The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 245: Treat others in their own way

The thick lightning at the top of the scepter hit the stronghold together with the lightning from the sky, causing a violent explosion.

What follows is the next lightning attack of the lightning storm.

The rain also poured down.

The crazy lightning storm seemed to be commanded by Alok, and without exception it struck at the extraordinary people in the stronghold.

The body can no longer withstand the load caused by electrophoresis, and Alok knows this.

He activated the Windrunner skill again, took out the 'Silver Pain', and opened the hammer while shooting wildly.


The familiar gunshot of Silver Pain began to play, and a symphony of destiny accompanied the sound of rain.

The bullet accurately hit the first-level historian closest to Airok. It is also the best being to bully.

After three shots, Alok no longer cared about the transcendent who was dead in Alok's eyes, but left the last powerful bullet to the third-level judge.

Elok doesn't want to touch the devil for the time being, who knows if it will transform.

I don't want to touch the second-level torturer Elok, who knows if it will transform due to erosion.

Are there not many such things?

As for the astrologers, they were too far away from Elok. It was uncertain whether the bullet would still be powerful after penetrating anything between the two.

Elok didn't intend to have a head-on confrontation with the enemy.

Fighting two Level 3s, two Level 2s, and a Level 1 person is not much different from committing suicide.

Even if you have a mid-level weapon like Calame's Tempest, don't even think about it.

Every extraordinary person cannot be ignored. And if there is a tacit understanding between extraordinary beings, it will never be a simple arithmetic problem like one plus one equals two.

This is not only what Elok knows himself, but also gained through various practices.

Including the cooperation with Sebastian just now.

However, what Elok didn't expect was that the astrologer's luck was obviously not very good, and he was struck by a bolt of lightning, and then his will body collapsed directly.

It looks like I made a lot of money from gambling during the day today.

Along with the lightning is Airok's last 'Fire Strike' bullet, which combined with the damage from the fourth bullet of Silver Pain, exerts great power.

A fireball emerged from the muzzle of the silver painful gun and attacked the judge with great force.

The roar sounded again, and the gradually decreasing rain could not cover up the raging fire in the stronghold.

When Elok saw the thick smoke coming out, he felt as if he had the pleasure of treating others with his own medicine.

He looked up at the lightning that was getting smaller and smaller, and the lightning power in the 'Storm' skill was almost exhausted.

Alok knew he had to go. He can no longer withstand long-term and high-load battles.

If he had waited for the demon and torturer in the stronghold to react, it might not be so easy to leave.

Moreover, it seems that the judge is not dead either. It's just that the will body is a little weak and may be injured.

But Elok's own condition is not very good. The load caused by electrophoresis is still making his hands and feet weak.

The sequelae caused by Windrunner will become more and more serious.

The storm was about to end, and the anger in his heart was almost vented with a series of attacks.

Now is the time to think longer. Acting on impulse is something only a fool can do.

It is understandable to be extremely angry.

But now that we have calmed down, we have to make plans for the future.

I haven't found it yet. You have to know what you are doing.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Maybe the spirit of adventure came into play, maybe the storm was getting smaller and smaller, the wrathful effect of the scepter was reduced, and Elok's thoughts returned to normal. Let him make plans to evacuate now.

After looking around, he transformed into a cat and quickly left the scene.

The roars, fire-fighting sounds, and curses coming from behind him had nothing to do with him.

Now he is just a cat, a weak-willed cat, a cat who has succeeded in revenge.

Others of the same kind on the roadside found a roof to take shelter from the rain so that their hair would not get wet, but Elok had no worries.

The side effects of Windrunner began to appear, and Elok reluctantly walked in the corner to prevent himself from falling.

After a while, he would have to rest against the wall before moving forward.

The numbness in his body disappeared, but what followed was a burning pain, making Alok feel the deep malice brought by his body with every step he took.

Finally, an hour later, Alok arrived at the door of the Night Rose Bar.

Danielle should rest here at night.

He knew that this was already a safe zone, so he changed back to his human form and reluctantly used his door-opening skills to open the door of the Night Rose Bar.

The couples in the bar were still flirting, and Alok was holding on to the wall and walking to the bar like a drunkard.

After seeing Majik, he sat down on the stool in front of the bar.

The bartender didn't even recognize Alok when he saw him like this, and thought he was a beggar begging for food. He planned to blast out, but was stopped by Majik.

Majik said: "Go and greet the people over there. This is an old customer."

He looked at the grinning Alok and said:

"If it weren't for the natural reminder, I would hardly recognize you."

"What? There was a fire in your house?"

Alok was shocked by Magik's foresight. He looked at his somewhat weathered face in surprise. He did not answer the question, but said directly:

"Where is Danielle? I am not in good condition. Ahem~~~"

Majik observed Alok's condition after hearing this, and saw his pale face after the heavy rain, and his hair wet under the tricorn hat. Feeling the reminder of nature, he understood the seriousness of the matter, so he hurriedly said:

"Oh, Miss Danielle. Um~~~ You have to go upstairs to find her. The third floor, you should know. Next to Ariel's room. Do you need me to accompany you?"

"That would be the best. I feel a little dizzy." Alok replied reluctantly while lying on the bar.

Majik saw Alok's appearance, and he himself had some good feelings for such a "believer of life". After coming out from behind the bar, he supported Alok's body in time. And took him upstairs.

With Magik's support, Alok obviously felt that he didn't need to spend so much effort.

Even walking up the stairs seemed like he hadn't moved.

He didn't even feel the steps he took when he reached the third floor.

That was where the huge moon was hanging in the sky.

This was actually Magic's druid skill of controlling plants.

The entire Dark Night Rose Bar was made up of plants, except for the sofas and beds.

Including the floor, stairs, walls, rooms, etc.

So, Magic only needed to control these plants to carry him forward.

Just like an elevator.

Alok seemed to have reached his limit. Once he reached a safe area, all the sequelae seemed to appear, making him fall into a daze.

"Daniel? Danielle?" Magic shouted in front of the door leading to the moon.

He carefully supported Alok, and finally let a vine hang down from the branch helplessly, wrapping Alok around it, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself:

"It doesn't look like a big problem."

While letting Alok follow behind him, he walked towards one of the book houses on the branches. He continued to shout twice:

"Daniel? Your believers are here to ask you for help."

When Magik came to the door of Daniel's room and knocked on it, there was a rustling sound in the room, and then Daniel's voice rang out:

"Majik? Didn't nature tell you that a priest needs to rest at night?"

"Oh. It looks like something urgent." Magik said anxiously.

When Daniel appeared at the door casually wearing a white priest's robe, he saw Alok hanging on the branch. His tone changed drastically, mixed with complaints and eagerness:

"Then why are you still staying there? Put Alok down. Knocking on my door so gently, do you think you are still a young druid?"

This made Magik, a middle-aged single old elf, a little embarrassed. When he was young, he was too shy to knock on the door of the female elf he loved, which led to his singleness until now.

He scratched his head and quickly put Alok on the floor.


This made Danielle mad.

Fortunately, she was already in front of her, and time was urgent, so she stopped scolding Majik for being a wooden-headed man and wondering why he couldn't find a partner.

She quickly stretched out her right hand, palm down, closed her eyes, and chanted the name of the goddess in her heart.

A green light representing life lit up in her hand.

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