Opening the door of 312, Alok was immediately overwhelmed by the scene in front of him.

The room felt like it had been gnawed by a husky.

The sponge in the sofa was cut and turned out, and the water cups and teapots were broken on the floor.

There were also miscellaneous things scattered on the ground. Whips, daggers, ropes, bear straps.

Little Bear stood in the middle of the room with his back to him. The bandage originally tied on his right hand had been untied, and the end was wrapped around a woman who surprised him.

"What are you doing? Little Bear? Connor?" Alok raised an eyebrow and said helplessly as he looked at the messy room. "Are you playing?"

Hearing Alok's voice, the little bear turned around, faced Alok with a terrifying smile, and said excitedly:

"I caught a thief. Captain."

Damn you, thief.

I really don’t understand the little bear’s brain circuit. . .

"Put her down first. I'll,,, um. I'll interrogate her." Alok sighed and said.

Then, he saw the little bear's smiling face disappear, so he comforted:

"Well done. Continue next time."

"Of course. Thank you, Captain." The little bear's mouth opened again, and the ferocious smile appeared again.

It waved its right hand slightly, slowly retracted the bandage on its hand, and violently placed Connor on the ground. It made Alok feel pain for her.

Then, Alok touched the little bear's rough hair, pulled its left hand and put him back in place.

Then, walked to Connor's side. Looking at Connor, who had a bruised nose and face and whip marks on his body, he scratched his head frantically.

Damn it.


"Connor, Connor??" Alok tried to shout.

There was no response, which made Alok a little confused.

"Um~~Your Excellency?" The waiter's voice sounded from behind Alok. "What happened?"

However, when the waiter looked at the mess on the floor, he glanced at Connor behind Alok.

I selectively ignored what I just said and went on yo-yoing silently.

This is the basic quality of being a waiter.

Of course, it is equally important to place it in the extraordinary realm. Don’t know what you shouldn’t know.

Alok just reacted, scratched his head and said to himself: "Can you help me clean up here? It's really messy here. Of course, I will compensate for the original price of the damaged things."

He pointed at the mess at the scene, then turned to look at the empty door.

Feeling speechless again.

Did I just hallucinate?

He shook his head, closed the door, walked towards Connor, picked her up with one hand, and placed her on the somewhat damaged sofa.

"Can you wake him up? Little Bear." Alok said helplessly.

"Of course." Little Bear's somewhat childish male voice came from behind Alok. "But Captain, please be careful not to let her get away. She is a thief."

Alok turned his head helplessly, looked at the still scary smiling face and said, "Okay, don't worry. Little Bear. Thank you for the reminder."

"Okay, Captain. If you need help, please ask me for help." Little Bear smiled and nodded.

It waved its left hand, but nothing happened. Connor suddenly frowned and groaned in pain.

Helplessly walking to the door, Elok found his wallet from his coat pocket, and then took out 300 deben gold coins.

Sighed again.

After he carefully counted the banknotes that smelled of ink, he turned his head and walked towards Connor, who was already showing signs of waking up.

Her brows were frowned tightly, her eyes were closed tightly, her hair was a little messy, and her clothes were a little damaged.

Slowly, she grabbed the back of the sofa with all her strength.

Then, he stood up suddenly and started breathing heavily. His eyes widened for a moment, and then he lay weakly on the sofa.

It was like having a nightmare and waking up from it.

After a few minutes, Connor woke up as if from a dream and regained his composure. Rubbing his slightly bruised cheeks, he looked at Alok standing in front of him as if facing a formidable enemy.

She stood up from the sofa in a hurry, but suddenly staggered and fell onto the sofa again.

He rubbed his leg in pain and said viciously:

"What did you do to me? Damn it. Even if you don't want to give me money, you don't have to do this."

In the face of such a thing, of course one would refuse to admit it.

I didn't hit you. You go find the little bear.

And the attitude must be tough.

"I should ask you this!" Alok suppressed his pity for Connor's tragic experience.

"Don't you know that it is ungentlemanly to forcefully enter someone else's room without the owner's permission?" Elok asked.

"I just wanted to wait for you in the room." She tried her best to defend herself. Suddenly he touched the wound on his arm again and exclaimed: "Ah!!"

He looked at Connor and felt really pitiful, but he was unwilling to admit that it was his problem or the problem of Little Bear. I can only quickly drop this topic.

Seeing Connor who was still rubbing his painful parts, he couldn't help but rub his chin. Then he said in a condescending tone like a boss treating his subordinates:

"The last commission was done well."

Connor was still hissing in pain, and Alok's head felt dizzy. Seeing that Connor didn't reply, he took out the three hundred debens note in his hand, handed it to Connor and said:

"Entrustment fee. Three hundred gold coins. I am an honest person. I will not delay my salary. Don't falsely accuse me."

Sure enough, the moment he saw the money, Connor's eyes became bright, his waist and legs were no longer sore, and he felt strong all over. He snatched the money from Alok's hand, and counted the banknotes with a smile while hissing in pain from the strong movement.

But after counting three times, she nodded and said seriously: "Thank you, boss."

Then she stood up and limped towards the door despite the pain. On the way, she still endured the discomfort and picked up the dark gray dagger from the ground.

Alok couldn't bear it, so he took out two 10-deben banknotes from his wallet. He hurriedly caught up with Connor who was about to go out.

He handed it to her the moment she went out.

He reluctantly said: "This is what I give you in my personal name. Medical expenses. You're welcome."

Connor grabbed the 20 gold coins. He said thank you. He left in a hurry.

Alok shook his head helplessly. He grabbed the two waiters who happened to pass by the door, pointed to the room, and said:

"Help me clean it. If there is anything damaged, compensate for it at the original price."

The two waiters looked at each other. Finally, one of them who looked smarter touched his nose and said respectfully:

"Okay. Your Excellency."


Alok didn't sleep all night.

He stood on the deck at the bow and observed the movements of Earl Edward.

He was afraid that he would get off the ship because of fear. Then all the previous efforts would be wasted.

When he got to the sea, he would run away even if he wanted to. It would not be too late to rest then.

There was only one passage to get off the ship, but Earl Edward could also choose to escape by water. So it was impossible to monitor in the dark with ordinary vision alone.

Although astral vision is more targeted at extraordinary people, its original ability to see the will body plus the ultra-long viewing distance of astral vision are enough to perfectly monitor Edward.

However, it is not a good feeling to turn on astral vision for a whole night.

Not only do we have to resist the erosion everywhere, but we also have to fight against dry eyes and the sleepiness that comes.

It is much better during the day. We don't need to monitor by stellar vision. After all, it is easy to find if you escape by water during the day.

So. In the early morning, Alok replaced Roger to take over his post. He went to the restaurant to have a hearty breakfast.

To comfort his stomach.

However, his peripheral vision always paid attention to Edward's movements in the center of the restaurant.

That's right, Earl Edward was staying beside Captain Peel and chatting.

Although he looked very calm, his eyebrows and eyes occasionally glanced at Alok, revealing his guilty conscience.

It seems that Earl Edward is not in a good mood. There are a few red bloodshot eyes, and dark circles appear in his eye sockets.

Alok smiled slightly, and it seemed that he had the same experience as himself.

But I am monitoring you.

Edward, what about you? ?

After breakfast, Alok still did not choose to go back to the cabin to sleep, but always kept the shadow of Earl Edward in his sight. Or the will of Count Edward appears in the astral vision.

Until noon.

Amid the loud sound of the ship, the Dror left Fulgrim Harbor.

The intermission is over.

The game will start again.

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