The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 105: On the Long River of Time and Fate

Qingyou stood up first and asked some questions, and Chen Yuan answered them.

Then Qing Yu also stepped forward to ask, and Ming Mo didn't miss the opportunity.

Finally Kong Xuan stood up and asked: "Immortal Lord, have I gone astray in practicing the Five Elements Great Way?"

Hearing Kong Xuan's question, Chen Yuan couldn't give an answer for a while. Practicing the Five Elements has advantages and disadvantages. It is a normal practice to practice a great way.

It is only necessary to understand one law of the Great Way, while the Five Elements Way requires the understanding of five laws of the Great Way at the same time.

The time required is extremely long. If it is just because of its power, it is completely unnecessary. The single Five Elements Law may be weak.

But it's not too weak.

Because it is worth it to slow down the speed of cultivation. This is a question of trade-off, which is Kong Xuan's doubt.

If one day you see an existence in the same realm before, after a long period of time, you have cultivated to the quasi-sage realm.

I am still wandering around Daluo Jinxian. Could it be that Daluo Jinxian is more powerful than Quasi-Sage? This is impossible.

Chen Yuan's eyes illuminate the universe.

The endless starry sky can be seen from above, and the boundless heaven and earth can be illuminated from below. Things as small as dust cannot escape Chen Yuan's observation. Looking at Kong Xuan, there is a brilliance of gold and silver.

Kong Xuan felt as if he saw the sun and the yin, and felt that he had seen through it all.

Chen Yuan observed Kong Xuan and found out that he was Fengzu's child.

The mountain of immortality.

There was an extremely beautiful woman who seemed to sense something. In her eyes, it seemed as if a river of time and destiny were flowing.

She could see the picture before Kong Xuan met Chen Yuan, but after meeting Chen Yuan, it was difficult to see clearly. There was boundless power permeating the long river of time and destiny.

Let her not see clearly and feel unclearly.

But she knew what had happened before, and there was a trace of relief and peace of mind in her eyes.

"Xuan'er, I am trapped in the Immortal Mountain and cannot protect you. You have to walk your own way in the future."


In the long river of time and destiny, Chen Yuan's figure steps out, and the petals formed by the Avenue of Creation are floating on the long river of time and destiny, extremely beautiful.

The Taoist fruit of the quasi-sage rests on the great river, and is more closely connected with the long river of time and destiny.

In the wild world.

The long river of time and destiny seems to be right in front of you, and there is no need for the soul to enter it. When you are in the prehistoric world, it feels like the long river of time and destiny is right in front of you.

Chen Yuan's eyes were deep.

Unknowingly, he had reached this point in his cultivation. In the past, he had seen the establishment of three clans...the scene of heaven raining down their merits.

This had a great impact on him, and he practiced hard for a long time in Buzhou Mountain, trying to avoid this extremely powerful existence.

Fengzu was powerful in Chen Yuan's heart. After seeing her today, he suddenly realized that he was almost on par with Fengzu.

Chen Yuan looked incomprehensible and said: "Fengzu."

When Fengzu saw Chen Yuan appear, he was not too surprised and said, "I know you. When I observed the long river of time and destiny, I saw an innate divine being born."

"You killed a ferocious beast and got an innate spiritual treasure. Then you entered Buzhou Mountain and avoided countless disasters."

Fengzu was filled with admiration in his heart.

When she saw this innate divine being, she guessed that he might not live long and would be destroyed by endless calamity.

After all, Chen Yuan's realm was not high at the beginning and he appeared in the ancient world. He didn't expect that he would be at such a high realm now.

Although compared to her quasi-sage stage, she is still a little behind.

But she knew that the other party's future was even brighter. At this time, she had just put aside her karma and relied on her achievements in suppressing the Immortal Mountain.

But he still can't get out of the Immortal Mountain. There is just a quasi-sage strongman who does not exist. The other party is the existence that dominates the ups and downs of the world.

An idea came to my mind, and the more I thought about it, the more I thought it was feasible.

Feng Zu's face was peerless, his red lips parted slightly, and he said: "A mistake in my thoughts caused the catastrophe of the world and now I cannot leave the Immortal Mountain. It's just that my Xuan'er is still young and has a low level."

Chen Yuan understood somewhat and said: "Kong Xuan is extremely talented and can practice five avenues at the same time."

Fengzu smiled slightly, which could make Hunjun not to show up early, and said: "The Five Elements Avenue can be regarded as an extremely powerful avenue. If it is divided, it can also be regarded as five avenues, such as the Yin-Yang Avenue, the Sun Avenue, and the Taiyin Avenue. Relationship."

Chen Yuan said: "In the future, Kong Xuan will achieve extremely high achievements. The Five Elements Avenue may seem ordinary, but it is by no means ordinary. It is the foundation of the world and any existence."

"When you are in the Taiyi realm, you have to achieve the Five Qi Dynasty. This can further show the difference of the Five Elements Avenue."

Feng Zu nodded and said: "Back then, I got the innate Qi of the Five Elements, and integrated it into Kong Xuan's egg, making him not inferior to the innate divine qualifications. Moreover, I was conceived in an innate Five Elements place, allowing him to The Five Elements Avenue is more consistent.”

Chen Yuan nodded and said: "With such unique conditions, if he does not achieve high achievements in the future, it can only be said that he does not work hard, and no one can blame him."

Fengzu smiled sweetly, his eyes full of confidence, and said: "I believe Xuan'er, in the future he will definitely leave his mark in the ancient world, no less than anyone else."

Chen Yuan could only remain silent.

I originally thought that Fengzu was a cold person. Her realm was so high that she could open up a thousand worlds in one place, even if she closed the door.

When the Creator, after such a long time in the Immortal Mountain, did not erase her emotions, she was still full of hope and said, "It will take a long time."

Feng Zu was silent for a while, stared and said, "This is exactly what I am worried about. Time is too unpredictable, and too many variables can destroy everything. Among them, there needs to be an existence that can shelter from the wind and rain, so that he can grow up and withstand the storms in the sky."

Chen Yuan touched the petals transformed by the Great Dao of Creation, which were crystal clear, and said with a smile: "You want me to become such an existence, why."

Feng Zu imitated Chen Yuan and touched the petals, saying: "I don't have many choices , if I can go out, I can be that kind of person, and now you are the best candidate I have met. "

He fell into thought and did not respond in a hurry. He liked Kong Xuan a little and said, "I can accept him as a disciple and be a shelter from the wind and rain."

Hearing such an answer, Feng Zu put down the worry for Kong Xuan and said, "You can come to me, I will give you the Southern Lidi Flame Light Flag, which is an extremely powerful top-grade innate spiritual treasure."

For a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, Chen Yuan did not refuse. If he did not accept it, Feng Zu would be worried. If he accepted it, Feng Zu could rest assured.

If he got another Southern Lidi Flame Light Flag, he would get two Five Elements Flags.

The Five Elements Flag is a top-grade treasure among the top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

Chen Yuan said, "Okay."

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