The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 280 Red Cloud has no power to fight back

Ji Si returned home anxiously.

As the days passed, Ji Si unexpectedly found that her belly was getting bigger and bigger.

This is the 100,000th year of the Emperor's calendar. In the past, the human race might have only known its mother but not its father, but that is not the case now.

After 100,000 years of enlightenment and influence by the Emperor, the human race has undergone tremendous changes compared to the beginning, even in the long life of the human race.

Some human races who have not practiced cultivation have had countless generations of new people. Naturally, the emperor's teachings have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At this time, the human race wants to have children.

Naturally, we have to get married.

Ji Si had a child without getting married, so she would naturally be questioned by her family, but Ji Si's answer did not satisfy them, and they thought Ji Si was lying.

Because there are many such examples, some women who get pregnant without getting married will say that they are pregnant.

At this time, the most prestigious person in the human race was naturally Fuxi. How was Fuxi born?

It is widely circulated in the human race. When some human women are questioned by their family members, they naturally say that they are pregnant.

The human race naturally believed it at first, but the children born by these women were not surprising, and there were no beings like the Suiren clan who came to take disciples.

He also has no extraordinary qualifications.

According to legend, when Fuxi was born, he had the head of a human and the body of a snake. The innate light filled the house, and all the humans present felt refreshed.

They all said that this son was extraordinary and would be a great sage of the human race in the future.

Finally, the Fire Ancestor appeared, accepted his disciple Fuxi, and taught him the practice. Finally, Fuxi became the emperor, governed the universe, and brought order to the world.

Such stories spread throughout the human race.

Ji Si was naturally distressed because she was obviously pregnant, but was misunderstood by others.

Shouyang Mountain.

I stood on the top of the mountain with a calm expression. After a while, Xuandu walked behind me.

Xuandu said: "Master, I don't know what's going on."

I didn't turn around and said: "The Emperor of Earth is about to be born at this time. He is the reincarnation of Hongyun. If you teach him for a period of time, you can also gain some merit."

Xuandu did not agree immediately and said: "Master, my level is still low. I'm afraid I won't be able to teach the Emperor of Earth well."

I smiled and said: "What do you think you need to teach? He is the reincarnation of Hongyun. After six reincarnations, his memory has been sealed, but one day his memory will be restored. You just need to teach him."

"When his memory recovers in the future, it will be the day when the relationship between your master and disciple is severed."

Xuandu agreed and said: "Master, I will try my best to complete it."

Xuandu knew who Hongyun was. Although he had never seen him, he knew that he was a quasi-sage and a guest in Zixiao Palace. However, he was not lucky enough, otherwise he would have become a saint.

Laozi said: "Then you set off now. This place is not far from the Jiang tribe. I won't see you off."

Xuandu nodded in agreement, flames flew around his body, flew a certain distance, and then broke into the virtual world, heading towards the Jiang tribe as fast as Xuandu could.

Among the Jiang clan.

A powerful human came to the Jiang clan. His clothes were more exquisite than those of ordinary humans, and it seemed like there were patterns of the sun and the moon on them.

It's just that this man's eyes are a little indifferent.

The leader of the Jiang clan stepped forward and asked, "My lord, the patrol envoy, I don't know what is going on here."

The Inspection Envoy inspects the world on behalf of the Emperor. Although the human race has a mellow atmosphere, there are also evil people. The Inspection Envoy is to clean up the human race so that these evil people do not exist in the soil.

The patrol officer's eyes were dark, and a black light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he said seriously: "I heard that there is a pregnant woman here, where is she now?"

The leader of the Jiang clan was a little confused. He didn’t know why the inspector asked about this. It was not a big deal. The emperor always had high moral standards and would not care about such matters. However, when the inspector asked about it, he did not hide it and said: "It's right there. It’s a woman named Ji Si.”

The patrolman's eyes were deep, and there was a sharp light flashing in his eyes, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye, and he said: "Take me over and have a look, maybe it is the son of a monster."

The leader of the Jiang clan shook his head quickly and said: "How is this possible? According to my observation, the aura on Ji Si's body is not mixed, and it does not seem to be related to monsters."

The inspector said, "I'll know if it's there or not."

When the Jiang clan leader saw that the patrolman was determined to go, he couldn't stop him, so he led the way. However, he was very puzzled and felt that the patrolman was a little strange.

Why do you have to look at an ordinary woman, even though this woman says she is pregnant?

The inspection envoy arrived at Ji Si's door and saw a very beautiful woman.

The inspection suddenly turned the eyes into pure black, and the whole body exuded an extremely powerful aura. This aura was pure black, dyeing the world into darkness.

The patrol walked towards Ji Si, clenching one fist into a fist, which contained extremely powerful power. If it fell on Ji Si, it would instantly turn Ji Ji into ashes.

It happened very suddenly, in a flash of lightning.

The leader of the Jiang Clan felt the power of the patrol envoy and discovered that there was a golden immortal level. The leader of the Jiang Clan only had the realm of heavenly immortals, and the Jiang Clan was just a small tribe.

He is not remarkable at all among the human race.

The leader of the Jiang clan was extremely shocked and puzzled. He didn't know why the patrol envoy suddenly showed great power and wanted to harm Ji Si.

You must know that the patrol envoy patrols the world on behalf of Fuxi. How sacred is the emperor? Zhanghe Tuluoshu.

It has the power to calculate heaven and earth.

The innate Bagua of the human race has unpredictable power. The emperor who can create such wonderful methods will have such powerful calculation power.

It is impossible for the inspectors to deceive the emperor. In the past, there were inspectors who wanted to be arrogant, but in the end they were easily discovered by the emperor.


Although the inspectors have great power, no inspectors dare to violate the law anymore.

So the scene in front of him puzzled the Jiang clan leader. Although his thoughts were turning around, a long sword appeared in his hand, trying to stop the inspector's evil deeds.

The long sword carried a powerful force and stabbed the inspector, but the inspector did not even look at it, and there was a force on his body that rebounded.

Easily knocked the Jiang clan leader to the ground.

Ji Si was extremely desperate. She didn't know why someone wanted to kill her. She couldn't figure out what happened...

She was just an extremely ordinary woman, without too many surprises. At most, she was a little beautiful, but no one wanted to kill her.

More importantly, the person who killed her was extremely powerful, and even the clan leader couldn't stop him.

Ji Si knew that the clan leader was powerful and was already an immortal.

He had a long life, but he fell easily under this person's hands.

The inspector's pure black eyes did not fluctuate at all, and he came towards Ji Si to kill her, wanting to turn Ji Si into powder.

The patrol officer unleashed an extremely powerful force, which was not like the force needed to kill an ordinary woman, but the force needed to destroy an extremely powerful creature.

This was undoubtedly directed at Hong Yun in Ji Si's arms. Although Hong Yun's soul was very incomplete, he was a quasi-saint, a sacred being that could shake the world.

Naturally, a stronger force was needed to do this.

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