Naviste, Dror City, in the office of Grand Duke Dror.

Taking advantage of the early morning sunshine, Justice Dror began his busy work all day today.

Outside the door, Count Otto knocked gracefully and gently, then pushed the door open and entered.

"Grand Duke, are you looking for me?" His face was calm and elegant, but there was a hint of urgency and worry in his eyes.

The moment Dror saw Count Otto come in, he put down what he was doing and stood up, and personally led him to sit down on the sofa next to the office.

After the servant poured a cup of tea for the two of them, Grand Duke Dror spoke:

"Let's not reminisce about the past. Let's get straight to the point. I came to you mainly for two things."

He took a sip of tea and asked:

"Do you know about the new decree issued by the Empire?"

"The Rare Wild Fauna and Flora Protection Act?" Count Otto didn't think about it, but answered directly in a questioning tone.

"That's right. You must be anxious about this matter as well. This is the first thing." Archduke Dror nodded.

"Due to the implementation of this law, some industries in Navister have been affected to a certain extent. This includes marine fisheries and the low-level extraordinary materials industry."

"The vast majority of extraordinary species are listed in the directory. This is a huge threat to Navest's industry."

"We are originally close to the ocean, and we rely on this geographical advantage to develop, but obviously some people in the imperial capital want to block our way forward. Even if we just suffered an unreasonable disaster."

He took out two cigars and asked the servant to light them for him and Count Otto. After taking a strong puff, he frowned slightly and continued:

"The news came yesterday that our caravan encountered obstacles outside Damia. The reason is that our caravan does not have the qualifications to deal in rare animal and plant materials."

"Now that shipment is gone."

"Dameiya confiscated our goods, relying on the provisions of the newly introduced law "Rare Wild Animals and Plants Protection Law." Without authorization, all items related to listed species are not allowed to be traded. Once discovered, they will be confiscated."

"This qualification is officially recognized and authorized. But the specific responsibility has not yet been clarified to which department. I don't know which department is responsible for the confiscation."

"This batch of goods belongs to our two families. And there is no one more trustworthy than you in my hands, and I can't leave here. So, I hope you can take a long trip."

Although Count Otto knew about this, he didn't know it in such detail. He frowned even more when he heard it.

He couldn't understand that even the Grand Duke's goods would be deducted? ?

After thinking for a moment, he finally took a puff of his cigar and replied: "I understand. My task is to retrieve this batch of goods, and also to obtain the qualification certificate. This is indeed the most appropriate thing for me to do. Yes. ~~~I’ll go get ready.”

"Also, we need to go one step further. We cannot put the right to speak in the hands of others. We must fight for the right to speak in this regard." Grand Duke Dror added.

"Navist is the largest producer of extraordinary materials in the Hutt Empire. If you don't even have a say in this, then you are just waiting to be manipulated."

"In this matter, you represent me and the entire Navest. Don't be cowardly." Archduke Dror sat up straight and said in a strong tone.

"Understood." Count Otto also became rarely tough and said forcefully.

"Well, the second thing." Grand Duke Dror nodded and continued.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time, plus I met a man yesterday, the Bishop of the Axiom Temple - Anthony."

"I heard that Kafka XI is not in good health. We have to make a choice."

"For many years, we have been wavering between the Temple of Axiom and the Temple of Order. Although the Temple of Order is the main force in Drol City, the power of the Temple of Axiom is getting stronger and stronger in the north."

"Are you talking about Eton?" Count Otto interjected.

"Yes, there is also Xinminsudale. And the north of Naviste." Grand Duke Dror nodded and replied.

"The alternation of royal power is very common, but the alternation of divine power is~~~" Count Botu did not continue, believing that the Grand Duke could hear what he meant.

Grand Duke Dror frowned, smoked a cigar, and said slowly:

"We should see that the Temple of Order is becoming more disordered and weaker, while the Temple of Axiom is becoming stronger due to public opinion. Especially now that Eton is close to Damea."

"And the Axiom Temple is beginning to be able to compete with the Temple of Order. If the Axiom Temple wins again in the struggle for royal power, the balance will be broken. The balance will tilt towards the Axiom Temple."

"We all know that although royal power and divine power are separated, it is undeniable that without the help of divine power, it is simply impossible to obtain royal power. And without the support of royal power, divine power will be difficult to achieve alone."

"If Prince Wales wins the throne, then the Hutt Empire will change. And this kind of thing is not an exception in the history of the Hutt Empire. For example, the dynasty and theocratic changes at the end of the Fifth Era, such as the mid-Fifth Era of theocratic reform.”

Count Otto nodded, after listening to the Grand Duke's speech, he thought for a while and suddenly said:

"But there is still news. Prince Wales, who is supported by the Axiom Temple, was kidnapped by the so-called Captain Jack. Hmm~~~I don't know whether this news is good or bad."

"The bad side is that this will make the Axiom Temple lose its advantage. Otherwise, Jack's bounty would not have increased by only 5,000 gold coins. The good news is that we know the legendary Captain Jack, that is, Elok Phasma."

"Oh~~He is your son-in-law?" Grand Duke Dror asked in surprise.

"Uh~~~" Count Botu suddenly shrugged, not knowing how to answer this question.

Seeing this, Dror returned to the topic and continued:

"Forget it. I think it's a good thing. After all, Damia is firmly controlled by the Temple of Order. Prince Wales is safer in the wild than there. If he can go to his uncle, Grand Duke Eaton, maybe there will be more hope."

"Well~~I still think this is too risky. If you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss." Count Otto tried to dissuade Grand Duke Dror.

In fact, there is another compromise, which is to support secretly.

But everyone knows that fence-sitters have no spring.

Therefore, neither Drol nor Otto proposed this stupid suggestion.

After a long silence, Drol sighed and said viciously:

"In fact, I just hate the bunch of idiots in the Temple of Order. Those priests are righteous, but they do countless things that violate order. They also say righteously that I am just for order. Then create a lot of red tape, which looks like rules and the embodiment of order on the surface, but is actually all hypocrisy."

"And the most important thing is their purpose in doing this. They just want to attract more power and get more money." Count Botu added.

"Cough cough cough~~" He coughed twice as a reminder.

Grand Duke Drol also realized his gaffe, but it was not a big problem to say these in front of his friends.

So after taking a deep breath, he said a little disappointedly:

"Forget it. Let's look at this topic after a while, at least we have to see when Prince Wales is out of danger."

"I think so too." Count Otto nodded in response. Then he suddenly changed the subject and said:

"By the way. Since I am going to Dameia and I have to do this, I think I have to bring a legal advisor with me."

"Well~~~Okay. Do you have a candidate?" Grand Duke Dror asked softly.

"Professor Palmer. I hope your college can let me have someone." Count Otto said with a smile.

Grand Duke Dror looked at Count Otto in astonishment and said:

"Professor Palmer? No problem, he is indeed a good candidate. Speaking of legal advisors, who can compare to the chief justice?"

"As for the college, it is not a big problem to change a teacher."

"Thank you, Grand Duke." Count Botu said with a smile.


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