The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 16 The two energies are born together

Qingyou can be said to be an innate saint, but because of these experiences, his level is not high.

That innate origin was greatly diminished in the disaster.

Without this experience, we would not be able to understand the great road of life and death.

Compared with Chen Yuan's cultivation speed, it seems that his progress is not very fast.

Qingyou asked curiously: "Master, what is going on outside? I heard an extremely loud sound."

Chen Yuan said: "There are not many things. We have spent these years on Buzhou Mountain. It will be very safe here."

Regarding the prehistoric world, he has no idea of ​​​​going to it. Now his realm is better than the previous one.

Qingyou naturally has no objections. He has always been a quiet person. Even if his innate origin is consumed a lot, he can still cultivate to the realm of true immortality.

If it were another person, I'm afraid it would be different.

Chen Yuan knew about his current situation, but felt that it was nothing. As time went by, it would last longer, and he could protect him for an extremely long time.

Chen Yuan has confidence in himself.

Chen Yuan, who has become Taiyi Golden Immortal, can open up the world, a miniature world.

There is a lot of interest in opening up the world. The current environment is not a place to open up the world.

Chen Yuan thought for a while and decided to open up a very simple world first so that he could get familiar with it.

First, the two qi of heaven and earth must be gathered together. These two qi are the clearness of the sky and the turbidity of the earth. The two qi can produce a world by the interaction of the two qi.

With Chen Yuan's current state, he could pick up the heavenly sun and the earthly flowers. It would not be difficult to collect some of the two energies.

It took a year.

On the left hand is the clearness of Tianyang, and on the right hand is the turbidity of Earthly Flowers. The two qi collide, and Chen Yuan's powerful soul guides the movement of these two qi.

As expected, an explosion sounded in Chen Yuan's hand. Qing You, who was practicing, opened his eyes and saw that Chen Yuan was fine.

He continued to practice. After many such things happened, Qingyou didn't care anymore and didn't even dare to open his eyes.

The main reason is that the clearness of the sky and the turbidity of the earth are so powerful when they collide, which makes Chen Yuan very embarrassed sometimes.

Qing You, who saw such a scene, naturally did not dare to look at it, especially after Chen Yuan glared at him, he continued to practice honestly.

Chen Yuan is not looking for punishment. His path of creation can improve in this process.

Especially when he used the Great Way of Creation to build a world, everything in this world was made of the Great Way of Creation.

In this process, you can understand the great road of creation more clearly.

I don’t know how many times Chen Yuan has failed.

Three thousand years have passed.

Finally one day, a bubble appeared on my hand, and I could see everything inside, including a miniature piece of land.

not very big.

Chen Yuan's spiritual thoughts entered it. Everything in it was bound by the Great Way of Creation, and the earth was bound by the Great Way of Creation.

If Chen Yuan puts away the constraints of the Great Way of Creation, everything here will disappear and be restored to the purity of the sky and the turbidity of the earth.

The two qi are in conflict with each other.

A terrifying explosion will occur.

Chen Yuan tried his best to let in as few spiritual thoughts as possible. Everything in the small world would be shattered, and terrifying power would fill the air. Chen Yuan's was too powerful. This world was not carefully constructed.

It was just created by accident.

Spiritual thoughts spread across the small world, and all kinds of dust in it are clearly visible, including a ten-mile-sized landmass. When Chen Yuan first started, he collected the clearness of the sky and the turbidity of the earth for a year.

The power of that explosion was huge, and I learned better later.

This is also the reason why the land is very small.

That explosion was really too powerful.

The land in the small world is bare, and there is only a faint light in the sky. I don't know if this can be called a world.

"I will treat you as the same world, just a little smaller."

It's a little bit smaller somewhere, it's terrifyingly small.

Observing this side of the world carefully, a mysterious energy appears.

It was Chen Yuan's five qi, and some tree and grass seeds appeared in his hand, which Chen Yuan specially collected.

Sprinkle this seed on the ground and nourish it with wood energy, and life will soon appear.

This world was born with life. Chen Yuan nodded. This world can be planted with flowers and plants.

Don't think about animals, they are only suitable for plants to survive.

Seeing this, Chen Yuan thought to himself that he would have to complete the five qi before he could create a world where living beings could survive.

Now this side of the world can be used to hold things, store things, etc.

With a change of mind, he left this world and came to the outside world.

Throwing the bubble in his hand in front of Qingyou, Chen Yuan planned to let him play with it.

"Here, this is a miniature world I created to hold some things for you."

When he saw the thing in front of him, it was his master who had not exploded again this time. He looked at the small round bead he had created and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the bubbles in his hand with some curiosity, he picked it up and a message appeared in the miniature world.

Chen Yuan released his authority.

With permission, it can be used to store some things, only very ordinary things, such as innate spiritual treasures.

The size of this world simply cannot carry such a majestic thing.

After all, this is just Chen Yuan's practice work.

After his success, Chen Yuan stopped creating the world.

With his current cultivation, he cannot create a better world, at most it will be bigger than the one just now.

Now that you understand the truth inside.

Try again next time when your cultivation level is higher.

He is very interested in creating a world with living beings in it. Such an achievement makes him yearn for it.

To create such a small world.

He still relied on the power of the ancient world. Without the purity of the sky and the turbidity of the earth, he would not be able to create it with his current state.

I am very yearning for Pangu to be able to open up such a boundless world in the midst of chaos, relying only on the energy of chaos.

Chen Yuan, who has become the Taiyi Golden Immortal, can refine the innate spiritual treasures to a higher level.

Chen Yuan devoted his attention to the Jiutian Qingkong Tower. The innate divine prohibition of this spiritual treasure had only been refined to twelve levels.

Now if you want to practice at a higher level, you can exert more powerful power.

The mana of the Taiyi series around him poured into the Jiutian Blue Sky Tower, the higher the level.

It is even easier to sacrifice treasures.

The thirteen divine prohibitions are the divine prohibitions of the Taiyi series, and each additional twelve innate divine prohibitions are added.

It is a higher realm.

The twenty-fourth path is the limit of the middle-grade spiritual treasure, the thirty-sixth path is the limit of the high-grade spiritual treasure, the forty-eight path is the limit of the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and the forty-nine path is the innate supreme treasure.

The world is so small, this is just the first experiment.

I have the audacity to ask for votes. Every recommendation vote is the motivation for me to persevere. I also want to thank those who voted for recommendations.

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