"Next, enter your clues into the compass. We are going to find a place." Richie said casually.

Hearing this, Elok obediently entered a small piece of memory from that night into the compass.

In the sea of ​​spiritual power and the material world, arrows began to spin crazily. Finally, it stopped in the direction to the left of Airok.

Alok naturally understood what such a simple and clear guide meant. He shrugged and led the way for Richie.

After the three people's wills floated for a while, the arrow began to rotate again. Alok thought it was inaccurate and gently shook the compass in his hand.

Who would have expected that Richie saw this scene and said: "We're here."

"Look carefully below and I will show you how to operate it."

He asked Airok to take a few steps back, and with a casual move, a dagger appeared in his hand. Waving the illusory knife in his hand, it transformed into a shovel. Alok was simply stunned.


Seeing Rich rolling up his sleeves and getting ready to work hard, Alok took a breath.

This is digging deep. . . . .

I thought it was a high-end operation.


Alok scratched his head in confusion. It seemed that this was really the case.

Richie frowned and blamed:

"What's that look in your eyes? This is the lowest level of operation. But you can only dig deeper like this. Do you understand? I'm here to help you learn. You haven't learned the skills for those high-end operations, so I can't help it. Let me show you."

"Moreover. This is a deep dig into the sea of ​​spiritual power. It's imagery. Do you understand imagery? How to learn extraordinary knowledge." Rich emphasized a few more words loudly.

He rolled his eyes at Alok as a child, and then really worked hard. Shovel after shovel dug into the sea of ​​spiritual power.

"I understand. It turns out I'm too low." Alok scratched his head helplessly.

I always felt like Richie was angry with him.

The sea water in the spiritual sea is not like real sea water. Instead, it looks like sand.

White and blue sands cover the entire ocean.

Every time a shovel is dug, little bits of memory starlight will be scattered in the air of the sea of ​​spiritual power.

"You can come and help. Alok." After a moment, Rich finally couldn't help but said.

"Oh oh oh. How can I help?" Alok said hurriedly.

Richie said in a depressed tone: "Turn the illusory knife of amnestic surgery into a shovel and dig down. You don't know how to do this. You are so stupid. Can you learn from El?"

But then, he saw some crimson light spots that were different in color from the ordinary sea of ​​spiritual power floating out of the hole he dug. He sighed and said:

"Forget it. I dug them all."

"The compass will mark the memories you are looking for. These are the memories buried deep in the sea of ​​spiritual power."

“It’s not that deep since it wasn’t that long ago.”

He waved his arm to collect the crimson light spots. When all the light spots were held in Richie's hand, he finally handed the flashing red light spot to Alok. And said:

"Because such light spots come from the depths of the spiritual sea, there are inevitably some dangers. You can look at it once, but you must not continue to dig deeper. Let's go out from the spiritual sea."

Elok nodded solemnly in agreement and turned off his astral vision.

He looked at the red memory light spot, browsed it briefly, and nodded with satisfaction.

That is the memory from the world.

Richie looked at Alok and said:

"Now comes the follow-up processing. Cut out the small part of the memory of the person or thing you hope to find, and then put it into the compass, and it will lead us to find him."

"Once you get here, you can do it alone. I'll go back."

"Also, don't keep this memory in your own mind. You can keep it in that small bottle and dissipate it as soon as you no longer need it." Rich finally emphasized. He disappeared on the carriage without waiting for Alok's response.

Alok knew what Richie meant when he said keep digging. In addition to the literal meaning, don't go back and look back based on this memory. Just rely on the compass of memory tracking to find it. This can avoid erosion from the sea of ​​spiritual power.

But, back to that. What exactly is this teleportation skill? I must learn it when I reach the level.

This is so convenient.

Forget it, I still don’t think about this anymore. Now let’s deal with the most pressing matters at the moment.

He picked up the red ball again. According to Ritchie, a fragment of one of the characters was carefully cut off using amnestic surgery.

The small point of light that was cut out was then placed into the compass. He followed Richie's instructions and put the rest into a drift bottle for preservation.

Just like before, the compass rotated crazily first, and finally pointed to the southeast of Airok.

He nodded secretly, raised his voice and ordered to the driver outside:

"Now go to the nearest clothing store."

There was no reply from the outside of the carriage, but the carriage started, turned around, and headed towards a certain commercial street in Garousan District.

Elok had no objection to this. He hoped to change his clothes to slightly hide his identity to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Less than ten minutes later, the carriage stopped. He stepped out of the carriage very naturally and politely handed the coachman a gold coin as fare.

"Thank you, generous sir." The driver bowed and thanked, and after taking the gold coin, he bit it with his teeth to confirm the authenticity of the coin.

Then, after seeing the stamp on the gold coin, he looked at Alok and said embarrassedly: "Every failure makes a wiser person. Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome. This is what you deserve for taking the corresponding risks." Alok responded without blaming the driver's behavior.

He put on a tricorn hat, dragged the little bear and carried a cane, and entered the clothing store where the carriage stopped.

The clothing store was not big, and most of the clothes and hats were work clothes worn by workers.

But this was exactly what Alok needed.

He nodded with satisfaction, and casually selected a few gray-looking work clothes to make himself look more like a worker doing heavy physical labor.

Later, he selected a few shirts and trousers that looked a little more decent, plus a few pairs of shoes and a few accessories.

In this way, the disguise looked like a look.

Turning his head, he said to Sebastian:

"Let's change our clothes, and give the clothes to Little Bear first. It will probably take a long time before we can wear them again."

"I understand, boss." Sebastian obviously understood what to do now. As a former "detective".

Sebastian's body shape is similar to that of Alok. The two changed into new clothes in the locker room, and then hurriedly paid the bill and went to the street. The total amount was less than 1 gold coin.

Alok had a small mustache on his lips, and only the frame of his glasses was left, and the lenses were broken by himself.

He was wearing the gray work clothes, a white linen glove on his left hand, and only the pocket watch in his right hand.

As for the silver pain, it was placed under his armpit, blocked by the work coat, and the dagger was hung directly on his waist.

Sebastian and Alok were wearing similar clothes, without coats. But he was holding a dark blue handbag in his hand, which contained Little Bear.

As for Sebastian's violin and Alok's cane, which were not in line with his current identity. All of them were stuffed into the little bear's stomach by Alok.

Alok glanced at the direction indicated by the compass in his hand. It was due east of Alok.

He nodded to Sebastian beside him, then put the compass into his pocket. He lowered his head and moved forward in the direction of the compass.

The first target was a second-level meteorologist. He was a soft persimmon. Alok decided to practice with him first. By the way, he would find out the specific situation.

He turned on the astral vision, relying on the auxiliary observation of the astral vision while moving forward with the guidance of the compass.

Finally, he stopped at a distance from a two-story wooden building. This is the junction of the slums and the Garosen District. There are some residents, but because it is noon, most of them are working, and there are no people on the street. Instead, it gives the two a good opportunity to act.

From a distance, Alok has already discovered the meteorologist's astral body in the small building.

Although there may be another astral body beside him.

Alok has never seen that astral body. But Alok quickly decided on his target profession.

A pirate.

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