"Hmm~~How can I explain this question to you?" Alok also scratched his head. I don’t know how to explain it to Sebas.

Extraordinary people will definitely understand that words such as "unusual", "special" and "profession" clearly point to extraordinary people.

As for "fighting" the relationship, that means fighting.

Do you want to explain this to Sebastian?

Let’s not talk about it, it’s irresponsible for Sebastian to be exposed to so many extraordinary realms.

It doesn't seem to be a good idea to talk about it. After all, contacting the extraordinary is very dangerous.

My first lesson was a lesson Rich gave me about the dangers of being extraordinary.

In the subsequent process, it was indeed confirmed that the danger of the existence of extraordinary beings was greater than I imagined.

Hmm~~~It’s a bit difficult to handle.

It's better to tell him, this is not only responsible for Sebas, but also gives him a chance to choose.

If he wants to become a transcendent, I can give him a first-level secret spell. But he's going to owe me a big favor.

I remember the first-level secret spell costs 200 gold coins.

If you don't want to be exposed to such things, you can just leave.

"Let's go have breakfast first. I'm a little hungry." Alok said before changing the subject. "I'll tell you later."

A reluctant smile appeared on Sebastian's face, and his eyes were a little sad. Said: "Okay."

"Wait for me a moment, I'll go change my clothes." Alok said with a smile.

He saw Sebastian's expression and thought it was because Sebastian felt disappointed that he didn't get the answer he wanted, so he didn't think much about it. He stood up from the sofa and went back to the room to change into his coat.

Then he greeted Sebas and prepared to find some breakfast.

Rose Street is not a simple residential area, but a street with a strong sense of life.

Next to a row of houses, there are often some commercial shops.

Bakeries, vegetable markets, bars, restaurants, and various entertainment shops.

It seems like the residents here tend to have rich other lives.

However, Alok still walked around the Dark Night Rose Bar out of habit.

The Night Rose Bar, on the edge of the Dusk Forest, is the property of the elves. The elves are ruled by the goddess of life and the moon god.

Danielle and Ariel are definitely transcendent beings of a higher level than themselves, otherwise they would not be priests and priests of temples in places like Damia.

Therefore, Dark Night Rose Bar is an absolute safe island.

The surrounding area is also relatively safe. Maybe the surrounding shops are the property of elves.

When you are still threatened by anti-will, this is definitely the best choice for you to relax.

Under the noses of the two gods, Counter-Will was less bold.

Logically speaking, bars never open early in the morning. But Alok seems to have underestimated Night Rose.

Could it be said that elves never sleep?

He thought with some curiosity.

Alok and Sebas, who looked surprised and shocked, stayed in front of the Night Rose door for half a minute, but finally did not go in, and then entered the restaurant next to it.

"I didn't expect there to be a bar open so early in the morning. I've learned a lot." Alok said, shaking his head.

They casually found a seat and sat down, then ordered the waiter to serve two portions of Chelsea-style meatloaf for breakfast, and ordered two portions of Damia's specialty beef soup.

"The Chelansi-style food here is very authentic." Ailok introduced it confidently.

After all, behind this place is the Temple of Life, the territory of the elves. Chelanxi is also close to the Elf Dark Moon Forest, and is geographically the same.

Soon, breakfast was served to the table. Alok looked at Sebas and said:

"Don't you want to know what the confusing words I added mean? I can tell you, but you have to abide by the confidentiality principle mentioned in the contract."

Sebastian was suddenly a little surprised. He looked at Alok in surprise and replied, "Of course. I signed the contract. Of course I will abide by it."

"That's good. If this matter violates the confidentiality principle, it may be sanctioned by Heipi." Alok said, minding his own business.

Then, he looked seriously into Sebastian's eyes and asked:

"Have you ever heard of 'paranormal professionals'?"

That look looked very much like the leader of a pyramid scheme.

But when Alok said these words, Sebastian's expression suddenly became excited, and his hands suddenly trembled a little. He restrained his inner excitement and finally nodded and said:

"Do not really understand."

"Does that mean you know? That's no problem. I didn't violate the principle of confidentiality. This will make it clear." Alok said with a smile.

Then, he began to introduce casually:

"That's where the word 'unusual' comes from. It means extraordinary."

"To tell you the truth, I am an extraordinary person. Most of the commissions we will come into contact with in the future are also extraordinary commissions, so your job is to provide me with certain legal advisory services. By the way, solve other problems in the studio. "

Sebas suddenly lowered his head and said sadly, "I understand."

"It seems you hope to become a transcendent?" Alok asked bluntly. "That way you could come into contact with something otherworldly that would otherwise be dangerous."

Sebas, who was sitting opposite Alok, suddenly raised his head and asked with hope in his eyes: "Can I do it?"

"Haha~~ Anyone can become a transcendent." Alok admitted with a smile. Then he changed the subject again and asked:

"Where did you know about extraordinary beings?"

"There is a person in the university club who is a fanatical lover of extraordinary beings. Unfortunately, he is not an extraordinary person and has not been able to enter the circle of extraordinary beings." Sebas lowered his head and told.

"It was from him that I learned something extraordinary."

"Then do you know the dangers of being extraordinary?" Alok continued to ask.

He shook his head and said, "I didn't hear him say anything. I just heard about all kinds of magical things and extraordinary abilities. For example, the superb skill of being able to bend bullets."

"It seems like you don't know much," Alok said.

He took the breakfast served by the waiter and thanked him. While starting to solve the problem of hunger in his belly, he continued:

"Becoming a transcendent is a very dangerous thing. Not only because the characters and events you come into contact with will have strange and struggling attributes. It is also because the transcendent itself has extremely dangerous characteristics."

He looked at Sebastian's hopeful eyes and already understood Sebastian's choice, so he smiled and said, "I can help you become a transcendent. But you must agree to my conditions."

Sebas swallowed hard and lost interest in the breakfast in front of him. All he could think of was Alok's words.

Unexpectedly, the opportunity to become extraordinary, which he had been looking for throughout college, would appear in front of him.

The classmate he was talking about was himself.

Of course he understands that there are dangers in contacting Chaofan, but he also understands that Chaofan is the most direct way to get rid of his current life of barely making a living.

"What conditions?" He asked tremblingly as he felt a burning sensation in his heart.

"You should know that the secret spells of extraordinary people are very expensive, and all kinds of extraordinary knowledge are also very expensive. It can be seen that you have no money. Since you want to get the secret spell from me to become an extraordinary person, I can give you the money You pay. But treat it as my investment and you have to pay it back.”

"Of course. It's the same if you work for me."

"Of course, of course it's no problem. This is how it should be." Sebastian wiped the sweat on his face and said without thinking.

Seeing this, Alok completely understood what Sebas was thinking.

After two days of contact, Alok roughly understood what kind of person Sebas was.

I have low self-esteem, have dreams, my own ideas, and ambitions.

He can totally be his little brother.

This can help me handle more chores and provide multiple assistance.

So he opened his mouth and said directly:

"How much do you know about extraordinary professions? What professions are there? And what profession do you hope to be?"

"Uh~~ I don't know much about this." Sebas said with a wry smile.

Right. Even if I am already an extraordinary person and have mastered most of the professions, I still don’t fully know what the 26 extraordinary professions are.

It seems I have to choose for him. You have to choose careers that are gentler. Forget about abusers, criminals, and demons. Besides, I can't find the secret spell.

"There are many professions that I don't fully understand. I can only find a few of them. Those things are really hard to find."

"I'll give you three choices below." Alok sat up straight, stretched out three fingers and said seriously.

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