The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 215 The Room in the Painting

"Of course." Alok agreed first. Then he asked:


Ariel glanced at Alok, raised his eyebrows, and then teased: "This is not the performance of a brave elf."

"Ah, haha, I'm just a human." Alok explained awkwardly. "So, can you come with me?"

"Tsk~" Ariel rolled his eyes and looked down on Alok.

Then, he opened the door naturally and took Alok to the inside of the room.

A brand new room, with a little fragrance of roses.

There are stars above the head, the usual dark night rose style.

The wall gradually turned into a log color. With a small window, there is a bright moon hanging outside the window.

There is a wooden floor under your feet, covered with a lawn carpet. It's like coming to the wild.

"A very good room. More suitable for dating. Not suitable for killing." Alok made a simple evaluation.

"That's because you haven't seen a room more suitable for dating." Ariel despised such ignorance.

"Hahaha~~" Alok smiled awkwardly and explained, "I don't have much experience. I have a lot of experience in killing people."

"Forget it, men, whether elves or humans, only know how to fight and kill. I have seen through it a long time ago." Ariel rolled his eyes again and said.

"Hehehe~~" Alok laughed a few times. Then he took out his pocket watch and took a look.

1 o'clock.

"They should be here soon. I have to make some preparations." Alok smiled and said.

Then he looked up and asked, "I shouldn't need to notify you by then, right?"

"No, I will know the first time they enter the painting." Ariel answered casually.

"That's good. Thank you again, Ariel." Alok said with sincere gratitude.

He smiled and gently raised his bowler hat, nodded slightly, and then turned and left. Walking through the corridor on the second floor, passing by an aunt who was wiping the wall in the corridor, she also smiled and nodded slightly. Finally, he came to the seat on the first floor to wait.

One is waiting for Cervantes, the other is waiting for Roger.

It's okay to let Roger help me.

Gale is a pretty good skill. It can catch people off guard.

Today, Alok is wearing the dress worth 10 gold coins.

Because it looks more inconspicuous in the Dark Night Rose. It's more like a gentleman waiting for his lover. This is normal.

Knowing how to hide yourself is a mature killer.

Well, you can also be a qualified bodyguard.

He also carries all the weapons and equipment.

It's like a fully armed shark, waiting for prey to come to the door.

Half an hour later, Roger was the first to arrive in the bar, dressed decently.

After looking around, he naturally walked towards Alok and sat on the sofa in front of him.

"You came really early. You don't look like the Captain Jack before." Roger always mocked.

"Hehehe. Okay. Let's not reminisce for now. My second mate." Alok knew that Roger was teasing him for getting up too late every day, and he always said that, so Alok didn't care at all.

"There is a task today, you have to help. This time it's something a second mate should do." Alok said casually. It seemed very understated.

Roger first looked around, and seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he asked in a low voice:

"What task?"

"A small commission. You will pretend to be a waiter and go to the second floor to hang out. Wait for the opportunity, and take the initiative to silence the wind. You don't need to ask anything else." Alok explained.

"What?" Roger looked at Alok in surprise, wondering: "Am I not worthy of knowing?"

Alok looked at Roger, fully affirmed his self-knowledge, and explained:

"Knowing too much is not good for you, but it is easy to be exposed. The workers on the assembly line only need to know one step."

"Okay, okay. You are really a natural boss. Now you have become a capitalist." Roger mocked again.

"What time?" Roger asked later.

"I think you should be able to see it." Alok replied.

"Oh, okay. Dear Captain, you are really good at keeping secrets." Roger complained helplessly.

"Believe me, you will understand. Simple task, quite simple." Alok smiled and comforted.

"Let's do this task first, and then exchange your intelligence later." Alok said.

Roger looked at Alok questioningly, holding back what he wanted to say, and continued to complain:

"Then you have to find me some clothes."

Alok spread his hands and said indifferently: "Then I don't care, it's your business."

"Damn it."

After saying that, Roger slapped his thigh and walked to the second floor cursing.

Looking at Roger's back, Alok shouted to the waiter and asked for two glasses of Damian beer.

When the beer was served, Alok ordered again:

"Don't bother me when I don't call you, and help me watch others, don't let them bother me."

Then, he took out a golden Deben gold coin and stuffed it under the waiter's plate.

"Don't worry, Mr. Phasma. No one will bother you." The waiter quietly put the gold coin into his pocket and said in a low voice.

Then, he turned and left. When he came to the bar and looked back, he seemed to see Alok and Roger toasting to celebrate.

But the wine in the glass was not less.

Alok cast a reappearance of yesterday, then avoided everyone's sight and quietly came to the front of the special room on the second floor.

Seeing Roger turned into a crappy sweeping aunt, he frowned, but said nothing.

Instead, he used the skill of opening the door, twisted the door handle, and came into the room.

Then, he turned into a cat, came to the corner of the room and stayed motionless, like a statue.

Learning to wait is a necessary skill for a hunter. Alok has always been very patient.

Even if his arm was a little sore, he did not change his posture.

Even if he pretended to be a tree, he had to have the necessary professional qualities.

Half an hour later, Cervantes arrived as promised. He did not find Alok outside the Dark Night Rose, and he didn't know whether such a risk was worth it.

I don't know if it is a good decision to trust such a stranger.

But now it has reached the point where the arrow is on the string and has to be shot. He didn't care about that.

He smiled gently at a young woman beside him. He said:

"How is this place today? Is it particularly romantic? A friend of mine told me. He invited me to drink a glass of wine here."

His lover beside him smiled a seemingly immature smile, and smiled embarrassedly. Then he asked:

"Male or female?"

"Of course it's a male, a good friend of mine. Colleague." Cervantes explained with a smile. But it was not convincing at all.

His lover snorted angrily, but it was more of a coquettish act than a complaint.

Cervantes turned his head and smiled, looking at the beautiful female waiter at the front desk, and asked:

"Are there any rooms left? Please give me one."

"Of course. But there is only the last room 213 left. We are always very popular here. What a coincidence you came." The female waiter responded with a smile.

"Oh, that's great. This is really the favor of fate." Cervantes said exaggeratedly.

He laughed and looked around, and saw Mr. Phasma drinking in the corner, and he calmed down a little.

He wanted to go over and say hello to Phasma, but he saw that he didn't seem to want to chat with him, but was chatting enthusiastically with the young gentleman opposite him, so he gave up the idea.

He followed the waiter to the legendary room 213 as if nothing had happened.

As soon as he saw it, he felt like he was in the wild, and the rich fragrance of the red roses at his feet hit his face.

There are even small animal sculptures that look like this.

It's really a good place for a date.

Although he didn't mean to do that today. He just came to solve a huge problem of his own.

I hope my competitors will come together, so that they can solve it all at once.

Otherwise, I may have to trouble Mr. Phasma to help me solve the subsequent troubles.

His face remained unchanged, and he gently supported his lover's shoulders. His lips gently blew a breeze in her ears.

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