ah? Haha, being released? Just like me. We are both fallen people from the end of the world.

But why do I want to laugh? ?

The little prejudice I had against Frank suddenly disappeared. I don’t know why, but I actually felt a little pitiful towards this person.

Alok suppressed a smile and comforted:

"This may be a good thing. I heard that being an artist is a profession that requires rich imagination and creativity. This requires more life experiences to support it."

"Hey, it's the same as what my uncle said." He shook his head and sighed.

Continuing to suppress his smile, Alok patted Frank on the shoulder. He looked into the distance to adjust his expression, which was a bit stiff and sore. This is the sequelae of forced laughter.

At this time, he saw Miss Mason holding the hand of the boy named Nick to his table.

Her eyes were still bright, she looked at Alok and said:

"I didn't expect you knew a performer? Can you introduce him to me?"

Seeing Miss Masson's appearance, he estimated that Viscount Masson was not present and shook his head.

Frank's eyes lit up when he saw the beautiful woman, and he introduced himself: "Frank Palmer. Don't you know the name of this beautiful lady?"

"Mary Mason." Miss Mason replied crisply. Then, she pointed to Nick, who was very natural next to her, and said, "My dance partner, Nick."

Hearing these two names, Frank glanced at Miss Mason, then at Nick and then at Alok.

The complexity and gossip in his eyes could not be concealed.

As a celebrity in Dror City, it is absolutely impossible for Frank not to know Miss Mason's name, but he has never heard of any nobleman named Nick.

Besides, Miss Mason did not introduce his surname. This generally means that one is either a slave or unwilling to be introduced.

The two sat down next to Alok, looking a little intimate. He took two glasses of white wine from the waiter passing by and raised his glass to Alok.

Alok raised his glass politely in response, took a sip, stood up, and said:

"Let's talk. My role has been completed. I still have something else to do."

He doesn't like such crowded situations and prefers to observe alone. Just find any reason to leave.

Obviously, Nick recognized himself, but did not recognize him just now.

This is probably because I know his true face and feel inferior because of this? Or maybe he is unwilling to let himself destroy his ideals.

But no matter which one it is, I won't care about him anymore.

It seems that Viscount Mason should know about this.

But is it really good to sue parents? Reminds me of the disciplinary committee that sued the teacher in elementary school.

Forget it, let’s leave this kind of thing to the parents themselves, why should I get involved?

He came to the deck again, and Roger happened to be there too. Alok, who had wanted to find him, walked up to Roger and patted him hard on the shoulder.

Roger, who was lying on the railing and looking at the sea view, almost had a heart attack. He turned around quickly and saw that it was Alok who breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Captain. Why are you so surprised?"

"Don't I congratulate you." Alok walked to the railing and looked at Roger and said.

"Congratulations for what?"

"Of course, congratulations on your upgrade. I didn't expect you to be promoted to a level without saying anything. It's not easy." Alok patted his shoulder again and said matter-of-factly.

"How did you know?" Roger looked at Alok in surprise and asked in confusion.

Alok also stared at Roger with the same eyes and said: "I am the captain. Why can't I know the news about my second officer's upgrade??"

"Forget it, I didn't tell anyone else. I don't know how you knew it. But it's true." Roger shook his head, feeling helpless at Alok's attitude of not wanting to tell him the answer.

"I upgraded a few days before boarding the ship. I was worried about money. I had no money to buy skills."

"You should be thinking about how to repay the money, right?" Alok looked at Roger and said seriously.

Roger was very calm, spread his hands, and continued:

"If you have too many lice on your body, you won't be itchy anymore. If you have too many debts, you won't have to worry about repaying them. How about I improve myself first so that I can increase my efficiency in making money. When I make enough money, I'll pay you back." "

Alok understood Roger's thoughts instantly, slapped him directly, and cursed:

"Forget it if you don't pay back the money. I still want to borrow it again. Get out~"

"Don't, Captain. I'm your only subordinate now. If you leave, where will I get the money to buy skills." Roger put on a pitiful look, but said stupid words in his mouth.

"I just went to get close to those extraordinary people on the ship. I have bribed the meteorologist. The captain wants to rob this ship, and I absolutely support it."

What do you think of him? It's dangerous, don't you know? ?

When did I say I was going to rob this ship?

"Hey, Captain, you are still awesome. I never understand why the Captain is called a pirate but has never robbed a ship. It turns out that he just wanted to do something big today."

Roger sighed, as if sighing at Alok's foresight. After a pause, he continued:

"I really admire the captain. He's more ruthless than Lapton. I'm just superficial,"

After dealing with Roger for so long, Alok still can't understand what Roger means? ? Although there was nothing wrong with Roger's words, the words themselves contained a threatening meaning.

At that time, Alok kicked Roger.

Do you think I'm easy to bully? I know Pierre and Florian, and you, a guy who doesn't know where he came from, can threaten me with false information? ? Don't you see who is the captain.

So, Alok simply said:

"Do you know that there is a skill called Yesterday's Reappearance. Use it on the Star Spirit Crystal to get the corresponding skills and spells."

"What do you mean." Roger asked in confusion.

"Go and get rid of that meteorologist. Bring his will crystal. I'll give you his skills for free. How about it, I'm fine." Alok said shamelessly.

"Are you crazy? There are so many extraordinary people on this ship, and you want me to kill another meteorologist. The problem is that he still has a second-level skill." Roger was immediately impressed by Alok's madness and shouted in a low voice.

"When I was at level one, I could easily deal with a level two superhuman. Roger. You can't be just that capable, right? I saw you were pretty good at fighting." Alok patted Roger on the shoulder and said sarcastically.

Roger just realized that Alok was mocking him, and gave up the idea of ​​borrowing money, so he was furious and said:

"If you don't want to lend me money, then don't lend me money. You're just giving me bad ideas."


When Alok stopped smiling, Roger's face was as dark as the sea water at night.

After a moment, Alok looked at Roger's face and suddenly said:

"But I really plan to do something big. I can give you a commission. If you can help me do it, I will naturally give you a bonus. Don't say that I am a stingy captain."

Strengthening Roger's ability is also strengthening his own ability. Roger is one of the more reliable people. He is also his second mate. It is not impossible to buy him skills, but you can't get something for nothing.

Just about to assassinate Earl Edward, and now at sea, Roger has the home advantage. Maybe he can play a role.

"What's the big deal?" Roger looked at Alok and asked calmly.

"Kill Earl Edward." Alok didn't beat around the bush with Roger, and said calmly.

Roger's eyes widened immediately, looked around, and asked in a low voice:


"Of course, why would I lie to you? I doubt it. No, I'm sure he has something to do with the anti-will." Alok knocked on the wooden fence and said while thinking. "Maybe it's just cooperation and making money. But he is still one of the promoters of that thing. Can't let him go."

"The problem is, Captain, do you have a plan?" Roger asked in a low voice.

"I have some ideas. There is no specific plan yet, but it has been approved by the captain and the captain of the guard." Alok continued.

His eyebrows suddenly jumped, and he didn't understand what Alok had to do such a thing. But Roger still trusted Alok. He did too many incredible things.

"What do I need to do?" He asked directly in a low voice.

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