The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 196: Witch-Slaying Sword

The real strength of the prehistoric world is not its vast and boundless area.

It is the extremely mysterious three thousand great ways, which are the three thousand great ways that all spirits can become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Otherwise, no matter how much chaotic energy there is, it is just a mass of energy piled together.

Even if it is chaotic energy, it is still a mass of energy.

There will be no difference.

Therefore, the divine prohibition is extremely important, and it is the god of a spiritual treasure.

In order to make the magic sword more powerful, Di Jun put all his heart and energy into it, even though there was hatred from his nine sons, and more importantly, if the witch clan was defeated.

He must be able to be the master of the prehistoric world.

At that time, if all the luck of the prehistoric world is used for his own use, it will definitely improve his own realm, even the supreme Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm.

It is not impossible to get a glimpse of it.

After exhausting all of Di Jun's heart and energy, Di Jun finally deduced the divine prohibition of the magic sword. A hazy light flowed in Di Jun's hand, with an indescribable breath, although it was just a beam of light.

But Taiyi felt as if he could cut through the three thousand worlds, and nothing in the world could stop him.

Taiyi refined the Chaos Source Stone into a ball of liquid, like a sun, which could provide endless light to all things.

Taiyi said: "Let's start..."

Under Taiyi's command, the two things came into contact with each other. The liquid refined from the Chaos Source Stone was the form of the magic sword, and the divine prohibition that Di Jun had exhausted all his energy to deduce was the god. The two merged.

Only then would it be a supreme magic sword, otherwise it could not be considered a true magic sword.

It was just a harder stone.


Endless light was produced.

It seemed as if a sun appeared in the heaven, illuminating the vast realm, making the originally eternally bright heaven even brighter.

It made the low-level demons feel uncomfortable.

This scene lasted for a long time...

Really a long time.

So long that when the demons from the East China Sea returned, it was still the same scene.

The extremely bright heaven.

But no matter how long the vision lasts, it will eventually dissipate. The moment it disappears, an extremely gorgeous sword energy rises into the sky, unimaginably vast.

The demons in the heavens feel like they are on edge, as if their lives will be taken away at any time.

When Taiyi saw that the magic sword was refined, he used his supreme magic power to suppress the power of the magic sword.

The sword energy in the sky was collected back into the magic sword by Taiyi. If the sword energy was allowed to wander in the heavens, it would inevitably cause endless deaths and injuries to the demons, which was not what Taiyi wanted to see.

The magic sword did not inherit the color of the Chaos Source Stone.

Instead, it exuded a golden glow, with a sharp edge that could cut through everything in the world.

Taiyi said: "Now that the magic sword has been refined, I can feel that the magic sword is extremely powerful, even more powerful than the best innate spiritual treasure, with pure and incomparable attack power, and it must be able to cut through the body of the ancestor witch."

Di Jun couldn't let go of the magic sword, and there was a slightly flowing spiritual light flashing, containing an extremely huge power, which made Di Jun naturally very happy.

Di Jun waved the magic sword slightly, and a sword energy rushed out, like a river in the sky.

The sword energy was vast and boundless, reaching the barrier of the heavens, and brushing against the barrier of the heavens, a gorgeous aurora was born.

Such a beautiful picture attracted the attention of countless monsters in the heavens.

Such a beautiful picture contained boundless and sinister murderous intent...

If this sword energy did not reach the barrier of the heavens, but impacted on the heavenly continent, countless monsters would have been turned into powder.

It is not surprising that this magic sword has such great power.

It was jointly refined by Di Jun and Taiyi, so how could it not be powerful? If it did not have such a powerful power, it would be a strange thing.

Di Jun said: "This magic sword is specially refined to deal with the witch clan, so it is called the witch-killing sword..."

Taiyi saw... As soon as Di Jun finished speaking, three innate divine texts appeared on the magic sword.

When the sword of Emperor Jun was refined, the twelve ancestor witches felt a sense of thorns on their backs, as if something that could threaten their lives had been born.

Such a feeling seemed to be some kind of warning, and Zhu Jiuyin did not dare to underestimate it.

Zhu Jiuyin was a wise man among the twelve ancestor witches, and was more sensitive to the various changes in the world.

Time was an extremely mysterious avenue, and only a few of the prehistoric spirits could comprehend it. Zhu Jiuyin was undoubtedly unique.

Zhu Jiuyin informed the twelve ancestor witches to gather in Pangu Hall through the unique communication method of the ancestor witches.

Pangu Hall was extremely tall, with an inexplicable atmosphere flowing, and it was hazy inside.

Even the long river of time and fate could not shine into it, a place that was extremely mysterious.

The great supernatural powers were very curious about it, and they were naturally curious about the treasures left by the ancestor god Pangu.

It was just limited to curiosity. Those who could cultivate to the sacredness of the great supernatural powers would not seek death because of their curiosity for a moment.

Saints cannot explore the scene inside. For the witch clan, it is an extremely safe place. Some things that are inconvenient to say outside can be said in Pangu Hall.

Pangu Hall.

The twelve ancestor witches exude an extremely majestic aura, as if the slightest movement will cause the world to collapse...

Zhu Jiuyin spoke first. He notified the other ancestor witches to come, so naturally he would be the host.

"Before that, I felt a sense of thorns on my back. Then I observed the long river of time and fate and learned that the Heavenly Court had refined an unparalleled divine sword."

Gonggong said indifferently: "What's there to worry about a sword? They specially called us to Pangu Hall. Our ancestor witches' bodies are extremely hard and have a strong immortality. Even if they are broken."

"It can also be recovered quickly. Through this divine sword, the strength of Heavenly Court will be improved at most."

Zhu Rong was the first to stand up and object. Zhu Rong said: "If it is just an ordinary divine sword that does not make us feel emotional, it must be an extremely powerful treasure. We must also increase our own strength."

Gonggong suddenly became unhappy when Zhu Rong said this.

There is a conflict between their attributes. One is fire and the other is water. Although they are both twelve ancestral witches, there are conflicts.

They are not really in harmony, but they are not enemies either. If one of them is in danger, the other will not hesitate and will risk his own life to save him...

This may be the difference between the Wu clan.

Don’t put too much thought into it, if you like it, you just like it, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it.

Di Jiang said: "Okay... let's stop making trouble. What Gonggong said makes sense. We need to increase our strength. Fortunately, our Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation is better than the Monster Clan's Zhoutian Star Formation." , the strength is more concentrated.”

"The increase in our strength will make the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation even more powerful. When the time comes as Dao Ancestor said, the Heavenly Court will be destroyed, so that there will no longer be a Heavenly Court between heaven and earth, only we, the leader of the Wu Clan, will world."

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