The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 135 Heaven's calamity

The calamity cloud evolved into various forms, and an extremely terrifying aura filled the world.

Although this is a place without living creatures, the area filled with this aura is too vast, still making all living creatures tremble, and a trace of residual power shakes the universe.

After various evolutions of the calamity cloud, a figure appeared. This person was too supreme and noble.

When seeing this person, the great supernatural powers were speechless. It turned out to be Pangu.

Standing under the calamity cloud, Chen Yuan's mind was clear about everything. That was not Pangu, but just the form of Pangu. If the real Pangu Ancestor God took action, Chen Yuan would definitely not find any chance of survival. Pangu is an eternal immortal, although I don't know why he wants to open up the prehistoric world.

If Pangu Ancestor God took action, Chen Yuan thought about how great it was. Chen Yuan hoped that he could achieve this realm one day. Achieving Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the first step, but it is also an extremely important step.

The aura of the Great Dao was permeated around Pangu Ancestor God, and the prehistoric world seemed to be shaking, and an unspeakable fluctuation was generated.

An axe chopped down, the axe light was extremely bright, the peerless edge cut through all things in the world, the power was extremely powerful, Chen Yuan did not dare to underestimate it, there was a seventeen-grade fortune green lotus under his feet, and the green light was diffused.

The axe light that could cut through all things in the world was blocked by the seventeen-grade fortune green lotus. The great supernatural power was extremely shocked when he saw the lotus, and felt an extremely perfect and powerful feeling from it, which was more powerful than the top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

"Could it be an innate treasure? I didn't expect that Taoist Xuanyuan, who usually does not show his talents, could achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian without luck."

The great supernatural power in the prehistoric world understood that the existence that could achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could not be an ordinary existence.

There must be an extremely powerful side, and the appearance of an innate treasure would not shock them too much.

The Fusang staff in Chen Yuan's hand, which he had completely refined, was no longer usable. For his current strength, it could not increase any strength. For the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, only treasures of the level of innate treasures could increase the power of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Boundless power burst out. Facing Pangu, who was formed by the catastrophe, Chen Yuan had no intention of retreating. The catastrophe at this time was greatly reduced.

Chen Yuan did not use the innate spiritual energy of the prehistoric world in the end, which made Chen Yuan and the prehistoric world have less cause and effect.

Wherever Pangu's axe light passed, billions of miles of land were destroyed. Chen Yuan waved the Fusang stick and fought with Pangu, and there was an infinite five-element divine ring hitting Pangu.

This battle made the sun and the moon shake, and the sky and the earth dark.

Pangu was extremely powerful, but after all, it was just a catastrophe. He was much worse than Chen Yuan in terms of adaptability, and was finally constantly worn away by Chen Yuan and dissipated.

This had a lot to do with Chen Yuan not absorbing the innate spiritual energy of the prehistoric world in the end, which reduced a large part of the power of the catastrophe. After the catastrophe, Chen Yuan felt that his soul was extremely clear, and the barrier between Chen Yuan and the Great Dao of Creation disappeared. Chen Yuan and the Great Dao of Creation truly merged, becoming a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who existed with the Tao.

For Chen Yuan, saints are no longer mysterious.

For those who have not achieved this mirror, saints are extremely mysterious, but in Chen Yuan's eyes, it is clear that saints can mobilize a certain amount of heavenly power, and can be more powerful in terms of power, but not absolute.

The power of creation forms a sky flower, a necklace, and falls on the world.

The blue sky flower falls on the living beings, which has countless benefits. It can purify the magic power, give birth to spiritual wisdom and make the living beings more wise. At the same time, a strong pressure permeates the prehistoric continent.

"I have achieved the supreme fruit, proved the way of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and become Xuanyuan Creation Heavenly Venerable."

This voice can be heard in all time and space. Hearing this voice, countless great supernatural powers know that there will be a person who transcends the world in the future, is not in the five elements, and looks down on the catastrophe of the world, that is, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Look at the place where the Creation Heavenly Venerable is with envious eyes.

Chen Yuan observed the world, which was filled with earth, wind, water, and fire. There were boundless space turbulence everywhere, and there was endless murderous intent. Even if a Daluo Jinxian entered here, it would be extremely dangerous. He didn't know when an axe light would rush out and cut his body open, killing him.

The Five Elements Divine Ring appeared in his hand and was thrown forward. The Five Elements Divine Ring became larger and larger, calming the earth, wind, water, and fire and dispersing the space turbulence.

Then Chen Yuan's figure disappeared.


Xuanhua Mountain.

In the Xuanyuan Hall, Chen Yuan sat cross-legged at the top, and there were chaotic clouds above the sky. He was in harmony with the Great Dao of Creation and achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. He felt his own changes. This realm was more than all the previous realms combined, and the changes were even greater, especially in the prehistoric continent. The Great Dao of Creation was Chen Yuan's eyes, and he could observe everything in the boundless prehistoric continent.

At this time, many great masters came to Xuanhua Mountain.

In the past, Chen Yuan was worried that he would be lost in the crowd, unable to achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and fall sadly in countless disasters. Now he no longer has such thoughts. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has the essence of immortality. Even if facing a more powerful force, it can only be sealed.

It can be regarded as a part of the prehistoric world. It is not comparable to the realm below. It is extremely difficult to achieve this realm.

Wangshu walked in from outside the hall. Seeing Chen Yuan at the top, he first bowed and congratulated him: "From today on, you are the Heavenly Venerable. The Heavenly Venerable who coexists with the Tao has experienced countless disasters without being destroyed, and has been touched by cause and effect without being stained. No matter how big the disaster is, it is no longer a disaster for you."

Chen Yuan smiled, with a sense of ease that transcended the heaven and earth, and a sense of transcendence that was not affected by the catastrophe. He said leisurely: "Looking back at my past self, I am very glad that I practiced diligently and did not slack off at all, so that I could achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Wangshu nodded and said: "Now I have killed two corpses and achieved the late stage of Quasi-Sage, but the last corpse is extremely difficult to see and observe. Maybe I will never achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Chen Yuan stood up, his sleeves fluttering, staring at Wangshu, and said seriously: "Don't have this thought in your heart. You must know that there is no dead end. As long as you practice diligently, there will be a time when the clouds will be cleared and the sun will shine in the future."

"The Three Corpses Way passed down by Hongjun is the supreme method of achieving the Tao. Now that I have achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I understand that to achieve this realm, it is impossible to achieve it without the method of achieving the Tao. You must cultivate the Hunyuan state to achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Wangshu Puzzled, he said, "If you cultivate the state of Hunyuan, can't you become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian without cultivating the state of Hunyuan?"

Chen Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, with a different demeanor, which made Wangshu feel that even if the sky was destroyed, it would be as calm as the breeze blowing on his face. He said, "The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian must be in harmony with a great way, but the great way is so majestic that all things are created by it, and the world is transformed by it. How difficult it is to be in harmony with the great way. If you don't achieve the state of Hunyuan, how can you become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?"

Wangshu suddenly realized and solved some of the mysteries of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, saying, "Only by achieving the state of Hunyuan can you hope to become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, otherwise you can't become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Chen Yuan explained, "This is the origin of Hunyuan in the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. As long as you kill the third corpse, you will pave the way to become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

(Thanks to: Yuexingyu, hello Guan for the reward.)

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