It's boring to walk alone and eat alone.

But there is a benefit.

You can get up at any time you want.

On weekdays, Alok would choose to find a hotel to stay in the middle of the night and travel during the day and early midnight.

Occasionally, when I have some leisure time, I read what the hell is written in the newspaper.

Then I get some news that I don’t know whether it’s good or bad.

Captain Jack Sparrow's bounty has been raised again. It directly turned into 10,000 gold coins.

The reason is the big event he did a few days ago. Officers and judges in important areas were murdered. Create a terrorist attack.

As a result, the Hutt Empire officially charged him with treason.

Facing him, Alok just sneered disdainfully, not even bothering to scold him. Then be content with the joy of your own bounty rising.

Although this is not a good thing. But this is an affirmation of one’s own strength!

Hahaha! !

Ahead is the Lister Barrier. From a distance, the outline can be seen clearly.

The sun had just set in the west, and Airok found a prosperous town outside the Lister Barrier and landed here.

This is true of most cities in Chelansi. There are some small towns outside the city that support it.

There is a tavern in every town. Serves as a message station, casino, bar, restaurant, and commissioning center for various tasks.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is a gathering place for scalpers and scammers.

Elok found a guide here - Modo. An ordinary elder, said to be a local, often goes to the outskirts of the Dark Moon Forest.

But Alok was a little skeptical. Is this a side effect?

Modo has long gray hair. The messy beard is equally gray. There were deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and there was no light in his slightly squinted eyes. But if you look closely, you will feel that it is full of vicissitudes and depth.

He folded his arms to support himself on the messy wine table, holding a glass of strong rum, looking at Alok's vicissitudes and asked:

"Bilke, do you know why the Khebri Empire always launches wars against the Hutt Empire? Do you always yearn for the land of the Hutt Empire so much?"

Alok didn't know these things, but he still tried to answer:

"I heard that the land of the Kebuli Empire is not very suitable for crop growth. The harvest and the gods of the earth are developing very well there. Maybe they are coveting the fertile land of the Hutt Empire."

"Oh, haha~~Interesting young man. You think a little deeper than others." Modo said with a hoarse laugh. His body didn't move, only his mouth opened slightly:

"That might just be a reason."

Then, he took a sip of wine and asked again:

"Then do you know where the sun rises and sets in the legend?"

Alok replied frankly: "The sunset is in the Sunset Mountains. The sunrise, I don't know."

"The sun rises in the east and sets in the west." Modo replied in a low voice.

A hint of humor suddenly arose in Elok's heart. But then, he thought of something and said: "So, this is the reason why Kebli coveted Hutt?"

"Smart young man." Modo praised, but did not answer the question, but said:

"Khebli means the rising sun. But the land of the Kebli Empire is outside the sunrise and sunset. The sun is forced to appear there, and the land is deserted."

Elok was silent for a long time and glanced in the direction of the Khebri Empire. But I suddenly felt that this nation was a bit sad.

Above there are gods who rule violently, and below there is land that is difficult to cultivate.

Even the God of Harvest can't improve them.

It is completely incomparable to the large vineyards and large business houses in the Damia region of the Hutt Empire.

"Let's talk about the Dark Moon Forest. I think you plan to go in, right?" Modo suddenly changed the subject and said.

Alok smiled and nodded and said, "Okay. I'd like to hear the details."

Modo took another sip of wine and said:

"Dark Moon Forest, a magical land. It is only two hundred kilometers away from Chelanxi, but it has completely opposite scenery. It is always covered by clouds during the day, but the night sky is always so clear."

"The sunset there is beautiful, but there is never a morning glow."

"More than half of the elves like to move at night. They appear everywhere in the forest."

"In addition to elves, there are also some other intelligent beings living in the Dark Moon Forest. For example, goblins. They are small in stature, have big heads, and have a pair of slightly transparent wings behind them. They are very cute when flying in the sky. But they are all hateful ones. Beware of thieves and liars."

This suddenly made Alok feel very interesting.

Although that person who likes to move at night does not fit well with Elok's impression.

However, such a tradition must have something to do with the Queen.

He smiled unconsciously and asked:

"Have you been in?"

"Of course." Modo affirmed casually.

"I heard the surrounding area is in chaos." Alok asked again.

"No, the whole of Chelanxi is in chaos. And it's the messiest there." Modo stretched out a finger and shook it slightly.

"But neither the Hutt Empire, nor Khebli, nor the intelligence personnel from various countries will go overboard. They will not enter the Dark Moon Forest."

"Oh? The elves are indeed very powerful." Alok admitted, and then he asked:

"What should I do if I trade special products with those elves?"

Modo retracted his right hand, continued to fold his arms, and explained:

"If you want to trade Dark Moon Forest specialties with the elves, you can buy them at some small markets over there. But they are usually bartered. You can also give money if you want, it must be the currency of the elves."

"Elf gold coins?" Alok asked.

Modo shook his head and continued: "No, it is a special crystal coin produced in the Dark Moon Forest. Although the Hutt Empire also produces it, the output is not large. And there are only raw stones, and there is no corresponding coin making technology."

Alok was not surprised by this and continued to ask:

"What do the elves like? What is easier to trade with?"

"Woven fabrics such as cotton and silk, but not cotton and linen. Various metals such as iron blocks. Some spices, tea, and porcelain products. These are the most popular..."Modo introduced in detail.

He glanced at Alok and asked in a flat tone:

"Are you going to do business?"

Alok smiled and shook his head, and replied: "No, I'm just curious. Curious about the lifestyle of the elves."

"Okay. I also advise you not to do this business." Modo took a sip of wine. "All the speculators I have seen are dead."

Alok kept smiling and looked at Modo and said: "I thought you were going to ask me what I was going to do?"

Modo smiled and said nothing.

This is the basic rule of a guide here. It is also a way to survive.

Asking too much will make you die more easily.

"Shall we go in tomorrow?" Alok asked softly.

"No problem." Modo replied in a low voice.


On the evening of August 25, 986 of the New Year's Calendar.

Ir finally reached the core area of ​​the Dark Moon Forest.

She only encountered the obstruction of the guards once on the way. That was when she first entered the Dark Moon Forest.

When she took out the green leaf emblem. The attitude of the tall elf carrying a hunting bow to her suddenly changed from vigilance to friendliness.

The tall elf took the emblem and asked her to wait there for a while. He left.

When the tall elf came back again, he returned the emblem to Ir. She was free.

She could enter and exit the Dark Moon Forest at will and move freely.

It made Ir feel that this was no different from being defenseless.

There were many elves in the forest. You could often encounter tribes of elves.

Large or small.

But all the elves showed a different smile when they saw Il.

Il felt uneasy.

It was like~~~

She couldn't describe it. Anyway, it was very strange.

By asking for directions, she found the direction to the core area of ​​Dark Moon Forest.

No elves blocked her, and no elves made things difficult for her. She also borrowed a wooden boat. Following a winding stream, she came to the huge clear tree.

It is absolutely not an exaggeration to describe it as covering the sky and blocking the sun.

Its huge canopy can block the entire sky.

The lake under the tree is only a shallow layer, but it reflects the tall canopy like a mirror.

Il was greeted by a female elf with long light silver hair.

She fell from a tree by the lake and landed steadily in front of Il. Her voice was like a flowing stream, speaking in the language of the Hutt Empire:

"I knew you were coming. I heard from the queen that there are humans. So I came out to see. My name is Lamidona."

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