The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 218 The sacred tree that supports the heavens

The Taoist of the World had a calm face. He had waited for an extremely long time just to wait for now. It was extremely difficult to achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Different from the original body, he cut off the past, future and present three bodies and cultivated into the Hunyuan state.

The Taoist of the World pondered and felt that the hope of achieving the Tao should be on the World Tree. The World Tree can allow the Taoist of the World to embark on the road of achieving the Tao.

But there must be hope at the right time.

Just need to wait.

The Taoist of the World was extremely low-key and did not show the innate treasure Qiankun Ding until the hope of achieving the Tao came.

The Taoist of the World said: "Saints, there is no need to be so troublesome. I have a treasure that can support this vast and boundless heaven. It has many advantages over the foot of the black tortoise."

Laozi said doubtfully: "I don't know what kind of treasure it is."

The other party even has the innate treasure, but he can't think of what kind of treasure can support the heaven.

The World Taoist smiled and said, "It is a sacred tree with boundless mysteries."

After the World Taoist finished speaking, a small tree emerged from his hand, seemingly tiny.

The great supernatural powers looking at this place were all puzzled, how could "such a small tree" support the heaven.

The saint saw the true size of the sacred tree, which was not just huge, but could be said to be the largest sacred tree in the prehistoric world, and no longer had any doubts.

Laozi said, "Such a good sacred tree, if it supports the sky, it will be difficult to move."

The World Tree at this time is no longer what it used to be. After a long time of cultivation, the World Taoist later invested all his merits into the World Tree.

Not only the merits of the World Taoist, but also the merits of Taiyi and Chen Yuan were invested in the World Tree, which made the size of this sacred tree reach an unprecedented level.

The World Taoist said righteously, "For the sake of all the spirits in the prehistoric world, this contribution is nothing."

Chen Yuan sneered, he didn't know the World Taoist yet.

If it weren't for the purpose of attaining the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it would be extremely difficult for others to even see his past body, let alone take it out.

But in order to attain the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, all the efforts are worth it. As a world Taoist who is already at the peak of the quasi-saint level, the world tree is no longer important to him.

Although it is the body of the world Taoist, at his level, it is not a big deal to lose the body.

Despite this...

The world Taoist was very reluctant, but since he had made up his mind, he would not regret it.

The originally tiny divine tree suddenly grew larger the moment it separated from the world Taoist.

In the eyes of the prehistoric creatures, a towering divine tree appeared between heaven and earth, replacing the original Buzhou Mountain and becoming the new pillar of the sky.

The great supernatural power saw a scene that the creatures could not see.

"The divine tree is a little shorter."

There is still a long distance to the heaven.

Tongtian said with a smile: "Daoyou, your sacred tree is a little short and can't support the majestic heaven. I'd better go and kill the black turtle."

The black turtle, who was sleeping soundly, felt a sense of impending disaster, but it soon disappeared.

The world Taoist said seriously: "Saint... I know this sacred tree very well. I have a way to make it grow."

It's not surprising that such a sacred tree can grow, but it has to grow to such a long height in such a short time.

It's unlikely.

The world Taoist prayed to the sky: "Heaven is above, I, the world Taoist, now set up the heaven and earth sacred tree to support the heaven. I hope that Heaven will allow me to unlock the sacred tree."


The hazy sound of Taoism shook the world, as if Heaven was making a sound, but it was too faint to make people hear it clearly, as if it was an illusion.


There are inexplicable rules surging, and the world Taoist can feel that the world tree seems to have untied something and taken off some kind of shackles in the dark.

It is the shackles that prevent the world tree from being promoted to the Hunyuan Spirit Root.

This sacred tree was originally an extremely high-level spiritual root, surpassing the best spiritual root in the prehistoric world. It once stood in the boundless chaos, and the brilliance it dropped could transform the world.

It lingered in countless worlds and gave rise to thousands of creatures.

But because of the great catastrophe of the opening of the sky, it was affected by the supreme power, dropped its grade, and fell into the prehistoric world.

It no longer has the charm it once had.

Later, under the endless merits and the self-recovery of these years, it has begun to show a little of its former appearance, but there are supreme shackles on the spiritual root, and it cannot become a Hunyuan spiritual root.

The world Taoist did not have a good way. The world Taoist deduced the heaven and earth and calculated all the laws. Finally, he found a way that could not only promote the world tree to a Hunyuan spiritual root.

It could also open the way to prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is undoubtedly a matter of killing several birds with one stone.

The world Taoist sensed that the shackles of the world tree had been untied. In the eyes of the great supernatural power, the endlessly tall sacred tree was once again increasing its height in the impossible.

The divine tree shone with brilliant light.

The Great Dao was perfecting, and something indescribable was emerging.

The divine tree was getting taller and taller, and it was in contact with the towering heaven. The divine tree's light was getting brighter and brighter. In the eyes of the saints, the heaven, which was originally descending, was propped up by the divine tree.

It no longer fell.

In the heaven, Emperor Jun clearly felt that the heaven was getting higher and higher, and it was farther away from the prehistoric continent.

Emperor Jun looked at the towering divine tree below with admiration. Emperor Jun could not imagine that a tree could support the vast heaven, and see the world through the endless space.

At this time, the world was clear and bright, and the sacred tree supported the heavens, and there was no more disaster that would overthrow the world.

The world Taoist was surrounded by boundless pure light, and merged with the extremely lofty Dao.

"This is to prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Countless great supernatural powers were in disbelief, but there were strange phenomena between heaven and earth, the sky was full of flowers, and the ground was full of golden lotus.

The saints looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Block the Dao.

The Taoist in front of them was familiar with Hongjun. At the moment they hesitated, the world began to merge with the world's Dao, and the reason was so fast.

It was because the accumulation of the world Taoist was enough. When the world tree became the Hunyuan spiritual root, it allowed the world Taoist to refine into the Hunyuan state and directly cultivate into the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Endless flowers fell into the prehistoric world, benefiting all spirits.

The great supernatural powers were all shocked.

"No one knows that you have practiced for billions of years, and the world is shocked when you become a Dao in one day."

When the world Taoist merged with the Dao, you can no longer kill.

The saint no longer had the intention to hinder the Tao, which was also the reason why the world Taoist wanted to move Hongjun. With the accumulation of the world Taoist, as long as the saint hesitated for a moment.

The matter would be settled.

In addition, there was the Creation Heavenly Venerable, which made the saint hesitate even more.

The vast vision filled the prehistoric world, and the sun in the sky shone even more brilliantly, and the starlight in the sky sprinkled on the earth and benefited all spirits.

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