks. Of course, there are also restrained skills, such as the witch's dispel and various silences. It is equivalent to a short invincible frame time.

If it is feasible, it means that your pseudo-invincible frame time can also carry out a powerful attack.

These are all the wonderful ideas he had in the outer periphery of the Sunset Mountains. But the situation at the time did not allow him to experiment with these.

So as soon as he arrived at the Dark Moon Forest, these ideas popped out of his mind.

And most of the skills are matched with the Crescent Moon Trace weapon. This is also because he frequently used it in the Sunset Mountains.

Although the weapon "Crescent Moon Trace" does not seem to have strong attack power and the shield effect is extremely useless. Only the Moonlight Transformation can be seen. And the effect of the Moonlight Transformation also has a replacement skill.

But through Alok's continuous practice, it was discovered that its power is reflected in infinite possibilities.

Just like the profession of artist. Power is reflected in infinite possibilities and infinite imagination.

The skill of Crescent Moon can be transformed and mixed with some other skills.

In this sense, mystics and artists are very similar. But the focus is different.

The power of mystics mainly comes from his knowledge. The richer the knowledge, the stronger the mystic.

The power of artists comes more from imagination. The richer the imagination, the more fantastic ideas, the stronger the artist.

Even so, artists also need a lot of precipitation and accumulation.

And they also need constant practice to prevent rustiness.

The longer you become an artist, the deeper you delve, and the stronger you will naturally be.

This is the precipitation that art needs.

Those actors who can go on stage by relying on their elders and capital, the poets who say "shit, piss and fart" when they open their mouths, and the singers who talk nonsense and don't know what they mean, are just jumping clowns. They will eventually be abandoned by the times and art.

In view of these characteristics of artists.

Therefore, Alok is also thinking about whether he should learn the "Crescent Moon" skill of an artist at level 4.

After all, it only occupies one position, and I have accumulated a little bit of experience. In addition, my imagination is particularly rich due to my experience in my previous life.

So, it’s okay to learn this. And I don’t have to worry about the source of the spell of the skill. Just ask Ramir directly.

The only problem is "repulsion of different species".

Choosing Guardian as one of my skills at level 1 itself carries a certain degree of danger. But fortunately, the level is not high, so it’s not a big problem. If it reaches level 4, I have to be more cautious.

The pirate profession is more prone to separation and collapse as it progresses. This is due to the law of repulsion.

Therefore, there are very few pirates. I have only seen one. He is a guy who often needs to use clear leaves to stabilize his astral body.

It’s better to be cautious.

Thinking of this, in fact, with this sword, there is no need for the blessing of skills.

He smiled slightly.

He swung out a soft white crescent moon light, cutting out a circle of memory fireworks.

The idea of ​​adding memory cutting is feasible.

So, what about another knife?

The tear after mutation cut a crack in the air with the light of the waning moon, like a cut on the canvas of the world, and then quickly sewn up.

The distorted space returned to normal, making Alok sigh at his genius idea.

In this case, it should be possible to cooperate with the Shadow Path.

He kept experimenting with his various genius and crazy conjectures. But it caused his own clear tree to suffer.

The "village committee" of Dark Moon Village is expected to come tomorrow.

Maybe it won't take tomorrow, but tonight.

However, it was unexpected that the first to come was not the "village committee", but the shocked Il:

"Hey, my God. Alok, what are you doing?"

"Ah?" Alok turned around in confusion and looked at the shocked Il.

"Nothing. Experimenting with my conjecture." Alok answered truthfully.

"Why did our tree drop leaves all over the ground?" Yi Er held the door frame with one hand and pinched his waist with the other hand, asking in confusion and condemnation.

"Uh~~~" Alok looked back at his feet, and awkwardly looked back at Yi Er, and found a nonsense excuse and said:

"I am pruning its branches. I will give it a spa. By the way, these branches and leaves can be collected and sold to Damia."

"Huh?" Yi Er had no idea what Alok was talking about, and sighed helplessly.

"Then collect them yourself, remember to only take leaves, not branches."

"What dangerous skills are you experimenting with?" She asked again in confusion.

Elok looked at the leaves on the ground awkwardly, touched his head, and said:

"Uh~~~I'm thinking about combining the skill of Tearing with the Mark of the Crescent Moon. It's not about integrating Tearing into the Mark of the Crescent Moon, but integrating the Mark of the Crescent Moon into Tearing."

"By charging, use the Mark of the Crescent Moon to create an effect similar to Tearing, with countless blades cutting the target."

"If it works, then add the Shadow Path and turn it into a long-range attack. I'm trying to make the idea a reality."

Ir was shocked by Elok's crazy idea, looked at Elok with an incredible face, and finally said:

"Huh??? Please stop your stupid idea. Don't you know that Tearing is an indiscriminate attack? If you don't want to cut yourself with the Mark of the Crescent Moon, stop this attempt."

"I know. I'm trying to improve it. Maybe~~~~" Elok answered casually.

Il quickly reached out to interrupt Alok's speech and said:

"No maybe, thank you. If you don't want to become a corpse the next day. I advise you not to try such dangerous behavior in the Dark Moon Forest. The leaves of the clear tree are not enough for you to make."

"Uh~~ I want to say that maybe using phantoms can achieve suicide attacks." Alok muttered to himself with some grievance.

"Then you can't experiment at your doorstep." Il heard Alok's more crazy remarks, so he stopped him even louder.

"Well~~~Okay." Alok shrugged indifferently, not taking Il's words to heart at all.

But he did not plan to experiment at the doorsteps of several houses, but not because he was afraid of destroying his own trees. He was afraid of the trouble after the destruction.

Those "village committees" and "urban management" are not vegetarians.

Then go to the field experiment in the Dark Moon Forest.

If the idea is feasible, then integrating the brilliance of the crescent moon is also feasible.

If some buffs are added to the Radiance of the Remnant Moon, it is also feasible.

Hey~~ If the pseudo-invincibility frame generated by the short-term moonlight is added, then it can also be performed by the main body.

The moonlight flashes randomly, like a KTV. The enemy is cut like tofu and becomes a pile of tofu blocks.

I always think that the skill of tearing must have potential, and people must not have developed it enough! !

That's right! !


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