Elok wanted to tell Connor about the dangers of this commission, but he stopped the plan.

If he told Connor, Connor, who had little experience, would become extra cautious and panic. Instead, he would become less natural and more dangerous.

If she was like a little girl next door, she would be more natural.

Sometimes, knowing too much is not good.

Connor took the badge and rubbed it gently, showing great interest.

As she walked, she thought about how mysterious this kind of contact code was.

Could it be that the commission Captain Jack gave me was not as simple as it seemed?

I must find the bar owner, who must be his designated contact person. Just like a spy.

Could it be a spy from the Kebli Empire?

Or an elf.

Then it must be a spy from an elf.

She was thinking in a mess as she walked towards Rose Street.

She remembered this street. It was a very famous neighborhood in the Elizabeth District.

In addition, there were Sunflower Street and Toussaint Street. They were all famous tourist attractions. She had visited them when she first came to Damia.

Dark Night Rose, I don't have much impression of it, but I'm sure I can find it by walking along Rose Street. And Captain Jack said it's in the middle.

Unconsciously, Connor walked to the intersection of Rose Street. He looked back left and right and chose to walk towards the Kafka District in the center of Damia.

It should be here.

With the help of the dim light of the street lamps, she carefully looked at the shops on both sides of the road.

Although it was dark a long time ago, there were still many passers-by on Rose Street, which seemed very calm and peaceful.

This is the place that Connor likes most about Damia. Even at night, as long as it is not too late, not in the slums and Garoshen District, the rest of the place is quite safe.

Ha~~ Found it.

She raised her head, looked at the sign of Dark Night Rose and the door full of natural atmosphere, and walked in.

It was completely different from the bar style she imagined. It was not only very quiet, but also full of mystery. On the small stage in the hall, a poet was chanting a ballad that Connor had never heard of. And under the stage, there were several pairs of figures floating.

Wow, it looks like a spy's place.

Connor smiled softly, and then found the bar that Alok mentioned.

She climbed up the high stool of the bar with great effort and sat down, imitating the gentleman next to her and tapping the table.


"Excuse me, what do you want?" The waiter soon appeared in front of Connor.

"Um~~ I want to find your boss. Mr. Magik." Connor said a little shyly.

She looked for the figure of the elf who wiped the cups behind the bar. But found nothing.

While being a little surprised, she asked: "Is he not here?"

The waiter was a little puzzled, glanced at the boss who was talking to Daniel under the stage of the bar, pointed, and said:

"He's there."

"Oh~?" Connor turned around and looked in the direction of the waiter's finger.

Sure enough, he saw in the corner, a tall elf standing in front of the wine table was talking to the elf sitting on the sofa.

Fortunately, assassins have always been the kings in the shadows, and their strength is even better in the dark environment. Otherwise, I really couldn't see the two figures clearly.

She jumped down from the high platform and walked towards that side in small steps, avoiding a waiter holding a wine glass on the way.

Before she got there, she heard the tall elf complaining:

"Oh~~ Since Sebastian left, business has been getting worse day by day. I really miss the time when Sebastian was still here."

"Hmm~~~" Danielle was a little drunk, her performance after drinking too much clear moonlight.

"I miss Alok more. He's really rich."

"Hello." Connor walked to the two of them, looked at the tall elf, and said cautiously: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Magik?"

Majik was startled by the voice coming from behind. He turned around and saw a girl in sloppy clothes. He breathed a sigh of relief and asked:

"What's the matter? Minors can't drink."

Connor didn't know why his age was exposed at a glance. He coughed twice in embarrassment and said:

"I don't drink. I'm here to eat. Oh, no, I'm here to report. No, I'm here to make a connection."

She said incoherently, then hurriedly took out the leaf-shaped badge from her pocket and handed it to the tall elf.

"Huh??" Magik was speechless, not knowing what the girl meant.

When he took the badge, he realized that it was Alok's people. So he shrugged and said to the drunk Daniel:

"Look. Whatever you think is coming. Alok's people are here."

"What? Are they here to give money?" Daniel was half lying on the sofa, suddenly alert and asked.

Connor quickly shook his hand and responded:

"Uh~~No. He told me to come and have a meal. Oh, no, no. Come pack a portion of elf barbecue. And a cup of clear moonlight."

"What?" Majik looked at Connor in surprise. "Then he~~~"

I wanted to ask why Alok didn't come by himself, but then I thought about it and thought Alok was probably in some trouble now. So I stopped questioning. I continued:

"Well~~~Okay. Didn't he say what he wanted the clear moonlight for?"

Connor shook his head gently and said, "Captain Jack didn't tell me anything, so he asked me to pack dinner and have a meal."

Hearing this, Majik and Danielle looked at each other, and saw the helplessness and confusion in each other's eyes.

"It's probably for his sister." Majik said first.

"I think so too." Danielle nodded in agreement.

Majik shrugged and said, "Okay. You sit here. I'll go order for you. By the way, what do you want to eat?"

"Elf barbecue." Connor replied with his eyes wide open.

"No problem." Majik turned around and shrugged.

"Don't learn from Alok to always shrug. It's not like what you do at your age. It seems too impetuous and casual." Danielle accused Majik's back. But there was no response from Majik.

So, Danielle half-closed her eyes and stood up from the sofa. She said hello to Connor, then turned around and left on her own, walking towards the room on the third floor.

The empty cup with clear moonlight was left on the spot.

Danielle didn't like the taste of this human's spiritual power very much. This smell is like, like meeting someone from the Holy Temple, or someone from the Sha family.

She knew what this meant. Different spiritual powers repel each other.

In fact, the smell on Alok was not pleasant.

It was a bit mixed, but he also had a strong smell of life and the smell of the queen. This was why Danielle and other elves accepted him.

There was nothing wrong with someone who was recognized by the goddess and the queen.

Connor smiled and saw that particularly beautiful elf stood up from the sofa, said goodbye to her, and walked to the back.

She was still looking forward to it. What the elf barbecue tasted like.

She seemed to have never eaten elf food.

This store was opened by elves, and the flavor should be very authentic.

Chelansibang and Dark Moon Forest are very close, and the eating style is also very similar. I like to eat Chelansi barbecue. I wonder if the elves' barbecue will be better?


Alok let Connor leave. I thought I would have some quiet time. I just took the bear out of Ir's pocket to get some fresh air, and then I saw Namusa coming in through the window. The action was exactly the same as Alok's.

Even in a brightly lit room, Alok could only see Namusa's face, but not her body. This surprised him. However, he still suppressed his curiosity and didn't ask more questions.

"What did you get?" Alok put down the water cup and asked.

"According to the goddess's hint, it is indeed a traitor. We can use this traitor to deal with more people behind." Namusa said.

"You didn't do it?" Alok was a little surprised.

"He was more relaxed at first, but then he became very alert. He should have received some news. And I don't want to alert the enemy like you." Namusa responded expressionlessly. "I'm curious, how did you find it?"

"Well~~~ a method taught to me by others. Although it is not difficult, it requires a lot of operation." Alok answered ambiguously.

"As a follower, can you tell the temple? The goddess will thank you." Namusa said softly.

I hate using gods to pressure me. Alok frowned slightly, but he could do nothing about it.

Besides, there is no problem giving it to the temple, and it can help me deal with the counter-will. The only disadvantage is that I have to hand over my compass. That's a good thing.

"Okay. But there is a condition." He said in a bad tone.

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