As time went by, Alok liked the little bear more and more.

When a trusting relationship was formed between the two, you will find that the little bear is a very good mascot.

Of course, a mascot can also be a good partner.

It is obedient, does not make loud noises, does not ask random questions, and does not make random suggestions.

It will silently guard its home and help itself punish intruders. It can also do handicrafts and make some extraordinary weapons for itself.

Wait~~~~ This is much better than a person.

Of course, it is not certain whether he can take on some combat missions, but this does not prevent Alok from liking pets like little bears more and more.

He held the little bear's hand with his right hand, and followed a follower behind him to the back of the teahouse.

Then he used the door-opening skill to pass through the wall all the way.

He moved forward in the intricate alleys of Damia.

He stopped when he reached the Elizabeth District. He found a hotel that looked pretty good and went in.

"I need a room." Alok said to the waiter at the front desk.

"One room?" The waiter looked back and forth at Alok and Connor and confirmed.

"Yes, one room." Alok nodded and replied.

"Okay. No problem." The waiter replied with a smile. "Room 302, 56 kate per night, 1 gold coin for two nights."

Alok nodded, took the key handed to him by the waiter, and slapped a gold coin on the table: "Thank you."

Then, he took the increasingly cautious Connor up the stairs.

Connor received the order to follow Captain Jack closely, report his situation, and act as a liaison.

What kind of orders are these?

This room, what should I do!!! What should I do? ? ?

But she didn't dare to disobey the order, and let the mission fail again. She didn't know how Namusha Supervisor would punish herself. So she had to bite the bullet and follow Alok to the stairs.

Standing in front of Room 302, watching Alok turn the door handle without using the key to enter.

She gasped heavily and could only cheer herself up.

He didn't dare to do anything to me.

If~~~he does that~~~I would rather die than surrender.

I will tell Instructor Namusa and ask her to avenge me.

"Come in quickly. Don't be in a daze. I don't want others to see a piece of wood standing in front of my door. Or do you want to stand guard at the door?"

Alok's voice came from inside the room, which made Connor shudder. Then he quickly replied: "I know."

She took a step and walked into the room with a big bed.

Seeing Alok playing with a will crystal and a stone in the bathroom, while the little bear stood beside Alok with great interest. She seemed a little relieved. It's good that it's not a bath.

"This is it. You can handle it. I remember you handled it in Drol City." Alok said to the little bear.

"Of course. Leave it to me. Thank you, master." The little bear's black gemstone eyes sparkled, looking at the crystal in Alok's hand as if he saw a treasure.

"Do you need my help? Maybe you can trace back the secret spells and mantras, and you can upgrade. Maybe it's not a problem to upgrade to level 4." Alok suggested.

Who would have thought that the little bear shook his head and said, "No need. I prefer to collect. Or it must be a very precious item if it is made into an extraordinary item. Moreover, I know the secret spells and many mantras for upgrading. This is what my previous master told me."

At this point, the little bear's tone was a little sad, but he soon smiled, swallowed the crystal and stone into his chest, and then stretched out his left hand, hoping that Alok could lead it.

It raised its head and looked at Alok's face, and asked:

"Master, do you want me to upgrade? You won't abandon me just because I upgrade. Last time, it was because I upgraded to level 2 that the master abandoned me. Master, you won't do that, right?"

"Of course not. It would be best if you can upgrade. But if you don't want to, it doesn't matter." Alok touched the little bear's head and comforted him.

Ailuo smiled and took the little bear's hand, then came out of the bathroom, sat down on the sofa in the room, and placed the little bear beside him.

Seeing the little bear calm down, Ailuo smiled and stroked its head.

Then, he took out the badge from his pocket.

This is probably the biggest gain this time.

An item of at least mid-level. Because of my memory removal just now, it has only now recovered its normal function.

Let's take a look at what skills it is.

He extended his mental power to the badge. Feel its detailed information.

A level 5 extraordinary weapon, named - Badge of Judgment.

Judge profession, skill is - Judgment.

Conduct a trial according to the situation on the scene.

Verdict the enemy guilty or yourself guilty, and punish the guilty.

At the same time, if the enemy is guilty, when you attack the enemy who was judged guilty, you will inevitably produce a same punishment attack.

The power of punishment is extremely strong.

Since the Hutt Empire is a country where the God of Order Ozer makes order, within the Hutt Empire, it will cause more powerful damage to professions that are not allowed to appear in the order. For example, traitors and criminals.

The badge does not choose the user, which is determined by the characteristics of the judge.

There will be no other negative effects just because the user is a profession that is never allowed to appear.

They will only judge based on the evidence in an event, and will not look at the difference in the identity of the plaintiff and the defendant.

This is justice.

This is a truly powerful extraordinary weapon, except that the side effect is that it will accidentally hurt itself during the trial.

But no matter what weapon it is, there are always shortcomings. Judges can also be deceived.

The second skill is judgment.

This is a third-level auxiliary skill that can judge the truth and the truth of the facts. It is a powerful supplement to the trial.

At the same time, it can also judge the authenticity of items and spells. It is a basic skill for judges.


This is actually level 5. I thought it was level 4.

I remember that this skill is not very powerful. Roger couldn't be killed.

Although my phantom dissipated directly, I didn't feel the full power of the skill. But has the power really reached the level of level 5?

If it is, it should be more powerful than electrophoresis. This is quite amazing.

The second skill is not bad, it is a good auxiliary. You can also judge whether you have been deceived.

In general, it is a very powerful item, but the disadvantage is that I may suffer from it.

I don't know what the effective judgment of this trial is like. How is it judged based on the situation on the scene?

Does it mean that whoever starts the fight first is guilty? We need to do more experiments. Or we can ask a senior judge for advice. For example, Professor Palmer. I don't know if he is level 5.

You must not let yourself use this weapon, you have to find a clone to use it.

The rest of the harvest is the items found by touching the corpse just now.

A large bag of white powdery items. Probably the so-called "Lofida" drug.

A glittering crystal, from the appearance and the characteristics of the star spirit body, it should be a second-level meteorologist crystal.

There is also a stack of banknotes that can be called a huge amount. I counted it and it was exactly 1320 Deben. It made Elok very happy.

I just said that I am not good at the primitive accumulation of capital, and this made me rich.

Add the 205 gold coins I have on me and the 312 German banknotes, and that's 1632 German banknotes plus 205 gold coins.

A rich man.


I can also be called a millionaire.

Could this person be selling drugs with anti-will funds?

That's also possible.

Or is he using this batch of money to form gangs?

But no matter what, it's all in my hands. I will definitely let you play a greater role.

Although I don't value money very much, I still value this much.

Fortunately, Namusa, the lazy assassin, didn't take this task, otherwise I would have gotten so much money? And the badge?

Hey~~~ These things are destined for me. It's hard to explain.

This is the best moment for Alok today. Even with Connor, the burden, beside him, Alok's mood couldn't get worse again.

He was laughing foolishly, and when he saw Connor leaning against the wooden door of the room, he frowned and said:

"What are you still standing there for? Tell Namusa quickly that I have already killed the target. I will go after another target tonight."

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