The righteous Captain Peel spoke very concisely, but then Earl Edward, who came to the podium, began a shameless tirade.

It's as if you don't have to draft a long speech. The most important thing is to praise the great achievements of Grand Duke Dror.

While people were standing in the audience listening to the speech, Alok had already finished his meal.

He had no intention of listening to those hypocritical speeches. I found an excuse to go outside on the deck.

Alok smiled when he saw Pawpaw grabbing the fence with two paws. Turn around and go back to the restaurant. Ignoring Duke Edward's speech, he picked up a brand new plate and found a few pieces of grilled, undercooked meat for Pawpaw.

When he came to the deck again, Claw was still standing in the same place, but there was a female figure beside him.

He walked forward and fed the meat on the plate to Claws one by one.

The woman stared with eyes as bright as black gems, then looked at Alok and asked:

"It's your pet???"

Alok glanced at Miss Mason next to him, and with a little nostalgia, he smiled and said:

"No, it's my sister's animal companion."

"Its eyes are so beautiful." Miss Mason praised Pawpaw as she looked at it again.

"Thank you. He will thank you." Alok touched the smooth feathers of his claws.

Miss Mason was not as reserved and shy as she was during the day with her father. Instead, he looked very exploratory, with curiosity shining in his eyes. Staring at Elok and touching his paws, he asked:

"Can I touch it too?"

"Um. Maybe you want to ask it." Elok pointed at the claw that was eating.

He had no answer for Pawpaw, that was his business. Even if it is just an animal companion, he should be given enough freedom and respect.

"Haha. Well, Lord Phasma, you are so interesting." Miss Masson narrowed her eyes into the shape of a crescent moon and said with a smile.

Then, she turned to look at her claws and asked seriously:

"So, can I touch you?"

Coincidentally, the claw had just picked up the last piece of meat that Elok gave it, flapped its one-meter-long wings, and disappeared into the night.

This made Alok feel embarrassed, shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly:

"It seems it rejected you. I can't control it."

Miss Mason's face showed a little disappointment, she looked at Alok and said pitifully:

"Maybe next time, next time you'll let me touch it."

Well, maybe. But Pawpaw is not the kind of pet that relies on cuteness and cuteness for a living, but an animal companion in battle. Don't treat it the same way you would treat a pet.

If it were not at sea, I might not need to worry about its food and drink.

"Why didn't you go to the dance there? A man as outstanding as you should be uninvited." Miss Mason looked for a topic in boredom.

"Me? I have no talent for dancing. I'm afraid of stepping on a lady's feet." Alok laughed at himself. "What is surprising is that Miss Mason is not in there either."

Hearing this, Miss Mason imitated Alok's tone and said:

"Me? I'm not interested in those men. I prefer the stars in the sky."

She pointed to the sky.

Alok then looked around.

Sure enough, without all the pollution in the city, the starry sky over the sea is extraordinarily bright.

Just when Airok was looking at the stars in the sky that were completely different from the Earth, he was thinking about which one was the Earth. A burst of smoke with a special fragrance reached his nose.

He turned to look. Florian was also on the deck, smoking a cigar with a somewhat depressed expression.

Miss Mason's face did not have the usual female disgust expression. Instead, she looked curiously at the tall figure appearing next to her.

Florian's expression became even sadder, and he puffed on the cigar in his mouth. Seeing Alok looking at him, he shook his head and sighed:

"I just heard the sad news. Ron is dead. Crazy."

Ron? That historian?

Eroded to death?

Elok understood the meaning of Florian's words.

This is indeed sad news.

"Although I knew he would go crazy sooner or later, I didn't expect it to be so fast. I couldn't stop it. He came into contact with too many things that he shouldn't have been exposed to. I heard that he killed a dozen civilians in the end. And Wilson also He was killed by surprise." Florian exhaled a puff of smoke again and sighed.

Wilson? I have no impression of this person, I believe he is also a black man.

"This is indeed sad. I remember that he once discussed historical issues with us." Although Alok was not sad, he felt a little sigh in his heart.

This is extraordinary! !

Whatever you gain, you have to bear the corresponding price! !

Suddenly, heavy footsteps came from behind the three of them, and a thick voice also came to mind:

"Don't be too upset about this, Florian."

Alok looked back and saw that the person coming was the legendary just Captain Peel.

He has a bit of gray hair and a strong build that can even be compared to Florian. There are two white beards on the mouth. Wearing a white captain's uniform and holding a glass of champagne. Walked to Florian's side and comforted:

"When you experience more of this kind of thing, you will look away. In our field, such things will always happen, maybe I will be the next one. This is what I want to warn everyone."

There was heaviness in his tone.

But after waiting for a while, he looked at Alok, changed the topic and continued:

"I heard that just after I came back, a young hero appeared in Dror City. It must be your Excellency."

Alok turned to Pierre and said:

"It's a fluke. Elok Phasma, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Pierre Berg. May justice always be by your side." His expression became sacred. He beat his chest with his right hand and said to Alok.

This is the prayer of Tyr, the god of justice, a lesser deity under the god of order. The same level as the God of Contract and the God of Law.

The doctrine advocates justice.

Apparently, the title of Peel the Just came from his faith.

"Your righteous spirit is admirable." He praised again.

Alok didn't remember Peel as a nag. But he still said modestly:

"That's ridiculous! It's just good luck."

Florian had no intention of participating in the chat, especially when he was in a heavy mood. He threw the half-smoked cigar in his hand into the sea, exhaled a puff of smoke and said:

"I'll go on a tour and you guys can chat."

Hearing this, Captain Peel nodded and said in a low voice:

"Well. The earl has finally finished speaking. Protect everyone. I believe the earl is protected by someone else, so don't worry about it."

"Got it!" Florian replied crisply.

Miss Mason's eyes lit up when she heard the news. Thinking that she could finally go to the ball instead of listening to a speech, she said goodbye smartly:

"Your Majesty the Earl has finished speaking, great. The dance should also begin. Goodbye, you two."

Then, she laughed like a silver bell, trotted to catch up with Florian in front, and walked into the hall.

When the two disappeared on the deck, Pierre suddenly looked at Alok and asked:

"What do you think justice is?"

This is really a profound question.

Alok thought for a long time and finally said thoughtfully:

"Everyone has a different understanding of justice. But in terms of order, observing order is justice. Making up for loopholes in the rules is also justice."

"It's a very official statement." Pierre commented while looking at the sea. "Then what do you think?"

"Well~freedom, equality, justice, and the rule of law." Alok sighed and said,

When Alok said these words, Pierre suddenly fell into sluggishness and contemplation. He glanced at Elok's figure, as if he saw a giant, and he dared not look directly at it.

He showed an incomprehensible smile and said:

"I think the light of justice welcomes you."

The Light of Justice is the church of the God of Justice. It is allowed to spread the faith in the Hutt Empire, but the church must be set up in the Temple of Order.

Ellock bluntly rejected Peele's solicitation:

"I have no interest in joining the church."

"I believe the captain should have a better understanding of justice." He then said calmly.

After hearing Elok's words, Pierre's expression suddenly became solemn and sacred, and he said:

"Justice means everyone performing their duties. The greater your ability, the greater your contribution. You have to pay as much as you get."

Well, full of idealistic ideas.

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