The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 219 The career structure of the elves

"I see." Roger answered simply.

"By the way. Captain, what is the identity you found?"

"Don't worry about it." Alok refused to answer ruthlessly.

Roger pouted helplessly, and said sarcastically: "The workers on the assembly line only need to know one step. What a vicious capitalist face."

"I did that to protect your safety. If I told you, maybe the devil would run away. You know nothing~" Alok cursed in a high-sounding manner.

"You did that to protect my safety? You did that to prevent me from ruining your plan. So you can make a lot of money and then leave me a mess." Roger complained.

"Hehe~~ I was guessed. It's not a big problem. Do you have any objection?" Alok said without admitting his mistake.

"No, after all, I got a lot of money. Although it's not mine." Roger looked at the cup in front of him viciously, treating it as Alok. Then he took a big sip of beer.

"Anything else?" Roger looked at Alok and said in a bad tone.

"You have to tell me how to find you. If there are any more messes in the future, oh no, and commissions that need your help, I have to find you." Alok said with a smile.

"Tsk~" Roger glanced at Alok with disdain, and then said:

"Damia Pier 3. Tough Guy Bar."

"Got it."

"Also, you have to help me find an alchemist. As a partner. On the one hand, it is to make alchemical items, and on the other hand, we can cooperate to produce extraordinary weapons." Alok said seriously.

"We can find the little bear to produce it himself." Roger questioned.

"Weapons with only binding magic are much less powerful without passive blessing." Alok explained. "Also, we have to consider the problem of consumables such as bullets."

"In short, there is no harm in finding a partner."

"Okay, okay. No problem. At a party I attended, there was an alchemist who was always selling various materials. I can try to communicate with him." Roger said.

"What level?" Alok asked briefly.

"I don't know. Level 1 is enough, and level 2 is better." Roger replied, touching his chin.

"That's right, remember to tell me when you find it." Alok nodded and replied. "Now I have no problem."

"Tsk~~ you just know how to order me around."

Alok drank the beer in the glass in one gulp, then picked up the painting beside him, and walked to the bar without paying attention to Roger who was still complaining behind him.

"Hello." Alok changed his expression just now, looked at the busy waiter in front of the bar, and said politely.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" The waiter hurriedly stopped his work and asked with a slight bow.

Alok also nodded to him, and then continued to ask:

"Can you recharge here? I promised Miss Ariel that I have to apply for a membership card here."

"Ah? You mean this? Miss Ariel's friend?" The waiter was a little surprised.

"Yes, she asked me to come." Alok nodded in response. "Can I recharge?"

"Of course, of course no problem." The waiter showed a standard smile.

Just as Alok was about to take out today's harvest from his pocket, a somewhat low voice suddenly sounded behind the bar:

"You go and serve those guests. I'll take care of this gentleman."

Alok touched the dozen bills in his pocket, but didn't rush to take them out. He took a look at who was coming.

It turned out to be the extraordinary person wearing green light on his head. The material world's dress was also full of natural breath.

An old elf, but still looked strong and powerful. Alok greeted him.

He stood in front of Alok, glanced at him and said:

"I heard Daniel talk about you. Mr. Alok. A devout believer in life. I see the blessing of the goddess in you. It's rare for a human to have it."

"My name is Maji Windrunner, you can call me Magik."

"Mr. Magik?" Alok asked in confusion. "I have wanted to meet Mr. Magik for a long time. Ever since I first met you."

"It may seem rude to ask a question now, but my strong curiosity prompted me to ask Mr. Magik. Is it appropriate?"

"Humans are always worried about gains and losses. Elves won't, they will ask directly." Magik said with a hearty smile.

"Well~ In that case, I won't be polite." Alok said with a smile. Then he looked at Magik's expression seriously and asked puzzledly:

"I want to know what Mr. Magik's profession is. I have never seen him before."

"Just this?" Magik glanced at Alok, put his hands on the bar table, and then sat down, as if he was ready to communicate with Alok for a long time. Then he said frankly:

"Druid. This is the most common profession among elves. It uses the power of nature."


It's really the first time I heard of it.

"Thank you. This is really the first time I have seen such a profession. Hmm~~~ How to describe it. Very natural." Alok said after thinking for a moment.

Afterwards, Majik continued, "The professions of elves are relatively simple. The most common are druids, followed by artists, then hunters, and finally life priests. In addition, there are a small number of Scourge Warlocks, and a very small number of thieves and witches."

"Oh, I forgot that there are some sea elves who are not in the Dark Night Forest. Most of them are ocean warlocks."

Hearing this, Alok thought for a while.

The natural disaster warlock should be a meteorologist, and the ocean warlock is an oceanographer.

As for the thief, based on my previous experience. Probably a criminal.

Florian seemed to have told me that a criminal behaves like a thief in the early stage.

These should be two different names.

It’s just that I don’t understand why this elf can trust me so quickly.

He almost shook the elf's bottom. So honest. I didn't plan to ask.

Could it be the blessing of some goddess? ?

"Why is the occupational structure of elves so simple? Humans seem to have all kinds of occupations." Alok continued to ask doubtfully.

Suddenly, he had an idea. He sat on the high stool in front of the bar, got close to Majik's face, and whispered:

"Is it because of the theory of mutual repulsion of alien mental powers?"

Majik's originally calm expression suddenly became complicated, and he said with 70% surprise and 30% seriousness:

"That's indeed the reason. Why, do you know His Majesty Theslik?"

Alok said calmly: "I've only heard the name and learned a bit about the theory."

"So, druids, artists, hunters, life priests and meteorologists are the same professions that attract each other?" Elok continued to ask.

"No." Majik shook his head in denial.

"The goddess and the queen are not the same species, but they are not different species either."

What? Shouldn't it be either/or?

Alok looked at Majik with some confusion and shock.

I want to hear his next explanation.

As expected, Majik saw Alok's confused eyes and continued:

"They are not attracted to each other, but they are not repelled either. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Dark Moon Forest to have a queen and a goddess at the same time. Hunters and life priests are of the same species."

"The Scourge Warlock, Ocean Warlock, Artist, and Druid do not conflict with each other. These four seem to be of the same species. But there is not much gravity between them."

"I really don't understand." Majik touched his head and said with a frown.

"The extraordinary world has always been like this." Alok comforted. He patted his head and continued with a smile:

"I always thought that if they were not of the same species, they should be of different species."

"However, such things seem to be a secret in the human world." Alok said.

"Indeed. Not many human transcendents know these things at low levels. When they reach the middle level, many secrets will be revealed." Majik said with his right hand supporting his body and his left hand holding his leg.

"I only know a little bit because my father told me. Otherwise, I would just be a fool." Alok shrugged and pushed the question to his father, Rich.

"As a pirate, it is not a bad thing to know some of these things. Otherwise, even if you have the blessing of the Queen, you will not be able to resist the erosion of the star realm." Majik looked at Alok and said with a smile.

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