The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 193 Nightingale in the Tavern on the Shore

"I plan to go to Dalmea from Lucca Port. I don't know about the hope of Lucca Port - what advice does Captain Wharton have?" Aylock asked, holding on to the fence tightly.

The ship was shaking a little while it was moving, which made Airok, who was used to the Dror, a little uncomfortable.

Hmm~~To be precise, it should be seasickness.

Captain Wharton looked weathered, holding a cigarette he rolled himself, taking a puff and then taking a swig of rum.

"My suggestion is to go overland." He replied, looking at the port of Lucca in the distance.

Alok didn't ask, but waited for Wharton's explanation. Because he didn't want to say more. After all, the feeling of seasickness is not very pleasant.

"The water route from here to Damia has to go around in a circle. Go north to the intersection of the Levit River and the Sea of ​​Destruction, and then go back along the Levit River to reach the port of Damia. Of course, if it is a ship like the Dror, it is better to take the water route. . But if it’s a small boat like mine, it’s faster to go by land.” Wharton exhaled a puff of smoke.

"If you go by sea, you have to go around the crescent-shaped shore of Destruction Bay. It will take a long distance. I suggest you find a carriage or something. If you go quickly, it will take about two weeks. It's not far from Damia. ”

"Thank you for your suggestion, Captain Wharton. I will consider it after I get ashore." Aylock said with pale lips.

"If I hadn't taken over a temple job, I would have suggested that you take the water route and hire my boat." Wharton smiled.

The location where the Dror anchored was relatively close to the Port of Lucca. Only twenty minutes later, Airok had arrived at the pier.

He ignored Wharton's surprised look and poured out the remaining food in his stomach while holding the barrel on the dock.

"Much more comfortable." He stood up. He patted Roger who pretended not to recognize him. Holding his shoulders, he said: "We have to prepare to go on our way. Sure enough, I am still suitable to stay on land. Except for the Dror."

"You are truly the greatest captain I have ever seen. Captain Jack." Roger sneered.

"Thank you. You are also the most responsible second officer I have ever seen." Alok also pretended to flatter.

"So. Now you go find a carriage. Something bigger, something more comfortable."

"That's not the job of the second mate, Captain." Roger refused, shaking his head.

But he still took the initiative to go ahead and prepare to inquire about the news at the port. This is his strength.

It seems like every port has a bar.

Probably the port is the place with the highest density of people, and it is also the place where manual laborers gather.

Therefore, people can use alcohol to get themselves drunk.

Sink here and get a moment of peace.

However, the bar is also a place where all kinds of news fly. Most of the intelligence people are here.

Like that nightingale over there.

What Elok didn't expect was that even here there was an indulgent family from the 'pink paradise'.

This reminded Alok of the little tiger at Sanhe Bar.

It was from Little Tiger that I really started to get in touch with anti-will.

It seems that the nightingale is much higher in quality than the little tiger, slimmer and more eye-catching.

Roger also caught a glimpse of her. But it was not because he knew she was a indulgent person, but because he was attracted by her beautiful appearance.

Sure enough, men are all creatures who judge others by their appearance.

Until Alok patted Roger on the shoulder and said, "Go over and ask that woman. See what news he has."

"Um~~I think it's more appropriate for me to ask her how much a night costs." Roger responded, but he didn't take his eyes away. Not even looking at Alok.

"She is an indulgent person. If you want to have sex with her, pay for it yourself. Let's leave today, don't waste time." Alok whispered helplessly.

Roger immediately looked at Alok, with little stars blooming in his eyes, and then turned his head to the woman again. said:

"Really? Then we have to ask. I really miss the little tiger."

He adjusted his clothes, cleared his throat, then looked at Alok and said:

"Please give me some time."

The nightingale was leaning against the bar, drinking heavily and wearing revealing clothes. There was a circle of men surrounding him.

But no one dared to get too close.

From time to time, she would strike a coquettish pose, bringing bursts of cheers.

Roger ordered two beers and found a big man sitting at a small table under the bar looking at her. After pushing a glass of Delta beer to the big man, Roger asked:

"who is she?"

The big man glanced at Roger, then at the glass of beer, took a big sip and said:

"New here, right? Your accent sounds like you're not from here."

"Yeah. I just came to Lucca." Roger also took a sip of beer and said with a smile.

The big man glanced at Roger, then looked at the nightingale with his eyes, and said: "For the sake of knowing the rules, I will tell you. Miss Shaina. She just came from Damia some time ago."

"How much?" Roger asked with a smile.

"Haha~~~ You want to have sex too??" The big man seemed to have heard a joke. "You seem to be dressed decently, so it doesn't hurt to tell you. At least 30 gold coins a night."

"How is it, young man?" he asked, laughing.

"Tsk tsk tsk~~~" Roger clicked his tongue. Much more expensive than the little tiger. Maybe it was the friendship price given to me by Little Tiger.

"What's wrong? What kind of small place do you come from? Are you scared to death when you hear it's so expensive??" shouted and mocked.

Roger ignored the big man's ridicule.

Although he had the ability to experience it, he was not willing to spend thirty gold coins on it.

There are many indulgent people.

Some indulgent people will take the initiative to find others for their own desires.

Little Tiger sometimes comes to me when there is no work.

It is really not worth spending money on this.

He got nearly 500 gold coins from the knight bodyguard in total, but spent 240 of them to buy two skills, and the remaining gold coins were placed in the suitcase. He also needs to buy a spell, and it would be better to buy another weapon.

The spell for upgrading to level 3 generally requires at least 800 gold coins. The spell for meteorologists is slightly cheaper, but it still requires more than 600.

There is still a lot of difference.

As for weapons, even a level 1 weapon like the Hunter's Hammer requires 300 gold coins. A level 2 weapon requires at least 500. A level 3 weapon requires at least 800 to 1,000 gold coins. If it is a level 4 weapon like the one that Alok got, it will cost at least 2,000 gold coins.

However, I can ask Little Bear to help me get a weapon. Just wait until I get a crystal.

Good steel should be used on the blade. If it's 10 gold coins, you can try it, but if it's more, it's not worth it.

"Yeah. I've never heard of it so expensive. The most expensive I've seen before is only 10 gold coins." Roger said with a tut.

"I haven't heard of it either. With Luca's salary level, he can't expect to enjoy it once. Maybe the noble lord has the money to try it, but they despise it." The big man put the wine glass on the table with a Duang sound and complained.

"But, the good thing is that we can feast our eyes."

"Indeed." Roger also looked at Shayna's fiery actions and admired.

"But. There are not many opportunities like this for me." Roger sighed and said.

The big man looked at Roger's small body and sneered: "What? Are you going to die tomorrow?"

"No, I plan to go to Damia in a few days." Roger sighed after taking a sip of wine.

The big man laughed and said, "There are more beauties in Damia. Why worry about not finding such an opportunity? Hahaha."

"The problem is how to get there. Do you know where to rent a carriage?" Roger suddenly asked.

"Oh~~ Lucca is close to Damia. There are carriages and boats going to Damia every day. If you want to take a boat, go directly to the port. If you want to take a carriage, go to the station north of the city hall." The big man patted the table.

"I suggest you take a boat. The carriage is too bumpy. I have a boat. If you want to leave, you can find me anytime."

"Of course. That's great." Roger smiled and raised his glass.

"Ha. I've been here all the time. When are you leaving?" The big man clinked his glasses with Roger and asked nonchalantly.

Roger chuckled twice, looked up at the big man, and said, "It will take a few days. I have to sit down and prepare."

"Of course. This is your first time going far away. I suggest you bring more cash. A poor family makes a rich trip." The big man suddenly sat next to Roger and patted his shoulder and said.

Roger hypocritically agreed: "It's my first time out of the house. Thank you very much."

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