One knight fell, but helped another.

His body became bigger, he dropped the big sword in his hand, and picked up the weapon of his former teammate.

A bright golden light emanated from his body.

The sword also showed gold, like a holy sword.

As for Il, she had already retreated to a very far distance.

For long-range professions, distance means safety.

Although Il solved the two people in a short moment, the witch also lost some of her combat power due to the aftermath of the battle. But Il did not dare to be careless.

She silently chanted the spell again.

The air seemed to be quiet.

It came from the witch's second-level skill, range mute. Learned from the Book of the Prophet.

Then, a ray of petrification spell suddenly appeared, but it shot straight at the witch in the distance who was affected by the aftermath of the explosion.

The witch was knocked to the ground by the strong shock wave generated by the explosion, causing her legs to be unable to move normally. She also lost the ability to resist when facing the sudden skill.

Her desperate expression was engraved on the stone statue. Become eternal.

After launching the attack, Ir did not look at the fate that the witch had already decided. Instead, he used the witch's hand to pick up Karame's storm.

He raised the 'Ivel's Association Wand'.

Lightning began to gather at the top of the scepter suspended in the air. However, Ir cleverly resolved the side effects.

Tiny starlight began to fall around the association wand. It looked particularly mysterious in the heavy rain.

The storm became more and more violent, blowing Ir's wet hair wildly.

She suddenly closed her eyes and tried her best to control the skill she was about to launch.

On the top of Karame's storm wand, the silver-white lightning gradually turned into fiery red, and raindrops as big as soybeans began to fall from the sky. The temperature suddenly dropped.

The last remaining knight was getting closer and closer to Ir. He would soon reach the attack distance. He shouted loudly:


He launched one of the few level 3 skills he mastered.


Strengthen your own faith and make your momentum unstoppable. It must be used in conjunction with the knight's other skills to achieve the effect.

The effect is that the power of the next skill is enhanced, and the strength and resistance to attack are enhanced. The original power of the knight's skill can be activated without shouting a spell.

The disadvantage is that the consumption is quite serious. It can be used at most once in a battle. The duration is only one skill.

But the crisis of this skill will be extremely powerful. And the effect will continue to increase with the increase of momentum.

You must find the most appropriate time.

And now, a teammate has sacrificed himself, and the power and momentum he has blessed himself with are already extremely strong. But for a stronger momentum, he ran towards Il and shouted again:

"For glory, attack!!!!"

His momentum reached its peak, and his body seemed to be burning with golden flames. Furious flames shot out of his ears and nose.

Stepping on the ground, he rushed to the target in front step by step but at a fast speed.

He jumped up in one step, raised his sword and slashed at Ivel who was closing his eyes.

Only three seconds had passed, but the situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

Wait until this critical moment. A thick lightning with a fiery red color suddenly burst out.

Strong electric currents surged toward the knight leaping in the air like a silver snake.

Although Ir did not touch the lightning, he felt a slight numbness on his face.

In addition, a strong heat wave erupted with the lightning. It burst out from the head of Karame's Storm Scepter.

This heat wave blew Ir at least ten meters away before he fell to the ground.

Getting up from the ground, rubbing his back and buttocks that were a little painful from the fall, Ir staggered towards the fallen figure.

The storm clouds gradually dissipated, and the power in them had been exhausted. And the battle just ended.

The fallen knight was charred all over, and the armor on his body was slightly red, making a "sizzle~sizzle~" sound when it encountered the water on the ground. White water vapor rose up.

Ir shook his head and said pitifully: "Wearing armor to catch lightning. What a stupid and inflexible knight. I hope the God of War will like you."

He rubbed his buttocks that hurt the most, and then quickly cleaned the battlefield.

He did not go to look for the hunter's crystal. Directly evacuated quickly with the bodies of two knights and a witch.

In the air, she felt a little dizzy. Even nauseous.

She landed on the ground reluctantly, fell flat on her face, and complained loudly:

"Damn it! The side effects are so obvious!! Alok didn't explain it clearly. It's so dirty. Oh~~ Damn it."


Staring into the abyss is the most frightening.

Being in the abyss is not so scary.

This is how Alok feels now.

He stood alone on the outside of the Vatric Mountains. Observing the abyss-like scene.

In fact, it was not yet noon. He continued to fly west and naturally flew here.

It seemed that he was not far from the mountain.

He breathed a sigh of relief. It was estimated that his adventure in the Vatric Mountains was over.

The only thing that made him a little bit hard to let go was that countless puzzles in the Vatric Mountains had not yet been solved. Maybe next time I come, I will go into the deepest part to find out.

Unfortunately, I have to continue flying west now.

He looked at the abyss-like scene under the astral vision and sighed deeply.

The Vatris Mountains were not as big as imagined. At least Alok could see the edge when he flew to dusk.

Perhaps Alok was lucky and did not get lost, and he did not have to take a detour when flying in the air.

He arrived near the city of Siwatris a moment before sunset.

The scene here was completely different from that of the East City.

Outside was a large desert. Occasionally, some thorns grew on the wasteland, but the endless desert made people feel desperate and powerless.

The setting sun in the distance made blood-red clouds appear on the horizon. With the slowly rising smoke, Alok recalled a poem he had learned in his previous life.

Even in the summer with the highest temperature and the most precipitation, it is inevitable that people feel a little bleak here.

It is said that this is the place with the most believers in the God of Harvest and Earth. The reason is that the desire to pray for the gods to bless a good harvest is stronger.

Looking at the land, Alok even doubted whether food could really grow there? ?

Siwatris City, also known as the West City. It is actually a fortress. The last line of defense on the western frontier of the empire.

The tall city walls were built against the mountain, blocking the only access to the mountain.

The fortress is a feature of the List Plain. The towns here all rely on a fortress, and the locals can only rely on the fortress to resist.

Otherwise, the people of the Hutt Empire will only be killed by the fanatical soldiers of the Kebli Empire.

Alok stopped outside the West City. Instead of landing directly inside the West City.

A fortress city like this. What if it is the kind of face that even flies can't fly over? ?

So, for the sake of safety, just walk in and it's over.

Although Alok doesn't have any documents such as the Empire's identity card. The lord's certificate has long become a wanted order.

But he is good at physical persuasion and peace negotiations. He soon met a talent who wanted to deceive himself and made a fake certificate. So, Alok had an extra certificate in his hand that looked like the real thing.

"Sean Hutt. Well~~~ a good name." He patted the shoulder of the talent who made the fake certificate.

The security in the West City was much looser than that in the Lister Barrier. Many vendors settled here. Alok found an opportunity to sneak in.

The fake certificate was casually glanced at by the customs officer in front of the city gate, and he was allowed to pass directly.

As expected, Alok found Captain Jack's name on the notice board at the city gate.

Surprisingly, there was also Il's name.

And Il's crime was that he was Jack's accomplice.

Well~~~ It's really a common affliction, sharing the same joys and sorrows, and being a wanderer in the world.

Il, you have come to this day too?

"Tsk tsk tsk~~~" He shook his head and sighed.

"Do you want to do this business too?" A somewhat bleak voice sounded from Alok's side.

Alok turned around and saw that it was a thin, dark-skinned man wearing a cloak. So he asked in confusion: "What business?"

"Of course it's bounty hunters." He said with a sinister smile.

Bounty hunters. The kind that kills wanted fugitives to make money? ?

I kill myself? Do I report myself? Or do I collect my own bounty?

You can also kill Il, the bounty is 1,000 gold coins.

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