The second day.

Alok got up early as promised, and after ordering a breakfast in the hotel's own restaurant downstairs, he basked in the sun while waiting for Danis.

As expected, Danis soon found Alok in the lobby of the hotel where he was staying.

"Hi, Mr. Bilke," he said loudly.

"Is everything ready?" Alok asked with half-squinted eyes.

Danis sat down opposite Alok, put his hands on the table, and said with a smile:

"No problem, I also brought some dry food for the road. Just in case I don't have anything to eat after being in the wild for a long time."

As soon as Alok opened his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the huge backpack behind him and shrugged:

"You seem to be well prepared."

"This is a must-have for long-term travel." Danis chuckled and explained. "I often go on business trips to the borders of the Hutt Empire and have a lot of experience in wild survival. I can find a place to live for ten days without bringing anything with me."

Alok glanced at his huge backpack again, and after hearing this, he couldn't help but think: Could it be Mr. De? I hope it’s not better to be hungry for nine out of ten days.

"It seems that the task of finding food in the wild has to be left to you." He said with a slight frown.

"No problem. These are the most basic skills." Danis patted his chest and replied confidently.

"In that case, let's set off." Alok said directly with a wave of his hand.

He got up from the chair first, adjusted his summer hunting clothes, picked up the bear beside him, and walked out of the hotel door with basically nothing on him.

Danis obviously didn't expect that Alok would be so "decisive". As expected, he set off directly without bringing anything. He hurriedly caught up with Alok and walked side by side with him. He said hesitantly:

"Um~~~Mr. Birk, why don't you just take a little bear and head out? You must be kidding."

Hearing this, Alok slowed down, turned to look at Danis and said seriously:

"Um~~~Mr. Danis. I think a little bear is enough."

"Are you right? Little Bear." He suddenly picked up the Little Bear, held it in front of himself, and asked.

When the little bear heard Alok's question, he suddenly smiled an eerie smile, and said in a childish but very charming voice: "That's right, Master. One little bear is enough."

Alok smiled, held the little bear in his hand, looked at Danis and said:

"Look. My dolls all agreed. Don't worry,"

Although Danis is a person who has seen a lot of the world, and has heard a little bit about various strange events in the extraordinary realm, and has actually seen a lot, this is the first time he has seen such a strange creature like a little bear.

This gave him an interesting expression.

In the end, he had no choice but to spread his hands helplessly and said:

"Okay. I'll listen to you. It seems like I'm quite busy. Sure enough, money isn't easy to make."

In this way, Alok only carried the bear, while Danis carried a huge and heavy backpack on the road.

The picture is a little funny, but it doesn't affect the overall situation.

"Do you have any suggestions? I think it would be more appropriate for us to take a carriage." Elok asked while walking around in front.

"If I were myself, I would buy a not-so-good horse and ride there. It's cheaper and faster. But if there are two of us and we're not in a hurry, we can rent a carriage. Okay." Danis said as he took a few steps to keep up with Alok's brisk pace.

He looked at the road ahead, pointed to a carriage stop ahead, and continued:

"It depends on how urgent you are. If you are very urgent, we will ride horses to reach the Vateris Mountains on the border of Meiya, and then rent two goats to ride over. Then we will change horses to reach the capital of Ceranxi, the 'Rist Barrier'."

Airok knew something about the Vatteris Mountains, knowing that it was a huge mountain range erected between the two states of Damia and Chelansi, and it was also a natural barrier to the west of Damia, the capital of the Hutt Empire.

If Chelansi is breached by the Kebuli Empire, there will be this barrier to ensure more time to evacuate and organize a counterattack.

Chelanxi is a state, rather it is a principality of the Hutt Empire, the war frontier of the Hutt Empire.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with calling the central city of Chelansi the capital.

Lister Fortress, a huge border city, is located about 150 kilometers inside the battlefield on the border with the Kebuli Empire. It's not far from the Dark Moon Forest, about 200 kilometers away.

Alok had seen pictures of the Lister Barrier in history books. It was a huge circular castle with a wall 30 meters high and a radius of 7 kilometers. It has a history of more than 2,000 years.

As for why it is so big, Elok's idea is that this should be the legacy of the God of War.

As for the inside of Lister's Barrier, this has not been introduced. This is probably a military secret.

These were not the main points of Alok's attention. He expressed his shock the first moment Danis finished speaking.

"What? Goat?? Goat riding??"

Danis scratched his head and explained helplessly:

"Um~~ This is nothing to make a fuss about. This is the specialty of that place. If you want to cross the Valteris Mountains, you have to either detour and run for at least 20 days; or ride a goat there, which will take about five days."

"Although this may be the first time you've heard of this. But the goats over there are different from what we eat. How should I put it? They are bigger and stronger."

Uh~~~This really subverts my imagination, riding goats. It's a rare experience in a lifetime.

Is this what traveling is?

He rolled his eyes and finally said, "Okay. You are the guide, I will listen to you. Let's ride over there. In fact, I am quite anxious."

Danis smiled and replied, "Of course no problem. Let's go buy four horses and take turns riding them, otherwise the horses can't stand it."

He took the lead and walked in front, saying as he walked, "Just buy four inferior horses, which are easy to raise in the wild. Those good horses must eat good grass and can't eat messy things, otherwise they are prone to diarrhea and are not suitable for the wild. On the contrary, they are not as good as those that are easy to raise. Although they run slower, they are more suitable for long-distance travel."

Eilok glanced at him and rolled his eyes.

I believe your lies!

It's just to save money.

Forget it, don't delay it. If I ask to buy good horses, I guess I will have to pay again.

Alas~~The financial situation is not very good.

When I get to the Dark Moon Forest, I will definitely spend a month~~~ on the clear leaves.

Oh, and there are those Opulian flowers.

So nice~~~


The two of them rode on horses, each leading another horse behind them, walking on the streets of Damia, chatting about the situation along the way.

Danis was one step ahead of Alok, leading the way and saying:

"In fact, in Damia, there are mostly various towns and villages along the way. There are also many people, so you don't have to sleep in the open air, and you can eat something good. If you pass the Vatric Mountains and reach Cherancy, it will get worse and worse."

"Not to mention the mountains, it's simply hell on earth. The mountain roads are difficult to travel, and there are all kinds of taboos. Some places are restricted areas, the kind that you must not enter. So, we have to find a local guide at that time."

He looked at Alok, whose expression changed a little, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'll pay for this part."

"And after passing the Vatric Mountains , at the beginning, there were some castle owners, small nobles' territories and the like. If you go west, it's mostly wilderness, and occasionally there are some heavily defended castles, which may not let us in. It is estimated that it will take about a week to reach the Lister Fortress. We have to sleep in the open during this period. "

He turned his head to look at Alok, showed him the press card on his chest, and said:

"Fortunately, I have the identity of a reporter, and I am a Cherancy person myself, and I understand the local dialect there. So the guards of the castle will relax their vigilance. They won't arrest us as spies on the spot. "

"Is it so strict? We are people of the Hutt Empire after all." Alok asked in surprise.

Danis shrugged and continued: "Who knows? In short, just be careful. Otherwise, it's okay to walk in the wild all the time. "

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