However, seeing this, he still resisted the urge to stand up and imprint the skill directly on the astral body. Instead, read on.

"That's it for level three pirate skills. But what I'm about to explain next is crucial."

"I have introduced the second of the three major principles of the extraordinary world in detail in the previous article. Now is the most critical principle of the extraordinary world, the first principle - the principle of independence of will."

Three principles! ! No need to remind, Alok also knows the importance of this.

He cheered up and turned to the back pages with the help of the light on the table.

"The principle of independent will! The will body is independent of any spirit. No will body can directly affect other will bodies, only through the sea of ​​mental power. And any direct influence from the sea of ​​mental power is erosion."

"Since you have a will body, your will body has been continuously absorbing spiritual power from the sea of ​​spiritual power, and constantly forming an independent will body of your own."

"That is to say, since you are conscious, everything you see, hear, and feel is erosion."

"Even so, this is still an indispensable part of growth."

"We should look at the issue of erosion rationally. Erosion causes our will to collapse, but it also helps us understand the world and helps us grow."

"This process is until you can form the core of your will, which is the will that truly belongs to you. The core of will that is independent of the sea of ​​spiritual power."

"Most people don't grow to this point. It means becoming a true transcendent."

this. . .

This explains the nature of erosion.

Also, the real transcendent? Do you mean Level 4?

"As for why it is introduced now, it is because this principle does not bring any benefits to itself at the first and second levels."

"Up to level three, at this critical level, you are faced with a choice."

"Should I choose the conventional method used by gods to avoid erosion, or should I choose a path based on first principles. The path I chose. The "legendary" path!"

legend! ! !

I remember the last line of Azeroth's full god name being "Legendary Trailblazer".

I thought it meant He was a human legend.

Unexpectedly, it means "He is indeed a legend, not a god."

The shock to Elok was no less than an earthquake.

The knowledge he had been learning never mentioned that there were other routes besides the route of the gods.

But now he suddenly knew that there was another way to avoid the problem of mental erosion.

I don’t know how to choose, and I don’t know the difference between the two.

He turned to the back page in shock and continued reading.

"Legendary. All power belongs to the strong one alone. Breaking through the restrictions of level, equal to or even surpassing the existence of God."

"If you choose the path of legend, you must gather the core of your will when you advance to the fourth level. The path of the gods only requires condensation at the seventh level, or even no need to condense it."

"After the third level of the legendary path, you will no longer need to draw spiritual power from the sea of ​​spiritual power to satisfy yourself. Instead, you will spontaneously generate spiritual power through deep meditation to meet the growing demand for spiritual power."

"This is also a source of danger. Because your weak will may not be able to withstand the erosion of the sea of ​​mental power, causing you to collapse during deep meditation."

"But once it is successfully condensed, you will have stronger resistance when facing erosion. You will not even be afraid of erosion."

"When you truly become a legend, you will get rid of the restrictions of the gods and walk freely in the world."

“The difficulty of the road is directly proportional to the rewards gained.”

"So, what is your choice??"

What are my options? ?

Alok looked at the empty content at the back of the book and was a little confused.

this. . . No need to think about it?

Of course it is a legend.

I fully doubt that if I chose the path of gods, the rest of this book would be lost.

Moreover, after listening to so much, Azerla can be regarded as my teacher after all. There are people like this to serve as role models.

Why not choose it?

Not to mention these benefits?

There was a confident tilt at the corner of his mouth. He picked up the quill at hand and wrote the word "legend" in the blank space of the book.

Sure enough, after he started writing, the words in the book appeared downward again.

“A wise choice!”

"The gods use the spiritual power of faith of countless people to use the principle of gravity around their will body to form a small ocean of spiritual power as his shelter. The result is called the Kingdom of God at best, or a shack at worst."

"The kingdom of God itself is a part of the god, the outermost part. It is extremely puffy and fat. It can be broken with one blow."

"This is why gods rarely appear in the world. Their bodies will attract a huge amount of spiritual power due to the principle of gravity. This will completely pollute the sea of ​​spiritual power where they appear, causing them to be in this ocean. Everyone becomes his believer."

"The typical representative is that idiot Sun God."

"At the same time, the spiritual power gathered around him will also reversely affect the gods themselves. As a result, the gods become more and more like these spiritual powers. These spiritual powers are the believers' beliefs and the believers' expectations of the gods. Therefore, in the end the gods will be kidnapped by believers and beliefs.”

"I call it 'homogenization.'"

"All gods will eventually become the same. This is why gods never live long."


Today’s harvest is simply amazing. This can be considered a secret of the gods.

How can I describe it?

Will I die too early if I know too much?

Azera's words were full of disdain for the gods. It is an insult to all the gods.

Of course, there are more shocking things below.

"Prometheus learned some superficial aspects of the path of the gods from the elves, and thought he had mastered the essence, but it was hopeless. No wonder he ended up..."

"Human beings should still find a path suitable for mankind."


Well, I still can’t comment too much.

But why do you always stop mid-sentence?

This is really sad.

He turned the page, hoping for an explanation later. But apparently, in Azeroth fashion, not.

"Let's talk about the legend."

"What is the core of will? The absolute core formed spontaneously by the will body, an independent will body."

"When condensing, you need to enter a deep state of meditation during meditation. All the energy is focused on oneself, rather than the mental power that attracts the sea of ​​mental power. Please experience it quietly. Try it a few times, and it will be easy to succeed."

"At the same time, the secret spell is no longer the key. When the core of will is formed, you no longer need the secret spell to protect yourself. Go boldly deeper."


Alok was shocked a bit too many times today, and was even a little numb.

He continued to turn the pages backwards, but there was no more content. Alok knew that this was the end.

The shock in my heart never subsided.

Whether it is the first principle, the legendary path, or the secret of the gods, there is no need for the protection of secret spells. All brought great impact to his senses.

But he was also glad that he knew this and that he had this book.

But this doesn't require a secret spell. . .

After sitting there for half an hour, he stood up from where he was and showed a confident smile.

He muttered the word "plunder" silently. Imprint this skill on your own astral body.

Then, he slowly closed the page, picked up the "Book of Prophets" and gently rubbed its surface. Then he carefully put it into El's pocket.

Maybe you should read more of this book.

There was no reply in El's pocket. I don't know whether it was because the situation there had become serious, or because El had already started to arrange it for me.

Hopefully it's the latter.

The markings are still in place. But there are changes from when I put it in yesterday.

The letters I wrote also showed obvious signs of turning.

I believe that with Yi Er's cleverness, he has already started to arrange it.

Maybe you haven't found a chance to reply to me yet.

Alok comforted himself like this.

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