The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 247 The Source of Clear Leaves

"Uh~~~" Alok didn't understand the reason.

Shouldn't a life pastor love and care for every life? Why hunt? Does hunting count as protecting and respecting life?

He directly expressed his doubts: "Shouldn't pastors protect every life?"

"Huh?" Danielle also looked at Alok in surprise, seeming to sense the ideological gap between a human and an elf.

After thinking for a moment, she patiently explained:

"It is true that we respect every life, but respect does not mean love. What we respect and fear should be 'life' itself."

"'Life' itself is different from each living life. These are two different concepts. It is roughly equivalent to the difference between an individual elf and the concept of 'elf'."

She looked at the thoughtful Alok and continued to explain in depth: "Some animals will nibble on tree roots, but this kind of nibbling is also good for the trees. The big trees will have no natural enemies and become lazy. Then I don't want to grow. and finally wither.”

"But it won't work if there are too many such animals, which will affect the survival of the trees."

"Then do we respect the life of trees, or the life that eats tree roots?" Danielle asked, looking into Alok's eyes.

Alok pondered for a while, and finally gave his answer: "Yes~~I respect both."

Danielle shook her head slightly and replied with a smile: "Yes or no. We should respect life itself."

"The essence of life is balance, and what we should respect is balance." She continued to explain.

"The balance of life, the balance between nature. A balance that promotes more and more prosperous life. When you can understand this, then you are a true believer in life."

Alok is still a little confused, and obviously his talent for these things in the field of life is not very high.

I remember Richie told himself that a person is gifted.

It seems that I do not have any talent in the field of life.

On the contrary, historians and assassins have good talents.

I am more flexible and proficient in using things in these two fields.

Not understanding, he shook his head helplessly. I didn’t intend to dwell on this topic, but started to get to the point and said:

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. Thank you for what happened yesterday, Danielle. I feel rejuvenated. Compared with the last novice life priest who treated me, your skills are much better."

"Goose~goose~goose~~" Danielle laughed again and then said: "It seems that you don't understand what these priests need to master. You are still brooding about the last injury. ?”

"Then you can continue to come to my place next time. You are welcome to come to my place again if you are injured." Danielle also made a joke.

"Ha~~Forget it then. I hope I didn't come to you just to heal my wounds." Alok quickly rejected Danielle's kindness.

Suddenly, he carefully took out the clear leaf from his coat pocket, handed it to Danielle, and asked:

"I found this during my previous expedition. This should be the clear leaf, right?"

Danielle's eyebrows showed a hint of interest, she took the leaf that Alok handed to her, looked at it twice, and said casually:

"It is indeed a clear leaf, but the quality is very poor. It is incomparable to the Dark Night Rose."

Then, she returned the leaf to Alok and continued:

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Alok, who was aware of Danielle's thoughts, coughed twice and continued to ask:

"Ahem, that's it. I want to know other than the way elves can find clear leaves, what other channels are there? This should be a specialty of the Dark Moon Forest."

"You mean this?" Danielle replied somewhat unexpectedly.

She thought for a while and gave the answer from the elf: "The elf sold it to some merchants who came to the Dark Moon Forest to trade."

"It's a pity that those leaves have fallen. We also know that clear leaves are widely used in alchemy, preparation of potions, enchantments, etc. So we will collect those leaves that fall on the ground due to the metabolism of trees, and then sell them Merchant to mankind.”

"This is the kind. So the appearance is ugly. The taste of clear moonlight is also very different. In the Dark Moon Forest, we all pick it directly from the tree." Danielle's expectation was mixed with some disgust.

Alok nodded frequently and understood the whole process, so it would be much easier to find the so-called 'businessman' with clear leaves.

As a drug from the otherworldly world, if the anti-will wants to rely on drugs to control others, this thing is also a good choice.

However, another effect of the clear leaves is contrary to the will.

Purify the will body.


There seems to be some contradiction.

Forget it, let’s investigate first. If it really doesn't matter, let's talk about it.

"Thank you for your answer. Danielle." Alok thanked him solemnly, and then said goodbye:

"I still have something to do, so I won't stay here any longer,"

"Well, I have to continue to restore the natural order." Danielle responded casually.

But after turning around, he pouted and complained to himself: "This should be Majik's task. It's so lazy. Like a sleeping sloth."

Elok heard Danielle's complaint, shrugged his shoulders, and ignored the complaints between the elves. Continue to lead Sebastian out of the range of the Dusk Forest.

"Let's go to the Tough Guy Bar. Find Roger, and by the way, we have to continue our next plan." Alok said as he walked.

Indeed, it's not time to relax yet.

You can stay here and stroll around leisurely for a while, but you can't stay here all the time.

The clues at hand also include the face of the briber in the memory of the 'belt', and the crystal of the will of the mystic can be checked for memory.

This may be useful.

As for how to find it. Maybe you can entrust a detective to find it, but that is too slow and not professional enough.

There is someone who can help.

The gambler who is a trustee in the Brilliant World-Brady Condy.

Of course, he has a more important identity, an astrologer.

However, that is also after finding Little Bear and Roger first.

In fact, the time when Alok woke up was already considered afternoon.

After he finished his meal, he went to the Dusk Forest for a walk. When he arrived at Pier No. 3, it was already sunset.

As soon as Alok entered the door of the tough guy bar, he saw Roger. He was confronting a group of big men, and he was not at a disadvantage. He was not afraid at all.

However, such a scene made the sensitive Alok feel a bit unusual.

What is going on?

Revenge of drug dealers?

Roger sat calmly at a table near the door of the bar, with Little Bear beside him.

His figure looked a little weak, but such a scene made people feel unusually great.

Alok stepped forward, stood in front of Roger, blocked the big men's covetous eyes, and said:

"What's the situation?"

"Nothing. I'm waiting for you. I met a group of drug-addicted hooligans. They look strong, but they are actually scum. I don't even bother to fight with them." Roger took a sip of beer on the table and said casually.

This seemed to anger the crowd, and the leader there shouted and rushed towards Roger.

What followed was chaos in the bar, and the onlookers fled.

But all this seemed to be completely frozen in an instant, and everyone was immersed in the world of music, as if they had returned to their mother's arms.

Sebastian picked up the violin and gently played a few notes, pulling all the ordinary people present into their memories.

Seeing this, Alok, who was originally going to take action, exclaimed: "Large-scale music is indeed the best choice, well done, Sebastian."

"But it is obvious that he has lost the airs of a supernatural person when dealing with civilians." Roger said a little sourly.

Alok looked at Roger's appearance and comforted Sebastian: "Don't pay attention to him. He is just incompetent."

Then, he looked around at the people who were almost awake and said: "We should leave. It's not safe here."

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