On the evening of the second day.

Alok found Roger in front of the Dark Rose bar. He was chatting happily with two college students who were drinking in the Dark Rose. It was estimated that the next step would be to get down to business.

But Alok interrupted him at the right time.

He handed him an unsealed envelope, looked at Roger with a sharp look, and said:

"Take this letter to No. 13 Tulip Street. Discuss our cooperation with Kateman."

"I think you should be able to complete the task!"

"Hey. We are having a good chat, Captain. You are really a bummer." Roger complained, but he was also shocked when he saw Alok's sharp eyes.

Knowing that this is the time when Alok is most nervous, it is best not to joke with him.

Especially when he just made a mistake yesterday.

He decisively took the envelope, raised his eyebrows when he saw the unsealed opening, and said seriously: "I know. Can I see it?"

"If you think you can talk without seeing it." Alok tilted his head and walked to the side.

"Well~~~Okay, the aloof Captain Jack." Roger muttered softly.

Although Alok heard it, he did not comment on it.

"Don't worry." Roger responded to Alok's back in a low voice.

Seeing Alok walking to the dining table, he also lowered his head to take a look.

An ordinary white envelope, without even a signature or wax. Not to mention a stamp. The only impression it gave him was that it was a bit thick.

But recalling Alok's serious expression when he handed it to him, the unprecedented solemnity and the sharp scrutiny. Let Roger realize the seriousness of the problem.

"What is this?" The two female college students asked puzzledly after seeing Alok leave.

"That guy was so fierce just now. Is he your boss? You are so unlucky to have such a boss."

"How much is your weekly salary? Such a fierce boss must be very stingy."

"This 'Dark Moon Night' is delicious. What kind of wine is added to it?"

"I don't know how much it costs? Thank you for your generosity."


A series of questions came from the mouths of the two girls beside Roger. But Roger's mind was no longer on this.

He suddenly raised his head and walked upstairs without saying a word.

The two female students were startled.

"Who is it? So strange. He was fine just now."

"That's right. I thought he was a gentleman with great manners. It turns out that people of the same family are not the same."

"Well, the boss and the employees are all crazy."


Roger walked to his room with some heavy steps. The moment he closed the door, he took out the letter directly, carefully pulled out the letter from it, and began to read it.

As time went by, his face became more and more shocked.

After taking a deep breath, he could not help but be shocked by Alok's excellent intelligence ability.

Just like when he was in Drol City.

He worked hard for half a month, but he was not as good as others sitting in Sanhe to drink.

How did he do it? ?

A detailed anti-will intelligence, even with a roster and character traits, the secondary occupations of some traitors, levels, and all kinds of messy intelligence.

Several of the intelligences were marked with big red crosses and marked as solved.

It also includes a level 3 hunter, a level 3 criminal, a level 2 pirate, and a level 2 meteorologist.

The hunter's words are easy to say, I know what's going on, but what about criminals, pirates, and meteorologists?

And what does this mean?

Is this a "letter of surrender"? ? Or a threat?

But no matter how it is used, it is a good bargaining chip and enough to show our strength.

With such a "weapon", he made up his mind and knew what to do to make the weapon work.

Next, it depends on Alok's plan.

He continued to look down. It was a very simple plan written by Alok.

"Tomorrow night.

13 Levitt Riverside Road.

A rare opportunity, only once."

Uh~~~~ It was really a simple plan.

How did he determine that tomorrow night was the only chance? Was it accurate intelligence? Or was it a gamble, or was it just an excuse?

But no matter what, it was enough to follow what was written in Alok's plan.

But such a simple plan probably requires me to improvise on the spot.

He read it over and over again twice, and confirmed that Alok did not have a more detailed plan, so he put on a sad look of despair.

After a moment, he calmed down and decided to think while walking, so as not to delay Alok's business.

Let's take it one step at a time.

He changed into his only suit, combed his hair in front of the mirror, and put on a noble look.

He took off his bowler hat from the tree-branch hanger and put it on his head, then coughed twice and practiced the official language of the Hutt Empire in a Damian aristocratic accent.

Then, he smiled like a gentleman and walked downstairs.

He walked behind Alok, coughed twice, and said pretentiously:

"Captain. Can I borrow the 'Storm of Karame'? As a token of love. And also as a gentleman's ornament."

After hearing this, Alok looked back at Roger in surprise, thought for a moment, and then handed the cane to him directly, and whispered while eating:

"Don't lose it."

"Thank you, Captain. I will keep it well." Roger politely took off his hat and saluted, then took the cane in his hand.

He weighed it and it was very suitable.

Since the Dark Night Rose walked on the street, he waited for a while before stopping a carriage. After complaining that there were so few carriages, he went straight to No. 13 Tulip Street.


No. 13 Tulip Street, No. 13 Levitt Riverside Street, what a coincidental number.

Roger sighed silently in his heart.

He stood outside the door, waiting for the waiter who had just gone to report the news.

Although it was rude to let the guests wait outside the door. But as a big drug lord, Roger could understand such behavior.

However, it was inevitable to issue a condemnation and express his equal position with him.

Otherwise, it would inevitably put his side on the passive side. This is extremely disadvantageous for the subsequent negotiations and cooperation.

Moreover, this time I represent Alok, not myself.

It's a pity that the waiter has to pay for this.

Seeing the waiter who just felt sorry for losing his job, Roger nodded politely.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Please follow me, sir."

"Thank you." Roger smiled.

He picked up his cane, walked slowly, suppressed his slightly uneasy mood, and walked towards the independent building.

The waiter at the door was ready to take Roger's cane, but was rejected by Roger.

Then, he followed the waiter who led the way in front and walked into the restaurant of the small building.

I saw Kateman Bourne sitting upright right above the dining table.

The dining table was a common and flashy style in Damia. The flickering candlelight on the dining table was not bright enough, and it looked a little dim and weird.

There were simple steaks and fried eggs on the table, and there was no luxury at all. It was contrary to the usual luxury of the upper class.

Unfortunately, I didn't have my own copy, which was normal.

Who would have thought that I would visit you suddenly?

"I apologize for my intrusive visit." Roger said first.

"I'm sorry too. I didn't expect that we would meet so soon. Where's your captain?" Kateman Bourne asked with both hands flat on the table. There was a little dissatisfaction in his tone, which Roger easily heard.

Roger smiled meaningfully and said, "This is the price of coming with sincerity."

"Sincerity? I like sincerity." Kateman Bourne continued with an unchanged expression.

Roger didn't answer quickly, but sat calmly opposite Kateman Bourne, looking at each other across a long dining table.

He placed Karame's Storm flat on the table, and said with a noble euphemism:

"Cooperation is often based on sincerity. Although the sunset this evening is beautiful, the wind is bleak."

After that, he took out the pieces of letter paper with big red cross marks without waiting for Kateman Bourne's reaction. Looking at Kateman, he continued:

"This is my sincerity. What about yours?"

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