"What's the matter?" Il asked in confusion.

Alok seemed to be lost in memories. He glanced at the corpses all over the ground and asked slowly:

"Have you seen ivory products? Very beautiful. White, with a grid-like texture, smooth and delicate, warm to the touch."

"I have seen it. In the antique shop, it is very expensive. It is comparable to the extraordinary." Il nodded.

Alok nodded gently, looked at Il's lake blue eyes, and said seriously: "In the past, there were many elephants. But now, ivory can only be seen in museums and antique shops."

He looked at the magic wolves on the ground and continued:

"People covet the beauty of ivory products. They kill elephants and then pull out their teeth. Some even knock elephants unconscious and pull them out directly. This will cause the elephants to die in pain."

"One by one, the ivory becomes a fine work of art. The elephant becomes a pile of bones."

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Il, and asked seriously:

"Is the elephant wrong? Is it wrong to have a pair of beautiful teeth?"

Il shook his head thoughtfully.

"Ivory should grow on elephants." Alok lowered his head and looked at the wolf's pile of extremely huge teeth, sighing.

The two were silent for a while, until Alok suddenly asked:

"Are wolf teeth necessary? What are the functions of those extraordinary materials?"

Yi Er came back to his senses, looked at Alok, and answered:

"The enchantment part of making extraordinary weapons, holding extraordinary rituals, making potions, and making items with special effects. There are many. But if you want to talk about necessities, no extraordinary materials are necessary."

"Only secret spells. Spells and caution are necessities."

"In other words, these things are like ivory. They are completely irrelevant?" Alok said.

Yi Er smiled bitterly and said, "You understand it this way. Most of them are strengthening their current strength and fighting fiercely. If not, maybe they will die in the next fight. But in fact, it is not helpful for upgrading."

She suddenly raised her head and asked Alok seriously: "You said we did something wrong, is this it?"

Alok did not answer this question, but sighed deeply. Said:

"We should look at this matter according to the situation. Some extraordinary species can still be punished."

Ir knew that Alok meant to acquiesce, so he nodded and continued to ask:

"What do you think is the standard for judgment?"

"Destroying the balance of nature." Alok solemnly confirmed.

"You are really becoming more and more like an elf." Ir sighed helplessly.

"Am I wrong?" Alok questioned.

"Of course, my dear brother." Ir replied with a smile.

She suddenly looked at the corpses, as if she suddenly realized it. Ir waved his hand and said casually:

"Forget it, let them go when I see them in the future. But if I meet the one like that bound demon again, I will definitely not be soft-hearted. It must have destroyed the balance of nature."

"That's right." Alok replied with a smile. "Then we~~~"

"Then let's pull out these teeth first." Ir interrupted. "We've already killed them. It doesn't matter. Be careful next time!"

"Uh~~~ I was just about to say, let's continue exploring." Alok patted his forehead and said helplessly.

Be careful next time. I always feel that this word is a bit familiar.


After two days, the two seemed to have given up some dreams, such as the idea of ​​emptying the extraordinary materials outside the Sunset Mountains.

Most of the time on the road became exploration. If they encountered any strange extraordinary species, they would go and tease them with their tacit cooperation and skilled skills to figure out what it was.

Anyway, I haven't encountered high-level ones. But I have encountered a few mid-level ones. Level 4 and 5 are also extremely rare.

The strongest extraordinary species I have encountered is a whole mountain. The whole mountain is its body. The two were stunned.

Alok checked the illustrations and it seemed to be called the Landslide Giant. It turned out to be an extraordinary species of the demon profession.

Fortunately, this guy seemed to be sleeping, and there was a deafening snoring sound in the cave. Probably an open mouth.

Alok didn't dare to provoke it. He just marked its location on the map.

The distribution of extraordinary species here seems to have no rules. It's not that the closer to the center of the Sunset Mountains, the higher the level. Instead, it presents a sense of random distribution.

After mastering these skills (mainly the skills of escaping), the two were like fish in water in the Sunset Mountains. Very free and easy. And gradually headed northeast.

There are 18 sections of the big tree wall. The starting point of Alok's exploration is the third section. Their plan is to go back after exploring the rest.

In fact, the area that can be explored is still very wide. The third section is the narrowest area. Most of the places behind it have to fly a whole day to fly from one end to the other.

It takes about four or five days to fully explore an area.

This is already a very wide area. The Dark Moon Forest can be flown in two or three days.

Whenever they pass by the big tree wall, they will stop to replenish some food and clear moonlight. The two seemed to have gotten used to this kind of life, and they lived comfortably and freely.

Half a month passed in a flash. They had just explored the seventh section.

It's just that it's a bit uncomfortable to have two people take turns to watch the night.

Il likes the first half of the night, and Alok also likes the first half of the night.

Alok lost in the process of rock-paper-scissors.

So, the second half of the night belongs to Alok.

During this period, there are sometimes some things that disturb the night. Most of the time in the second half of the night.

If it's not serious, Alok won't wake Il up and deal with it himself.

In the first half of the night, Il doesn't have Alok's special ability, so he will choose to wake Alok up, and then deal with some beasts and extraordinary species together.

The two of them have a tacit understanding.

Fortunately, deep meditation itself has the effect of replenishing energy, otherwise Alok would probably find it difficult to cope with such a high-intensity exploration task.

He yawned while sitting cross-legged on the ground, adding a piece of dry firewood to the still burning fire, making a crackling sound.

At the end of the star vision, a somewhat dim star suddenly shone. The surface emits seven-color light.

Alok perked up, knowing that this meant that some unexpected situations had occurred.

A supernatural being or a supernatural being who is a mystic scholar.

The general supernatural being will have some differences from the real supernatural being, but some of them are almost the same.

This is related to the skills they master. The more comprehensive the skills, the closer the supernatural path is to intelligent life such as humans and elves, and the more similar it is to the astral body of the supernatural being.

The one in front of him now is almost the same. It makes Alok unable to judge accurately.

It is about level 4. Fortunately, it should not be a big problem. If it is level 5 or level 6, it will slip away directly.

Its movement speed is not fast, but it seems very lively, swaying left and right.

But in this case, I may not be able to guarantee Il's safety in sleep.

So Alok gently patted Il beside him, and used his mental power to activate the rabbit tattoo on the back of his left hand, and gently woke Il up:

"Something happened."

A few seconds later, Il slowly opened his eyes, without too much movement, but quietly replied to Alok in his heart, asking:

"What's wrong?"

This is the tacit understanding between the two. If the situation is urgent, I will be dragged away by Alok. If the situation requires silence and concealment, they will only communicate through beacons.

The current situation is obviously the second one, so Ir does not intend to move around, so as not to disrupt the delicate balance.

"A fourth-level extraordinary species, or extraordinary person, of the mystic profession is not far from us. I can't judge clearly." Alok responded calmly.

"Mystic?" Ir moved slowly from lying to sitting up, and responded to Alok with some surprise in his heart.

"The most dangerous extraordinary species in the field of mysticism is the 'Laplace Demon'."

"I think so too." Alok said as if to confirm.

Due to my work, I can often see some rare wild animal and plant products. Ivory, tortoise, red coral and the like. Every time I see it, I feel a little sad.

Humans should live in peace with these animals, why should they covet that little vanity?

Real ivory is indeed as I said. If the teeth are pulled out alive, they will still have some yellow. It's called blood fang. Although it's not as beautiful as pure white, it's more expensive because of some superstition.

Like the materials produced by the extraordinary species, these things can't bring people essential improvement. It's just a falsehood.

In the extraordinary world, human promotion does not need these materials. Promotion requires one's own exploration of the extraordinary and spiritual sea. Even so, people will continue to kill for the sake of fighting.

Although the extraordinary world is a dark forest, it follows the rule of natural selection. Under such rules, it is not wrong to hunt these extraordinary species.

But I still don't like this way.

The path chosen by the protagonist and his sister, that is, the legendary path itself emphasizes the strengthening of one's own will. Not so.

So, I also imposed my will on the protagonist. I also hope that this idea can be conveyed to everyone.

Most of this book describes the story between people, and this short plot is just a small foreshadowing of the subsequent story.

Stay tuned!

Thank you for the book friends who have seen this and listened to my chatter! Thank you for your support! Thank you!

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