The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 259 Gifts from the Gods

If it is that undifferentiated flat peach tree, as the best innate spiritual root, it will naturally have more than this effect.

Even in the Golden Immortal realm, it will have a great effect, which is not comparable to today's Pantao.

The reason why Hongjun turned the peach trees into a peach forest and left an extremely precious and top-grade innate spiritual root incomplete was that the peach forest had a greater effect on the heaven.

Having so many flat peaches will make too many living beings' hearts flutter. These living beings may not be at a high level, but all living beings will grow.

The weak will always become strong, and the saint was also weak at first.

After a long time, it gradually becomes stronger, as long as more creatures join the heaven.

Naturally, Heaven will have the power to maintain the order of heaven and earth. This is Hongjun's idea. Although Hongjun, who has already joined the Tao, has his own ideas.

But it is still subject to the influence of heaven.

Heaven wants to give Heaven a certain amount of power.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi stood up, looked around first, and finally said to Haotian who was standing above him: "This time the Great Heavenly Lord invites me, but I have no talent, so I will use ginseng fruit as a gift. I hope the Great Heavenly Lord will not dislike it."

Haotian looked at Zhen Yuanzi.

Haotian knows something about ginseng fruit.

The effect is much better than that of flat peach. It is not that flat peach is inferior to ginseng fruit. To be more precise, it is that the flat peach tree at this time cannot be compared with ginseng fruit.

When intact, the peach tree has as many magical properties as the ginseng fruit.

Zhen Yuanzi took out nine ginseng fruits.

Xian'e came over and took the fruit from Zhen Yuanzi's hand.

After Zhen Yuanzi gave the gift, one after another there were creatures bringing elixirs, maybe spiritual fruits, or precious refining materials.

All things are different.

Haotian didn't want to take a look at these things, but he had a smile on his face and didn't keep people away from him thousands of miles away.

Some lowly creatures felt flattered.

After a while, Styx stood up. Styx revealed traces of murderous intent, making the creatures present feel extremely uncomfortable.

But he didn't dare to show his dissatisfaction. Styx was the pinnacle of quasi-saints and the pinnacle among those with great supernatural powers. Not everyone could be offended.

Ming He said: "Great Heavenly Lord, I will give you the Crystal of the Sea of ​​Blood as a gift."

Xian'e took the treasure from Styx's hand. Xian'e felt a little uncomfortable after taking the treasure. The Blood Sea Crystal contained extremely powerful negative power.

Let Xian'e have distracting thoughts.

This blood sea crystal is not an ordinary thing, it can only be found under the boundless sea of ​​blood.

Being able to refine extremely powerful treasures naturally made Haotian very satisfied.

Haotian thought that only those with great supernatural powers had good treasures, like those ordinary immortals, Haotian didn't want to look at the treasures they took out.

After the Styx, another creature stood up.

But it is Xuandu.

A gourd appeared in Xuandu's hand. Xuandu pointed at the gourd and said: "This is the golden elixir refined by my master. There are nine of them. Each one can make a living being become a Taiyi Golden Immortal. Although this achievement The Taiyi Golden Immortal cannot be compared with those who rely on their own achievements, but they are still Taiyi Golden Immortals.”

Many creatures who did not have the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm looked at the gourd in Xuandu's hand with burning eyes.

If you can get the golden elixir inside, wouldn't you be able to become a Taiyi Golden Immortal? Only some creatures are very calm.

Especially some ambitious creatures, seeing that there is no Taiyi Golden Immortal in Xuandu's realm, if this golden elixir is so perfect, why doesn't Xuandu take it.

Isn’t it good to become Taiyi Golden Immortal?

This golden elixir must have some drawbacks.

After arriving in Xuandu, Guangchengzi stood up and took some gifts, which made many living beings envious and full of praise for the saint.

Then the disciples of Tongtian presented some gifts.

Kong Xuan stood up, with three fruits appearing in his hands, with brilliant colors flowing on the fruits, and said: "Great Heavenly Lord, this is the fruit of Huang Zhongli, the best innate spiritual root. Huangzhong Li blossoms and asks for a Yuanhui. The result is It takes three Yuanhui to mature, and it takes more than 300,000 years to bear nine fruits. "

"If a destined person takes it, he can become a Daluo Jinxian, saving countless years of hard training, and he can reach heaven in one step."

As soon as these words came out, countless immortals set their sights on this fruit, and their hearts could no longer describe their desire. It was the Great Luo Jinxian.

In the prehistoric world, he is a strong person.

As long as you don't cause trouble, stay in the dojo with peace of mind.

Not to mention that he will live until the end of the world, but he will definitely be able to live freely for a long time. Even the heaven must respect Daluo Jinxian.

The Da Luo Jin Immortal Dao Fruit sprouts, leading the true spirit out of the long river of time and fate, transcending the long river of time and fate, and has great achievements and great magic power.

Before the virtual world appeared, only by becoming a Daluo Jinxian could one quickly travel through the ancient world.

You can imagine the immortals' desire for Huang Zhongli.

Compared with Huang Zhongli, other gifts pale in comparison.

Haotian is very happy. Even if Huang Zhongli has some shortcomings, he can still train three Daluo Jinxian who have no future.

Haotian didn't care whether they had a future, let alone the chance to become quasi-sages.

But the hope is extremely slim.

If there are three Da Luo Jinxian at this stage, the power of Heavenly Court will definitely be taken to a higher level.

One Xian'e took the Huang Zhongli from Kong Xuan's hand, turned around and left.

At this time, a girl stood up. She was not very outstanding. She was just eating attentively at the peach festival and didn't care much about others.

Not very noticeable.

When she stood up, many people looked at her. The little phoenix felt the gaze and stepped forward calmly, saying: "I am the boy of the goddess Nuwa. The goddess asked me to send this."

The little phoenix was holding a box. As for what was inside, the little phoenix didn't know.

Kong Xuan felt the breath of the little phoenix and knew it was a phoenix.

Among the saints in the heavens, only the two saints in the West did not send gifts. Maitreya felt a lot of gazes and stood up with a clear mind and said: "Great Heavenly Venerable, my master asked me to bring a gift of innate Gengjin."

Although it was an innate material, the amount was a little small. Haotian looked down on it and couldn't help comparing it with other people's gifts.

He found that the two saints in the West were obviously the two saints, and the gift they sent was for one person.

And the amount was so small. Although it was an innate material, it could only be mixed into the refining of the weapon, and it was of no great use.

Haotian felt that the West was stingy. Not only did they have the largest number of people attending the banquet,

These people not only ate up all the peaches on the table, but also kept bringing in the nine thousand year old peaches, as if they wanted to eat all the nine thousand year old peaches, but the gifts were the least.

This gave Haotian a headache.

Although he felt sorry for the nine thousand year old peaches, if he didn't even give these few peaches, many people would undoubtedly think that Haotian was stingy.

Haotian would naturally not do that.

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