El sat familiarly on the small sofa in Ramiel's office.

Then he took out the gift he brought for her.

A hunting bow obtained from Cappadocia.

Although it is not brand new and is only an enchanted weapon, it is indeed a trophy.

It is very popular among elves to give loot and items of their own making as gifts.

This shows sincerity rather than perfunctoryness.

"I brought you a gift." El said with a smile.

"Wow. A hunting bow?" Ramiel said in surprise.

She cherished this level three enchanted weapon and felt the magic attached to it with her mental power.

"I haven't changed my bow for a long time. Thank you. It fits the hand very well." Ramiel stroked the bow body, then tested the tension of pulling it open, and looked at El and said.

"Well, that's good." El smiled, and then continued to introduce:

"That's what we got from a bunch of Cappadocia. I saw it wasn't bad."

"Cappadocia? Those vampires?" Ramil suddenly asked in surprise. "They're not easy guys to get along with."

"So it's a trophy." El explained, spreading his hands.

"Haha~, it looks like you went to Innius? That's where these vampires gather." Ramil said with a laugh.

She looked at El, and then said with concern: "As long as you are okay, their fighting power is really impressive."

"The memory is indeed profound. They can't even be beaten after they transform." El shrugged and complained.

"Hehe. It's like an iron lump with rough skin and thick flesh. Well, it can't even be cut." Ramiel agreed.

Then she hung the hunting bow on the wall of her office in the most conspicuous position, and continued:

"Okay. Thank you for the gift, and thank Alok for me by the way. I accepted it. It looks like I have a new weapon for hunting. This is really a surprise. I knew I would have a surprise today."

"Huh? How did Sister Ramil know?" El asked in surprise.

"There will be surprises every day. Hehe~ You have to learn to expect it." Ramiel blinked and said.

"Oh, by the way. Have you gone to hand in the mission?" She sat back on the sofa, sitting side by side with El, and asked.

"Not yet. Alok will be responsible for this. He still has to cut out the memory. It will probably take a lot of effort." Elk explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ramil's mind suddenly turned and he remembered what he had been troubled about just now.

Which elf is more suitable to go to Dalmea than Elok and El?

But this is not a mandatory order from the Queen, and their opinions must be considered.

So Ramil thought about it, suddenly looked at El, and asked:

"That's right. What are you going to do after you handed in the mission? Continue to do the mission?"

El raised his head, thought for a moment, and then said:

"Hmm... let's upgrade first. I will be able to upgrade soon, and it looks like Alok will be too. So we have to upgrade to level four first."

"Then what. What if the upgrade is completed? What are your plans?" Ramiel continued to ask.

"Elok wants to return to Damia. I plan to go with him." Il replied casually.

"Really? That's great." Ramil said in surprise.

"Huh? What's wrong?" El asked in confusion.

Ramil covered himself with a smile and said:

"No, it's nothing. It seems you have something you want to do. Hehe."

El looked at Ramiel in confusion, feeling that she was not normal today.

"Okay. Actually, I have a mission to go to Damia." Ramiel looked at El's expression and knew that he probably couldn't hide it, so he explained directly.

"I don't know if you know Majik. He is retiring. So we have to find an elf to replace him. But there is no suitable one. Since you want to know Damiya, you can also replace him for a while."

"Huh? Majik? I don't know him. I've heard of him. Alok should be very familiar with him." Il recalled for a moment and then said.

"Yes, Alok is very familiar with him." Ramiel confirmed.

"If it were just this matter, I think Alok would be happy to agree. Let me talk to him when I go back." Elok said immediately.

"Huh? Really? That's the best. Thank you, El, you have done me a big favor." Ramil said excitedly.

Ramil was really happy. Not only does it solve the retirement problem of Majik, it also allows the position to be filled.

And so does El.

She knew that the purpose of her trip to Damia was to confront the Anti-Will. And with this layer of protection from the elves, it will be easier to do things.

It can be described as a mutually beneficial win-win situation.

The two laughed at each other, and Ramil moved closer to El and said:

"By the way. I'm quite curious about your experience of going to the Sunset Mountains. I've been to the Sunset Mountains once, and it's quite dangerous there."

El recalled for a moment and began to talk about the adventures he and Elok had on the outskirts of the Sunset Mountains.

From the beginning of binding demons to the danger caused by accidentally entering the Sunset Mountain Range. From encountering Laplace's demon to arriving in Innius.

Let Ramil click his tongue in surprise. I lamented that the two of them were so lucky and had rich experiences.

There was no problem except that Ramil's expression changed slightly when he saw the Ellapras demon.

"Laplace's demon? It's very dangerous." Ramiel said after El said.

El nodded, caressing his chest in a somewhat frightened tone and said:

"Indeed. Fortunately, Alok was lucky and solved the problem."

Then, she continued with some helplessness:

"Finally, I got a crystal. But now I don't know what to do with it? I don't want to sell it, and I don't know how to make extraordinary weapons."

Lamil touched his chin, recalling the books he had read before, and said:

"Well~~~The crystal of Laplace demon is indestructible and cannot be destroyed. Of course, it can't be bound, so extraordinary weapons can't be made."

"But I remember that the crystal of Laplace demon is very rare. It should be able to be made into a kind of magic guide device."

"I forgot the details. You can go to the library to find the book. I also forgot what it was called. Damn, my memory is getting worse and worse, it must be related to more and more work." She frowned and pouted, complaining.

"Can it be made into something like this?" Il asked in surprise.

Ramir nodded with a smile and said:

"Yes, I suggest you go to the library and ask the administrator. Mi'er, my mother. She must know. But she may not be at work. She is always like this."

"Go find her later. I want to continue to listen to your adventures."

"Okay!" Ir replied with a smile.

She was very happy about this unexpected gain. She continued to tell Ramir the follow-up story.


At dawn, Alok got up from the bed and looked at the grayish-white light on the horizon.

The sky of the Dark Moon Forest was covered by clouds again.

He stretched his body, walked out of the room, and walked towards the temple of the Spring Village.

I don't know if it was my good luck or what, I met Emile at the door of the temple.

But unfortunately, Emile caught me taking a shortcut and wading through the water.

He greeted Emil shamelessly:

"Hi~ Emil. Long time no see."

Emile frowned slightly and said in surprise:

"Yeah, long time no see. You guys are back from Sunset Mountains? So soon? I thought it would take a long time?"

"Hey, it's just a small task, how much trouble can it have? We have already completed the task perfectly." Alok said shamelessly.

"The map is completed, and there are some fragments of my memory on it. It only takes a little skill to see the specific situation there." He replied with a smile.

"Oh? Then you introduce it to me after we go in. Just consider it as you have completed the task." Emil scratched his head and said.

She yawned and took Alok into the temple, talking and laughing with the elves in the temple around.

She took Alok to a small room, probably an office or something, and there was no house number outside the door.

"Take it out and show it to me." Ramil sat behind the desk naturally and said casually.

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