The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 154 Suirenshi goes to Xuanhua Mountain

Under Buzhou Mountain.

In a valley, where the human race is located, Emperor Wa's law prohibits the sky.

Powerful beings can see a gorgeous light film covering the world.

At this time, the number of human races has increased significantly. Human races can be seen everywhere. Seeing the scene here makes the Suiren family worried, if it continues like this.

The things in the valley are not enough for the human race.

In a more secluded place, the three ancestors of the human race put aside many things in the human race at this time. Their main task was to practice, if a powerful existence came.

There needs to be equal responses from the human race, so the Third Ancestor appointed some people from the human race to manage the human race, so that they can have more time to practice.

The three ancestors sat opposite each other.

The atmosphere was solemn and worried about the future of the human race.

In the eyes of the Chao family, there was concern for the future of the human race, and he said: "Brother, our human race now has tens of billions, and such a large number of people can survive in the valley, even though the valley is extremely vast."

"After all, it is just a valley, and there is a limit to how many humans can bear it. Now the number of wild beasts in the valley has decreased, and many tribesmen do not have enough food. If this continues, countless tribesmen will inevitably die."

The Mian Yi family wears gorgeous clothes. This piece of clothing is a sacred instrument of merit and virtue, and it can be transformed into countless things.

At this time, she was transformed into a heavenly garment by the Mingyi clan. She said worriedly: "There is a forbidden law left by the Holy Mother in the valley. There is no too powerful being in it. The three of us have been to the outside world."

"There are extremely powerful beings in the outside world, especially where we are. It is too dangerous at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. If the tribesmen leave the valley, it will be difficult to come back."

Suiren sighed, this was a difficult problem we were facing now, and said: "The time we went out, we were still newborn calves not afraid of tigers. Unexpectedly, we met the Quasi-Sage, who was much stronger than us."

"My master once said in his sermon that the quasi-sage Dao fruit rests on the long river of the great road, which is much more powerful than the Great Luo Jinxian. The whole body is surrounded by the great road that looks like a substance. If it were not for the forbidden law left by the empress, a quasi-sage It’s not difficult to destroy my human race.”

When they heard Suiren talking about his master, a look of respect appeared on their faces. He was Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

I used to be confused and didn’t understand the heaviness of it.

Under the guidance of Suiren, he gradually became able to use his own power and understood that it could crush the stars of the ages and destroy the boundless world.

He is the most powerful person in the world.

One of the most powerful beings in the prehistoric world even participated in the creation of the human race. At the current level of Daluo Jinxian, one can see the process of the creation of the human race.

This is a period of time that Nuwa did not cover up.

It is clearly seen that with the help of Tianzun, Nuwa relied on the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil and the Three Light Divine Water to create the human race, and Tianzun even granted them the original practice method.

They were undoubtedly grateful.

The Chao family was worried about the future of the human race and said: "There is a passage to the heaven on Mount Buzhou, and Pangu Palace is located nearby. The Wu clan is so powerful that it almost defeated the heaven. There is no doubt that we cannot afford to offend these two parties. "

Zhenyi thought for a while and said seriously: "Buzhou Mountain is a place of right and wrong. It is not a place for us to develop and grow. We need to find a safer place where we can develop to our heart's content."

Suiren's mind went back and forth for thousands of times before he finally made up his mind and said: "I will go to Xuanhua Mountain to meet the master and ask him for his opinion."

The two of them couldn't agree more.

If you can ask Tianzun, you will definitely get a better answer. Their knowledge of the prehistoric world is extremely shallow, even if they have to leave this valley. Don't know where to go.


The Suiren clan then headed towards Xuanhua Mountain. The master had told him the location of Xuanhua Mountain last time. He flew out of the place covered by the law and headed towards the location of Xuanhua Mountain.

Suirenshi broke open the space.

Over the years, he has gained a very comprehensive understanding of his own strength, which is no worse than a strong man in the late Daluo Golden Immortal period.

I have a deeper understanding of the clear way of heaven.

He also became the pinnacle of the late Daluo Jinxian, completing the practice of gathering the three flowers at the top and the five qi toward the origin.

It took a hundred years.

In Xuanhua Mountain, there were two boys waiting for him in front of the mountain gate.

I admired the master's magical power endlessly. No one told the other person that he was coming, but he knew that he was coming. It was indeed the highest state in the ancient world.

‘The past, present and future are seen with the eyes, cause and effect, reincarnation, birth and death are played in the palms of the hands. ’

After following the two boys and walking in, Xuanhua Mountain felt peaceful.

Suiren, who was a little anxious in his heart, felt much calmer and walked along a road paved with bluestones to the Xuanyuan Taoist Palace.

The two boys did not follow him in.

Tianzun's whole body is filled with the aura of Dao, as if he is the source of Dao.

When Suiren saw Tianzun, he first bowed and said, "Disciple Suiren, I would like to pay my respects to the master and wish him a long life."

Chen Yuan glanced at him indifferently and said calmly: "You have not neglected your practice. You must know that in the ancient world, practice is the most important thing."

Suiren didn't look proud. He traveled such a vast distance this time and saw many extremely powerful beings, including quasi-sages. He understood how big the world is.

The sun and the moon are vast.

Suiren said: "Master, I came here this time for the sake of the human race. The human race now has tens of billions. They cannot survive in the valley at the same time. Beyond the legal prohibition is Buzhou Mountain, which is too dangerous to exist at the same time." Witch clan and demon clan.”

Chen Yuan glanced at the Suiren clan and said quietly: "If it weren't for the ban left by Nuwa, the human race would not have such a safe place. If you decide to move the human race, you will definitely lose such a safe place."

"Although Empress Nuwa created you, she is not your nanny. This ban is to give you a choice. If you choose to stay inside, you will be extremely safe."

"As long as you give birth to fewer people, you can survive safely. If you choose to migrate out, the human race will have to bear any disasters in the future."

Suiren felt a heavy pressure coming on him.

It was no small thing that made his mind unable to calm down. Thinking of the clansmen he had seen in the past made him unable to make an easy decision.

Choose between these two options.

Although it is extremely difficult, he is Daluo Jinxian after all. Although the time of achievement is very short, it is not short anymore.

Suiren's face was heavy, but there was overwhelming pride in his heart, and he said firmly: "Master, it's hard to choose, but I still want to move away. Although I am safe in the valley under Buzhou Mountain, I am just a caged bird after all. "

"Those times are beautiful, but there is no future. Although there will be disasters when migrating, there will be a human race that is upright and upright, and they will continue to move forward and succeed each other. That kind of human race is the human race in my heart."

"How great the Ancestral God Pangu is. How can we, who have the same form as the Ancestral God, disgrace the glory of the Ancestral God? We don't seek the power of the Ancestral God, but we seek to be able to stand upright."

Chen Yuan's eyes were faint, as if he had seen an extremely distant future world, where human races filled the prehistoric world.

There is no place without the footprints of the human race. He said: "If the human race wants to continue to develop, it can no longer stay in the valley. It must choose a place far away from the two Lich clans to gain more growth."

Suiren frowned and said: "Master, can you give me some advice? My understanding of the ancient world is only superficial. I don't know what kind of place can meet such conditions."

Chen Yuan's eyes were deep.

Xuanhua Mountain is located close to the East China Sea. Even closer to the East China Sea, there is a place where the climate is stable and will not suddenly change drastically. This is very important to the human race.

The prehistoric world is a world compared to the vast world.

There are countless times more advanced worlds. The climate of such a powerful world is extremely powerful. Creatures who have reached this level will not be too afraid.

As long as it's not a super severe climate, there's not much to fear, but the human race is different.

There are too many realmless creatures among the human race.

The realm here refers to the 'Earth Immortal'. The realms like those created by Laozi are just a ladder in today's prehistoric times and cannot show much power.

If you live in a place where climate changes are extremely drastic, survival there will inevitably be dire straits.

It's not something the human race can bear.

"Near the East China Sea, there is a place called the East China Sea Coast. The climate there is extremely stable and vast, and it can accommodate the proliferation of human beings." A whip appeared in Chen Yuan's hand, filled with golden light and hidden power, and said: "Since you With this thought in mind, take this human-creating whip, it has considerable power and can help you."

Suiren said: "Master, this human-creating whip is extremely precious. How can I give it to my disciple? Master should keep it for himself."

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "For Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, only the innate treasure can be used, and the treasures below the innate treasure are not of much use."

Only then did Suiren carefully take the human-creating whip.

This human-creating whip has extraordinary symbolic significance among the human race. It was originally a top-grade acquired spiritual treasure, and after the merits of creating humans fell.

With the power of the best innate spiritual treasure.

Suiren felt the flowing and mysterious aura of creating human beings, and was naturally very grateful to the master for bestowing such a valuable treasure, and said: "This disciple has some doubts about his practice."

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged on the cloud bed, with the aura of the great avenue flowing around him, and said, "Tell me."

Suiren talked about the doubts he encountered in cultivation, and Chen Yuan answered them for him. After a while.

Suirenshi said goodbye and left.

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