The next day.

Elok finally returned home to catch up on some sleep and relax.

Of course, another important thing is to wait for Florian, who is also one of the few friends he has.

In other aspects, it is also a very important channel.

Although saying this is inevitably a bit utilitarian, it was this level of utilitarianism that started the friendship between the two.

Today, Sebas saw that Alok finally came back and took a day off. He said he was going out for a walk.

Alok probably knew what he was going to do. But I don't intend to interfere with his personal affairs at all.

Moreover, if Florian came today, it would save him the embarrassment of avoiding him.

It wasn't until sunset that Florian knocked on the door of No. 777 Rose Street.

Alok thought it was Sebas and felt that Florian might not come so late.

He smiled happily, invited Florian into his room, and served him a large cup of tea.

"You look bigger." Alok raised his head and looked at Florian's tall figure and teased himself. "It's not like I'm getting shorter."

Florian showed a rare smile today. After sitting down casually on the sofa, he said with a smile: "Of course not. This is a common problem in the knight profession. It will get better at level four."

"Does better mean it's bigger or smaller?" Alok asked confused.

There was something funny on Florian's face. He cleared away the gloom of today and joked with himself: "It's shrinkage. I may not be as tall as you by then."

Although Alok knew that was impossible, it livened up the atmosphere.

He laughed wildly and then said:

"It's just time for dinner. I told you to buy you a drink. Let's go. We can also have dinner together."

He introduced casually: "I recently found an elf restaurant. The wine is very good, and I have a good relationship with their boss."

"What's important is that it's quiet and safe."

"Okay. Then I won't be polite." Florian said with a laugh.

"Even if it's just to help you catch the wind and wash away the dust."

As he spoke, Alok got up from the sofa and waited for Florian to drink all the water in the special tea cup before asking him to go out together.

Following a familiar route to find the dark night rose under the dusk, Elok naturally led Florian into this place that did not look like the two of them had entered.

Although Florian was also a little embarrassed, Alok didn't seem to care.

"Boss Majik. Business seems to be good." Alok saw the green light Majik playing with a wooden cup behind the bar. Alok greeted him softly and informed him of his arrival.

Majik raised his head when he heard the sound and saw it was Alok. He put down the cup, sat on the high stool in front of Alok, and teased in an elf-like tone: "Alok. I have to remind you. You are here. Danielle and Ariel saved money very quickly.”

"Hahaha, that's what made them excited in the first place. It doesn't matter, I also made money, didn't I?" Alok said with a helpless smile.

After looking at Elok's deflated expression, Majik chuckled and continued talking about business, revealing the locations of the two elves:

"Ariel has already gone to work today. If you want to find her, you may have to go to the Dusk Forest. Danielle will be back soon. What's going on today?"

"I won't be looking for them today." Alok stopped quickly. If he looked for them again, it would probably cost a lot of money. Today was to catch up with Florian.

He pointed at Florian, who was a little confused next to him, and said:

"My friend, can you help me find a quiet private room? There should be private rooms here."

"Of course, since it's business, I won't let Danielle bother you." Majik teased.

He pointed at the path leading to the Twilight Forest and said:

"The third room inside is quite safe."

"Thank you again, Boss Majik. I wish you a prosperous business." Alok said with a smile.

"At this time, you should wish me an early return to the Dark Moon Forest." Majik corrected with a helpless expression. "I don't want to be here. Nature here is too depressing."

"Okay. I can understand your mood, but nature is more suitable for you. I hope you can return to the Dark Moon Forest as soon as possible." Alok modified his blessing and said politely.

He then took Florian to the room that Majik pointed to.

It was still a dark but atmospheric room of Night Rose. Although the smell of roses in the air made Alok a little embarrassed, the fact that it was safe and quiet was enough to convince himself.

He ordered a dinner from the waiter who followed him, plus a few large glasses of beer, intending to get drunk with Florian.

Ahem, let’s get down to business finally.

This makes me look less deliberate.

"This is indeed a bar run by elves." Florian said in surprise after ordering a meal. ,

"That's right, the person I was talking to just now is the boss here, an old elf druid." Alok introduced casually. "The other two female elves mentioned are the priest of the moon god and the priest of life."

He glanced at Florian and continued: "You should know that I have a good relationship with the elves. I am a believer in life."

"Hahahaha, I'd better leave that theory of yours to you, I don't believe you have any faith." Florian said with a hearty laugh.

"Alas, I am now a devout believer of life." Alok interrupted Florian quickly. If he made a scene here and was heard by the goddess, it would be terrible.

Although the goddess is a very gentle god according to Andil and Daniel, it is better to be careful.

"Okay, okay. Captain Jack, a devout believer of life." Florian laughed so hard that he almost got a stitch in the side. He teased:

"Then you should report to the Temple of Life every day to show your loyalty."

"Hey, don't doubt my piety. Aren't you also a devout believer of order?" Alok asked back.

"Indeed, I am a devout believer of order. Otherwise, how could I become the captain of the black skin?" Florian instantly understood what Alok meant.

This is equivalent to a shelter and an umbrella.

However, among all the seven gods, Alok really only has a good impression of the gods of the two elves, and other human gods are basically the objects of Alok's rejection.

The hypocritical order and unspoken rules of the God of Order disgust Alok.

The hegemonic belief of the sun god also disgusts Alok.

The Statue of Liberty is too indulgent. Although it is called freedom, it is not in line with his free and easy philosophy, and he also has no good impression of it. We can see that the Free Will Federation is the base camp of the anti-will.

The God of Storm is similar to the Statue of Liberty.

As for the Mother Earth, it is because Alok has not had much contact with her. Although the belief in the Mother Earth is widespread throughout the continent, it is mostly believed by farmers.

The number of farmers in this world is extremely large, but it happens that Alok is not a farmer. So he does not know much about the Mother Earth.

He only knows that the Mother Earth is a very kind deity.

On the other hand, the free and easy spirit gods such as the Moon Goddess and the Goddess of Life make Alok like them more.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a believer in the future of life.

Alok does sincerely respect life. He reveres life.

"Well, then. Captain Jack, a devout believer in life. Congratulations on our reunion. Although we have not been apart for long." Florian laughed happily.

He took the big beer from the waiter, clinked glasses with Alok, and said loudly: "This is really the happiest day recently."

"Haha. It's also my happiest day. Celebrate our reunion. Florian." Alok also said loudly.

He drank beer in big gulps, as if he had vented the recent pressure.

Ever since there was no news from Il, he always felt that there was a big stone in his heart that made him breathless.

If it weren't for his strong psychological adjustment ability, anxiety might drive him crazy.

From the beginning when he was eager to ask Roger to find information, to then he asked the detective to inquire in disguise, and then he went into battle himself, the stone seemed to be getting heavier and heavier.

Florian's arrival really relieved a lot of pressure for him. This scene of gathering with friends made him seem to find someone to rely on.

And it was the same for Florian, who was also facing the pressure brought to him by the workplace.

After meeting Alok, it was like putting down a worry.

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