The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 327: The Fall of Cangjie

Cang Jie felt that the power of Hunyuan around him was getting less and less. Perhaps from the outside, that layer seemed to have no barrier and had not weakened at all.

But Cang Jie knew that if the power of Hunyuan disappeared, he would face an extremely terrifying power.

Unless Cang Jie stopped... and stopped creating characters.

Time passed, and when Cang Jie created 2,999 characters, the power of Hunyuan in his body was exhausted. Such a scene made Cang Jie shudder.

In a trance, he understood the supremacy of the Way of Heaven.

It happened that at the time of 2,999 characters... the power of Hunyuan was exhausted. This was by no means accidental. The power of the Way of Heaven enveloped all time and space.

Diffused with the past, present, and future.

When Kunpeng created 2,999 demon characters, he stopped helplessly in the face of an extremely powerful thunder tribulation, so that Kunpeng did not do his best.

How could the Way of Heaven make something perfect if it was not yet perfect?

Cang Jie understood the reason, but he was unwilling to give up... He had created 2,999 characters, but only the last one was missing.

Cang Jie must create the last one.

The power lingering in the sky made Cang Jie shudder, but what kind of existence was Cang Jie, Chen Yuan's future body.

Among the three bodies, the future body was more mysterious.

If it weren't for the approval of the Chaos Pearl, Chen Yuan would have been defeated by the future body, which shows the extraordinaryness of the future body.

Why was the future body scared?

Falling cannot scare the future body.

The thoughts in his mind did not change, Cang Jie wrote the last word without hesitation, and the countless great masters here were shocked.

In their opinion, Cang Jie would definitely give up the last word.

For the human race, even if there is one less word... it doesn't matter, but to create the last word, you have to face the power of the Heavenly Dao.

In the eyes of countless great masters, the power of Hunyuan on Cang Jie disappeared.

The great masters could not see the situation inside Cang Jie's body. Even if there was still the power of Hunyuan, it must not be much.

Otherwise, there would be no Hunyuan to protect him.

And without the power of Hunyuan... how could Cang Jie resist the thunder tribulation of the Heavenly Dao.

Many great masters sighed in their hearts, knowing that Cang Jie was in danger, and thought... if Cang Jie was not so stubborn, even if there were only 2,999 words.

Heavenly Dao would also give merit.

With merit, you will reach a very high realm in an instant.

And Cang Jie gave up the instantaneous acquisition of powerful power, which made countless great masters puzzled.

But how could they know what Cang Jie was thinking.

Although Cang Jie was unwilling, but in terms of Cang Jie's Dao heart, this unwillingness was still bearable.

It would not affect Cang Jie's final decision.

Cang Jie chose this because he wanted to reincarnate, and there were still traces of the Chaos Demon God on his body. Only reincarnation could make the traces of the Chaos Demon God disappear.

Otherwise, even if he survived, with so many merits, it would not make Cangjie change. What Cangjie lacked was never realm.

He was the future body.

In the Chaos Pearl... he could have cultivated to a very high realm, but the future body wanted to prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, rather than hovering in the realm below Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

That's why he chose to reincarnate.

He would not create the last word because of merits, which could improve his realm.

When Cangjie created the last word, there was a perfect breath that filled the world, and the words floating around Cangjie naturally gathered.

It turned into a book with mysterious fluctuations.

At this moment... an extremely powerful thunderbolt fell from the sky. The last thunderbolt was too terrifying, and its power was restrained to the extreme.

It wanted to take Cangjie's life in an instant.

The sky was murderous, which made Cangjie feel a deep chill.

The book made of three thousand words had a faint fluctuation, and this fluctuation had considerable power.

It offset part of the power of the thunder.

But it still had no effect. Even if only a tiny bit of power fell on Cangjie, Cangjie could not bear it.

He would turn into ashes in an instant...

Cangjie was too weak and had no realm.

The thunder that offset part of its power fell on Cangjie. In an instant... Cangjie felt the burst of power. This power was too strong and Cangjie could not resist it.

Cangjie's body was destroyed.

His soul was about to be wiped out by the terrifying thunder tribulation.

But Cangjie was not afraid at all. There was an extremely terrifying power on his soul... to protect his soul.

There was a supreme defense on Cangjie's soul. This layer of defense was laid by Chen Yuan to protect the soul of the future body.

For Chen Yuan, the soul is the foundation of the future body, and the body is not so important.

This is why Cangjie did not panic.

Countless great masters saw a soul flying in the air. This soul was very powerful and had an extremely powerful protective power on the soul.

The power is so extraordinary that it can treat all living beings as ants...

They confirmed their guess that this should be a pawn of a certain Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian or a saint, so it has such a powerful power in the Yuanshen.

Which saint or Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian it is, the great supernatural power is not clear.

The saint is not clear either.

They only know that it is not themselves, but they don’t know who did it.

Cang Jie, who is only a soul left, sees the calamity cloud dissipate and no longer exist...

The calamity thunder disappeared.

But Cang Jie has no body, and at this moment...the space in front of Cang Jie is constantly fluctuating, as if the calm lake surface is stirred.

Ripples are set off.

Cang Jie is only a soul left...but his divine sense is extremely sharp. He feels the breath coming from behind the space and knows who it is.

There are not many surprises in his heart...

A man appeared in front of Cangjie, his eyes were filled with chaos and misty, and he had an unprecedented vision.

Shennong looked at Cangjie and said, "Wenzu..."

Cangjie looked around and found no other living beings. He understood that Wenzu was calling him. Cangjie said: "Why do you call me Wenzu? I just created words and don't have much credit."

Shen Nong saw that Cang Jie's soul was protected by a force that seemed inconspicuous, but when this force exploded, it could wipe out an entire world. However, Shen Nong felt that although this force was huge.

But still manageable.

But if you attack Cangjie's soul, you will not only have to deal with this power, but also a certain Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal or a saint.

Shennong understood the truth...

Cangjie had made such great contributions to the human race, so Shennong had no reason to be unfavorable to Cangjie.

Shennong said solemnly: "You created words for the human race, so that more humans can no longer be ignorant and understand the vastness of the world, but the narrow world in front of them."

"Those who know more about the human race will definitely benefit the human race better and lead the human race towards a brighter future..."

Cang Jie said: "Even so, we cannot be called ancestors. The Suiren clan lit the fire, the Zhenyi clan brought clothes to the people, and the Youchao clan built the houses. They are called ancestors. I still have some shortcomings."

Shen Nong's expression was extremely solemn and he said in a deep voice: "You are well-deserved to become the ancestor of culture. No matter how many generations the human race reproduces, there will always be your legend until the prehistoric catastrophe."

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