The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 193 Taiyi Divine Power

Taiyi felt his own state, and his every move contained irresistible power.

The supreme power lingers around the body, and the mysterious and mysterious power flows slowly.

There is an incomparably vast amount of time and space within the body, and it is all kinds of weird.

Unimaginably powerful, it has left the realm of quasi-sage.

He has entered an extremely profound realm, but has not truly entered the realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. This is very clear to Taiyi.

Taiyi has some of the abilities of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and can travel across the prehistoric times without any distance.

It can be said to be the most powerful existence under Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Taiyi said: "Stop?"

Di Jun's eyes were deep and he said: "Why..."

Taiyi stepped into the void, and a grand and majestic energy bloomed all over his body. The densely packed demon clan around him felt extremely heavy, as if he was facing the gaze of a supreme being.

If it were someone else, they might still rise up to resist, but when they saw who it was, they didn't dare to make any move.

Donghuang Taiyi, God of War in Heaven.

Holding the innate treasure Chaos Bell in their hands, how can they be allowed to offend.

Di Jun looked extremely angry and said angrily: "My son is dead. I want to refine a supreme sword. It doesn't matter if all the souls are stained with blood..."

Taiyi walked around in the void in white clothes, and said with a leisurely expression: "I don't like all spirits to be stained with blood. If you want a divine sword, I can refine it for you. If you continue to kill like this, it will be too serious a crime."

No one dared to interrupt, they just listened quietly.

Di Jun walked towards Taiyi and said, "It's not that easy to refine a weapon that can cut through ancestral witches. Even the most precious material in the world can't do it. It's not like I haven't tried it before."

Billions of brilliance overflowed from Taizhou's body, and the force of Qi was so powerful that he said: "The essence and blood of the ancestral witch Pangu are transformed, and everything between heaven and earth is transformed by Pangu. We need to find someone who can cut open the ancestral witch's body." The treasure is too difficult..."

"But it's not impossible. When Daozu divided the treasures, there was a rock carrying ten thousand treasures. That rock was the Chaos Source Stone. The Chaos Source Stone is extremely precious. Using it to refine the divine sword will definitely be better than using the divine sword refined by the human race. More powerful."

Emperor Jun unleashed his powerful Qi, fully displaying his power at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, and said: "We have not fought since we were born. If you win, I will listen to you."

Taiyi said: "That's fine..."

After all, strength is the most important thing in ancient times.

Taiyi had a gloomy look on his face. This time he left seclusion not just because of human affairs.

Taiyi refined the sun's origin bead into his body. There is still a sun's origin bead in the sun star. It is a projection in the sun star. The sun's origin bead in Taiyi's body is the body.

This gives Taiyi extremely powerful power, extraordinary power.

The Taiyi Divine Bead has been refined into the body, which means that it does not need to be within the Sun Star.

Taiyi and Dijun soared into the sky, and Dijun was angry at Taiyi.

More because he wanted to know Taiyi's state at this time and how the human race was doing. Di Jun didn't care much. Di Jun really wanted to refine a divine sword.

With the speed of the two of them, they quickly reached the starry sky, where the boundless stars were moving.

Taiyi said leisurely: "You can't beat me..."

Di Jun said with an inexplicable expression: "We were born at the same time, and we were originally at similar levels. Later, you slowly surpassed me. Even if I become the Emperor of Heaven, I will have boundless luck."

"I am not willing to compare with you. Today I want to see how big the gap is between us..."

Taiyi stepped on it slightly, and there was a huge star under his feet. The huge star collapsed, destroyed, and turned into stardust in the blink of an eye, spreading in the starry sky.

Taiyi said: "Then look at how big the gap is between us."

The supreme sun avenue is shaking, powerful power fills the heaven and earth, shaking the stars.

Countless stars were enveloped by this wave and turned into a sky full of hot powder. Both of them were extremely powerful beings.

Taiyi cultivates the Sun Avenue, and Dijun cultivates the Zhiyang Avenue. The two avenues are very similar, and both have extremely powerful power.

But the next scene shocked Di Jun. Although he thought of this possibility, the real confrontation shocked him.

Zhiyang Avenue cannot be compared with Sun Avenue at all, although both avenues are avenues of the same level.

Both of them are innately divine beings born from heaven and earth, but their realms are not on the same level.

The saint who watched this scene was extremely shocked. Taiyi had become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, but it was not like it. He did not really fit into the Sun Avenue. If he fit into the Sun Avenue, this would not be hidden from the Hunyuan Saint.

The Hunyuan Sage sees the past, present and future through his eyes.

They all looked at Taiyi with great curiosity.

The battle between Taiyi and Dijun only lasted a short time.

Di Jun said in great shock: "I didn't expect that you would become so powerful after just a few Yuanhui absences. The gap between you and me is getting wider and wider, but I think that although you are more powerful than me, you are still There is no real entry into the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.”

Taiyi said: "My current state is half-step Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, which is worse than the real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and more powerful than the peak quasi-sage."

Di Jun asked in confusion: "How come there is still a half-step Hunyuan realm? Isn't it possible to directly become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal?"

Taiyi said: "After becoming the quasi-sage peak, there will be stairs at the end of the great road. If you step on it, you will be half-step to Hunyuan. It will be stronger than the quasi-sage peak, but weaker than the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian."

Not only did Di Jun hear it, many great masters also heard Tai Yi's words. They thought that as long as they reached the peak of Quasi-Sage, the next step would be to become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


There is actually another realm.

Tai Yi looked down and looked at the coast of the East China Sea. At this time, the demons had just entered the human race. Some humans died, but there were not too many casualties. Tai Yi felt unfamiliar with the human race.

He is Tai Yi now...

Cannot do too much for the human race. Even if he did not support Di Jun, he should have stood aside, but Tai Yi still decided to help the human race.

Not asking for anything.

"The human race is lucky. Tai Yi will help you. Go back to heaven..."

The huge divine voice resounded across the coast of the East China Sea, making countless demons look at each other. They did not expect such an ending, but they did not dare to disobey Di Jun's order.

Not to mention Tai Yi came forward.

Ancestral land...

The three ancestors of the human race were preparing to fight to the death, but they did not expect the demons to come and go quickly.

This surprised them, not only them, but also the Hunyuan Saint. They had been planning for a long time.

They didn't expect Taiyi to help the human race. Taiyi and the human race had no relatives or friends, so there was no need for him to help the human race.

Although the process was a bit unexpected, they were relieved to hear that Taiyi could refine a supreme sword that could cut the body of the ancestor witch.

As long as the result didn't change, it would be fine.

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