The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 348 Xuanyuan's Enlightenment

These seven merits sank into Xuanyuan's body.

At this moment, Xuanyuan felt that the Great Dao was extremely friendly, as if it bent down for him. His realm of Taiyi Jinxian was all the result of his own cultivation.

There was no falsehood at all...

At this moment, under the merits, the realm was rapidly improving. At a certain moment, Xuanyuan saw a long river with no beginning and no end flowing in the void. It appeared from the hazy past, flowed through the present, and went to the future.

The long river contained indescribable power...

Xuanyuan understood that this was the long river of time and destiny. Seeing it would give him the possibility of becoming a Daluo Jinxian. Daluo Jinxian was not difficult for Xuanyuan.

He had obtained too many merits...

Under the impetus of merits, the true spirit bound by the long river of time and destiny was pulled out and integrated into Xuanyuan's Yuanshen. Xuanyuan only felt an extremely complete feeling, which made Xuanyuan intoxicated.

He had never experienced such perfection.

A life without a true spirit was incomplete. At this moment, it was truly complete, no longer incomplete.

Xuanyuan was deeply moved...

Becoming a Daluo Jinxian allows you to see your past, present, and future, but the future is very vague and unclear, like looking at flowers in the fog or the moon in the water.

Daluo Jinxian is not the end of Xuanyuan.

More profound insights continue to emerge, making Xuanyuan's magic power stronger and his soul more vast. The lack of merit makes up for it, allowing Xuanyuan's realm strength to continue to improve.

Such a speed of improvement...

Let Xuanyuan feel the mystery of merit. No wonder too many creatures are obsessed with merit, especially some creatures who get merit by chance.

It is even more unforgettable for merit.

Xuanyuan felt a brand new long river under merit, a long river full of the breath of the Great Dao. Not many creatures in the prehistoric world know this long river. Many creatures know the long river of time.

But they don't know the long river of the Great Dao.

A wonderful method emerged in Xuanyuan's mind, which made Xuanyuan understand how to become a quasi-saint. Xuanyuan knew where this wonderful method came from.

Xuanyuan performed a magic trick...

I saw a portal standing in the dark, mottled with copper and green, full of the baptism of time, it was tightly closed, as if it didn't want any living creature to enter it.

Xuanyuan pushed the portal open with all his strength. If there was no merit, it would take some time to push open the door of the avenue.

When there was merit, this process was completed in one fell swoop.

Xuanyuan Daoguo entered the long river of the avenue, and Xuanyuan's realm crossed an obstacle and became a quasi-saint. The power of the quasi-saint made Xuanyuan understand the power of Chiyou.

It also made Xuanyuan sigh for his luck...

Without the help of others, Xuanyuan didn't think he could defeat Chiyou. It can only be said that those who have the Tao have many helpers, and those who lose the Tao have few helpers.

Xuanyuan's cultivation has not stopped, and the Daoguo in the long river of the avenue goes deeper. In this process, the breath contained in the Daoguo is more mysterious, until he steps on the steps of the avenue.

Outside, an extremely grand aura permeated the heaven and earth...

Countless great masters sighed in their hearts. A half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was born. Just now, he was a Taiyi Jinxian. Although Taiyi Jinxian has a nearly endless lifespan, too many dangers can kill Taiyi Jinxian.

But Xuanyuan is now a half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The gap between them is like the difference between heaven and earth.

Xuanyuan's realm has undergone earth-shaking changes, and some creatures have also gained merits. Guangchengzi has gained the most merits besides Xuanyuan, but this merit did not satisfy Guangchengzi.

Because Chiyou is powerful...

Let many creatures help Xuanyuan. The total amount of merit is only so much. If you get a little more, others will get a little less. Guangchengzi, who would have gotten more, did not get so much merit because of Chiyou.

Guangchengzi only improved a small realm and became a middle-stage Daluo Jinxian.

Guangchengzi, who looked depressed, walked behind Yuanshi Tianzun. The other twelve golden immortals did not break through a small realm.

They were even more dissatisfied.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked deep, seeing Chiyou in the seal. If it weren't for Chiyou, Guangchengzi would not have only received a little merit, which naturally made Yuanshi Tianzun have no good impression on Chiyou.

Yuanshi Tianzun saw that Chiyou was extremely miserable now.

His body was divided into several pieces, and his soul was seriously injured. Even if he could break the seal and regain freedom in the future.

It was unknown how much time would pass.

In Yuanshi Tianzun's view... this was the punishment that Chiyou had to receive.

Yuanshi Tianzun retracted his gaze...

A figure walked over from a distance, his clothes were extremely complicated and exquisite, and he had a strong aura of the emperor. He walked in front of Shennong and said to Shennong: "Daoyou..."

Shennong looked at Fuxi, knowing that Fuxi was here to pick him up, and said: "Then let's go to Huoyun Palace."

Nuwa saw Fuxi and didn't come over to talk. They had the ability to cross endless time and space.

It was very easy to meet.

Shennong turned to look at Xuanyuan, and then at the human race. Shennong knew that he should leave. The human race no longer needed him at this moment, and he also passed on the position of co-leader.

Shennong said: "Let's go."

A girl walked out of the crowd, with several human beings around her. Many of Shennong's subordinates died of old age. Some of them were at the Golden Immortal realm or above, although they did not die.

But many left...

The human race around the girl was the one who stayed. Although there were not many, they were all at the Golden Immortal realm or above.

Otherwise, they would have died long ago...

Fuxi and Shennong walked in front. There was a huge portal in front of them, which spanned an extremely distant space.

"Farewell to the Emperor of Earth..."

The people of Youxiong City saw Shennong leaving, and under the leadership of Xuanyuan, they said respectfully.

Shennong felt the situation behind him, he looked back and smiled.

Shennong was relieved. He tasted hundreds of herbs and planted grains. The scenes of his experience among the human race appeared in front of him.

Shennong sighed a little...

At this time, an ancient human was singing an ancient ballad, and the breath of time was blowing in his face. He was Shennong's subordinate and saw Shennong's past with his own eyes...

Singing Shennong's past.

Shennong had survived countless times and had died completely. If it weren't for the divine rescue, Shennong would have disappeared in the long river of time.

Too many people had tears in their eyes, thinking of the legend of Shennong...

Shennong and Fuxi stepped into the light gate, completely ending the era of the Emperor of Earth. Chendu, the symbol of the era of the Emperor of Heaven and the era of the Emperor of Earth, was also refined into a world bead by Shennong and given to Nuwa.

It is difficult for people to recall the past era of the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Earth through Chendu.

Shennong looked back and saw a Taoist looking at him in the crowd.

The Taoist exuded a quiet aura and held a whisk. The two looked at each other and Shennong's figure completely disappeared.

The Taoist also disappeared. He came to see Shennong off...

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