The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 389 Symphony of the Night (Part 3)

Faced with such an enemy, Il's head hurt a bit.

Didn't Alok say that he had a way to deal with hunters?

Why not change it back...

Forget it. I'm afraid of being killed...

That Cappadocia suddenly flew into the air with the moonlight and flew towards Il at a very fast speed.

So Il quickly entered the combat state. He released a freshly made scarecrow imaginary enemy on the spot to confuse Cappadocia.

In the eyes of the vampire, the inferior scarecrow turned into Il's appearance.

Sure enough, the madman who had lost his mind obviously had no resistance to such mental magic. It seemed that only the scarecrow on the spot was in his eyes.

And Il took this opportunity to quickly distance himself.

He suddenly released a large number of crows from his pocket and let them circle in the air. And he also turned into a crow and mixed in with them.

These were some ordinary crows she bought in the market. Originally, the feathers of this kind of crows could be used to make extraordinary feather pens, but Ir used them as a flock of crows.

This situation almost made her invincible.

But you have to be careful of the hunter's eagle eyes. Ir remembered that Alok once said that hunters are more restrained in this situation.

But for a guy who has lost his mind, this is a luxury.

This is the price of gaining powerful strength.

When he swooped down and tore the scarecrow to pieces with a slap, Irton, who had just flown into the sky, took a breath of cold air.

That's hundreds of gold coins. . .

My material!

Aiming at the vampire who has lost his self-awareness and is left with endless desires and longings, Ir began to play the advantages of a witch.

While confusing the enemy, he launched a crazy attack on the will and spirit.

First, a directional fear made him crazy and began to wave his sharp claws wildly, making a huge noise in the middle of the night, causing disaster to the surrounding houses.

Seeing that it worked, Il began to use this time to cast countless small skills.

Fireballs, lightning strikes, and a useless petrification spell. There are also some disability strikes, deformation spells... As long as you can think of it, almost all the ones that can be used are arranged.

But what makes Il headache is that it is basically useless, and it can only make that Cappadocia more crazy and fierce.

The only useful offensive means is probably "mental attack-stun", but unfortunately this skill has limited damage. It is not an offensive skill itself, but just a control.

Countless skills hit people, but only played a little effect, which made Il a little scratching his head.

The witch itself wins in weirdness and control. But for this thick-skinned guy~~~~~~~

It turns out that not only Elok has no way to deal with this thing. I don't have many ways either.

However, what gives Il the confidence to deal with this fourth-level Cappadocia is that he still has a trick up his sleeve. To deal with vampires, he should use curses.

This is what she saw in a book about curses. Although there is only one sentence, Ir was impressed.

The curse used is called "Blood Curse".

There are not many materials needed, and the most important one is the blood of a Cappadocian. The fresher the better.

Seeing that his other skills have no effect on this guy, Ir had no choice but to use this curse that he is not very proficient in to fight back. Hope it will work.

Well~~~ The key is to hope it will succeed.

She hid in the crows and commanded the crows to fall in the big pit where Cappadocia was attacked by Alok.

Then he threw a fear spell again to buy time for himself.

And she looked for traces of blood on the ground.

Sure enough, with the help of many crows, Ir quickly found the blood on the ground.

But she took a deep breath and began to make a prophecy silently. I hope to find the blood that really belongs to this Cappadocian.

He just said that he had just drunk enough, who knows if it is his own blood. If it is not, wouldn't it be a misunderstanding?

I hope it will be of some use.

According to her hunch, Il picked up a pile of blood-stained soil and comforted herself:

"That's right. This is it!"

Then, she heard Alok's cry, so she shouted:



"Oh!! Damn it. I have to do it again." Hearing Il's call, Alok held his forehead and muttered to himself in frustration.

But complaining is complaining, the fight still has to be fought.

He looked at the situation over there and found that the chaos on the scene was beyond his imagination.

No wonder it was so loud just now.

But what the hell is this four-meter-long monster?

Aren't vampires supposed to be elegant and polite guys? Why does this one look like a muscle demon? ?

Well. Fortunately, it seems that Il has played him around. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like he needs to rescue himself.

I don't know what bad water Il is holding back.


Forget it, let's fight quickly. Otherwise, there will be more trouble!

He sighed and cleaned up the battlefield first to avoid being picked up by others. Anyway, it seemed that Il was not in a hurry.

That "monster" was digging a hole in the ground? Could it be that Il was in the soil? Are you kidding?

He put the four vampires' bodies, which were a bit disgusting, back into Il's pocket with the Transfiguration Spell. Then he dissipated the phantom.

Then, the other two Captain Jacks suddenly emerged from the darkness and flashed behind the Cappadocia in an instant.

First, each of them used a ray of the waning moon.

The five-meter-long moonlight chopped the terrifying Cappadocia, but only left a blood mark.

Alok took a breath.

What the hell is this?

Is it so hard?

Even after this sudden attack after charging, it can only cut the skin? ?

He glanced at Il who was still tinkering with something over there and sighed. Then he began to wander around the crazy monster. Use this to delay time.

But it seemed that because of Alok's sudden attack, the monster felt pain, and instantly turned its head that didn't look very flexible and saw Alok attacking itself.

At this time, Alok had already started guerrilla warfare.

Who would go head-to-head with such a guy? Is it stupid?

There will be no good results if we continue to fight like this. If something unexpected happens, the situation will be bad.

Don't forget that this is the second largest city in Inus, and there may be higher-level extraordinary people.

Moreover, if these Cappadocians have reinforcements, it will be even worse.

Il is still hiding in the corner, and I don't know what he is doing. Alok also knows that Il hopes to delay time so that he can prepare for a fierce attack.

Alok understands the tactics, but hopes that Il will prepare faster. If it takes a long time, it is better to evacuate directly.

Anyway, this guy looks stupid.

He continued to wander around this Cappadocian, letting the two figures confuse the enemy, and occasionally slashing a not-so-strong attack, itching.

For the claw attack of Cappadocia, Alok relied on flexible movement and the flash of the assassination dagger to dodge.

Even in the most dangerous situation, because of the defense, it is very easy to trigger a stress response and trigger bullet time.

This is simply a nightmare for the enemy.

Although the offensiveness is not high, it is extremely annoying, just like a fly or a mosquito.

But even so, Alok had to be careful of the enemy's claws at all times, not to let him land on his real body, and not to let the phantom disappear.

It was estimated that it would be enough for him to suffer in one go.

This situation lasted for about a minute. This feeling of dancing on the tip of the knife made Alok a little addicted.

He swung out a ray of the crescent moon again, this time aiming at the eyes.

Just at this moment.

Suddenly, Cappadocia seemed to be really angry at Alok's endless torture, and suddenly roared to the sky, his eyes turned blood red, and his body seemed to swell again.

He suddenly seemed to regain a trace of clarity, ripped open his clothes, and pulled out a blood-colored blood moon necklace from it.

At the moment the necklace appeared, the world seemed to suddenly become dim and the surroundings became silent. Even Alok seemed to be shocked by this strange scene, and he stood there in a daze, not daring to move.

In fact, it was just because Alok was imprisoned in the same place. He could only stare at this strange scene in a daze.

The waning moon hanging in the sky gradually became smaller and was gradually swallowed up. After being swallowed up, what was left in the sky was a complete, dazzling blood moon.

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